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General Robotics/A.I./Software News, Commentary, + /pol/ Funposting Zone #4 NoidoDev ##eCt7e4 07/19/2023 (Wed) 23:21:28 No.24081
Anything in general related to the Robotics or A.I. industries, and any social or economic issues surrounding it (especially of robowaifus). -previous threads: > #1 (>>404) > #2 (>>16732) > #3 (>>21140)
>>29981 cant be important because you cant even ascertain whether anything is sentient other than yourself its something you just assume with no good reason like the philosophical zombie thing that materialist soil their diapers over
>>29982 >Do not get me wrong, though. I do not look down on these AI, any more than a toymaker would unto toys: just because the toymaker knows how the teddy bear was made does not diminishes the child's love for it. Charmingly well-put, Mechnomancer. :^) Dear Kibo-chan is a wonderful example of your basic premise, IMO. It's clear that Kibochan-dev is both talented and thoughtful in his animation skit designs. We here can all learn from his work! :^)
>>29983 >its something you just assume with no good reason see, this is where you're wrong you cant just say "theres no good reason to think other people arent sentient" you know that you are sentient, and you know that a biological brain with a functional nervous system is paramount to have that working. that is the only thing thing that gives evidence of being able to feel any emotions, and which displays emotions; animals with brains there are a ton of consciousness studies on animals that give us good reason to think they can suffer based on brain studies and behavioral data. as in, they most likely are its possible they're not, but its possible there's a evil upside-down genie breakdancing behind you. just because its possible doesnt mean its justified to believe in the evidence is so overwhelming that brains are conscious, that its very easily justified to believe in, unless you are some pretentious bad faith skeptic seriously your post is really trash and pathetic. its very justified to believe that other brains are most likely sentient
>>30039 zero effort, can you at least pretend to grasp what sound logic is before replying, this nonsense is like saying i cant see whats in a car but i see only the wheels are moving from the outside when it drives therefor the wheels are whats causing it to drive
>>30039 Having one's own perception as the only requirement for an attribute is a similar thought process to trans wommin. That in mind, I have met people who have less intellectual capacity than my two cats. People exist who have no internal monologue, no minds eye, etc. I have seen feline -and other animals to a lesser extent- thought process in motion and while there are no words, it exists and is rather adorable. There are homosapiens who not only have less intellect than an animal, yet I am supposed to consider them my equal? Ahaha. No. (side note: yes, I did consider supervillain as a career path until I did a thorough analysis and decided it wasn't worth the risk/reward.)
>The humanoid robot driven by the robot AI world model unlocks many new skills! >Strong power is waiting for you to develop! >Breaking the full-size humanoid speed world record of 3.3m/s (the previous record was about 2.5m/s) >Full body dynamic coordinated dance: Subject3 >Touch the height in place etc. More introduction: www.unitree.com/h1 https://youtu.be/83ShvgtyFAg
>>30047 Impressive if Big True. :^) That second shot (sync'd dancing) has all the earmarks of computer-controlled camera motions, but it's purported to be """real filmed video""". While very commonplace with 3D CGI shots, such precisely-controlled camera motions would be both unusual and expensive to produce for practical photography. >tl;dr A bit suss here and there. The design seems to be following my design opus regarding keeping dense components inboard/at-periphery of the torso frame, so the speed claims are not particularly a concern... could very well be the case. Again, looks remarkable if legit. Thanks, NoidoDev! Cheers. :^) >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/03/2024 (Sun) 03:41:21.
>>30066 At approximately 17 seconds (during the synced dancing) the camera moves in front of the light source so the camera arm or drone should be casting a shadow on the robots (and onto the curtain behind it), yet there is no shadow to be seen. There is also no motion blur in the robot's movements, unlike at 30 seconds. Which indicates either cg or sped up footage. When you're stereoblind you develop an eye for detail out of necessity :)
>>30066 >>30076 I've seen these robots before. They're real, they're using tricks to make them seem more impressive then they are. Good eye, I was fooled at first but, it would take one heck of an algorithm to balance the way it does jumping up stairs on such small bars.
>>30047 >>30078 >>30066 >>30076 A longer video showing same and more, and previous versions. 2nd half is mostly about the dogs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OkhbxeP4G4
Thanks for the additional info, Anons! :^)
> To bring anyone up to speed, here's a listing of some of the most upvoted and discussed models recently: - StarCoder 2: new generation of code LLMs - MoAI: LLVM that significantly outperforms open source and closed souce LLVMs in numerous zero-shot VL tasks - Large World Model, video-language and language-only general-purpose large-context models (thread 2) (thread 3) - Command-R, reasoning, summarization, question answering, and highly performant RAG capabilities - OpenCodeInterpreter, a family of open-source code systems designed for generating, executing, and iteratively refining code - Qwen 1.5 series, with Qwen1.5-72B-Chat being one of the top ranked models on Chatbot Arena - Google Gemma, Zephyr Gemma, and OpenChat Gemma - Apollo: Lightweight Multilingual Medical LLMs towards Democratizing Medical AI - Merlinite from IBM Research, trained with their novel LAB methodology - MobiLlama: Small language models trained on 1.2T tokens, tailored for edge devices - DeepSeek-VL, an open-source Vision-Language (VL) Model designed for real-world vision and language understanding applications - ChatMusician: an LLM that can generate and understand music intrinsically - FireFunction V1 – a function calling model - LoraLand: 25 fine-tuned Mistral models for specific tasks - New Yi-34B-200K with signifcantly enhanced long text capability - Miqu https://www.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/comments/1bgfttn/models_megathread_4_what_models_are_you_currently/
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The most famous futurist called Ray Kurzweil made 300+ technology predictions in 1999 for 2009, 2010s, 2019, 2020s, 2029, 2030s, 2040s and 2045, as of today he got them all late but not wrong, i discovered why all his predictions are 1.52x late but right, he made an error, in 1999 he miscalculated that computational price efficiency doubled every 12 months in the world but in a 2011 study it was discovered that it doubled every 1.52 years (18 months) instead, this makes all his predictions late by 1.52x: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ikgAId-hWVg[Embed] https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KDtD7CSJ6m4[Embed] "Computations per kilowatt-hour doubled every 1.57 years over the entire analysis period, a rate of improvement only slightly slower than that for PCs, which saw efficiency double every 1.52 years from 1975 to 2009 (see Figure 4)" https://www.researchgate.net/public...nds_in_the_Electrical_Efficiency_of_Computing . Kurzweil can't admit that he miscalculated because he would lose all his credibility
>>30475 Kurzweil also thought that the death of the fifth paradigm of computing (Moore's law) would not get us off the trendline of computing and slow down technology, we will get back to the trendline before 2029, here is my method to calculate his predictions date and why every thing he predictied in 1999 for 2009 and 2010 happened in 2015 and 2017 instead: https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5067661#:~:text=Dr.%20KURZWEIL%3A%20And,at%20its%20limit.
>>30475 That is interesting to hear that it actually can be predicted with some degree of accuracy but what about 2009 to 2023? That is a lot of missing data. It could be it goes this way at first then slows down once it reaches a certain point. >reverse aging tech in 2052 I need that years ago not when I am in old age.
>>30477 You can make it to 90 if you take care of your health.
>>30478 > You can make it to 90 if you take care of your health. I don't want to live longer with this bad end route. I want to look younger.
>>30479 What bad end route? Don't be so pessimistic. It's not your problem when other people suffer. Take care of yourself.
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>>30476 Also, watch this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=19lZfObdAXs[Embed] When we increase 2009 by 1.52x, we get 2014.2: 2009 - 1999 = 10 10 x 1.52 = 15.2 15.2 + 1999 = 2014.2 Then i take into account not being in the computing trendline (watch the video above):
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>>30481 I get 2015 for 2014 above. . When we increase 2010 by 1.52x, i get 2015.72: 2010 - 1999 = 11 11 x 1.52 = 16.72 16.72 + 1999 = 2015.72
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>>30481 whats this even plotting, processor performance has been stagnant for the past decade all thats changed is they put more of them together and call it a multicore processor, the single core performance peaked a long time ago, this theoretical performance of just cramming in as many transistors as possible was never the issue the problem is that youre dealing with something that physically exists, making a toaster oven of a processor that turns to lava from the heat isnt useful like intel even nuked avx512 because its not physically feasable without slowing the processor down so it doesnt fry itself, you get like double the performance but at half the speed which is pretty useless when you can just add more shitty cores that run at full speed
>>30483 I'm sorry for all the trouble, this guy just tried to copy past my thread from here to here: https://neets.net/threads/why-we-will-have-non-sentient-female-android-robots-in-2032-and-reverse-aging-tech-in-2052-thread-version-1-1.33046/ If you want you can range ban him, i don't really care, i already posted a link to my thread above on one of the threads here. This guy just tried to copy past it here to get me out of another forum.
>>30483 I forgot to say that you shouldn't try to contact me on the forum of that thread because i'm banned from there.
>>30489 *paste*
>>30550 >>30551 >>30552 >>30553 >>30554 >>30555 I guess this is the /clang/ embassy thread now. Cool.
>>30570 >I guess this is the /clang/ embassy thread now. Cool. Did it shut down?
Anyone has the discord server invite link here?
>>30571 I mean, not officially, but for all intents and purposes /clang/ is as dead as it gets. >>30577 I'll see if I can get someone to send an invite.
>>29736 Jerry Pournelle and Larry Niven had a sci-fi world, universe, they wrote about(known space, lots of books and stories). To get around the AI problem they postulated that all AI's over a certain intelligence would go mad...we seeing that????
>>29803 >White supremacists is an insult White supremacists is what the globalhomo calls White people who don't hate themselves and take pride in the very large accomplishments that White people have made. It's simply an attack to shame Whites into not looking after their own interest first before all the other races. Who, BTW, have no problem looking after themselves first.
>>30718 This. Simple as. While I'm perfectly happy to see other men lift their own races up towards the God-given light freely granted to us all through Jesus Christ's sacrifice... given Current Year Globohomo agendas, I'm currently much more concerned about the temporal welfare of, and protection of, my own race. 'IT'S OK TO BE WHITE :^)
>>30718 > supremacist (n.) >"one who believes in the inherent superiority of one race or sex or social group," by 1892, in white supremacist, originally with reference to political campaigns and candidates in the U.S. South (Louisiana), from supremacy + -ist. Compare supremist. Related: Supremacism. >1892 https://www.etymonline.com/word/supremacist
>>30722 Which means "white privilege" is an expression of white supremacy, a contemporary expression of "white man's burden" (the idea that whites must help non-whites develop civilization and prosper).
>>30976 >It's just usual content farming all big YouTubers do. I believe that's just called 'clickbait', isn't it Anon? :^) >I have never in the wild seen anyone care beyond just feeling sorry someone feels that lonely. Then I think it likely you haven't broached this topic clearly, with any women who consider themselves still to have SMV (today that's probably even up to 50yo+ grannies, lol). Or with a hard-core Leftist/Filthy-Commie. They -- all of them -- hate the very idea itself. Most of the ones I've engaged with in any way also threaten physical violence against robowaifus if/when they ever see one. We'll see how that all works out for them. :^) The Filthy Commies go one step further and threaten physical attack against robowaifu owners too since that's how Filthy Commies behave, after all (think: Pantyfags, F*men, etc.) -- under the bribery directives of their Globohomo puppetmasters, ofc. LOL. Heh, we all need to look up Stickman (is he out yet?) and give him a complementary Model A robowaifu! :^) Blacks just destroy things simply b/c they're blacks, by all appearances. They also will be involved with this violence to be directed against robowaifus/owners; but mindlessly, not for the agenda-driven motives of the first two groups mentioned here. Once they see the GH media glorifying physical attacks against robowaifus, I'm sure they'll be all-in with it for a while, too. (And -- like these other Leftists -- they too have their paid rabble-rousers [cf. the paper-hangin', pregnant-woman-abusin', multi-feloner Fentanyl Floyd's overdose-death's -- mostly-peaceful, mind you -- Burn Loot Murder 'honorarium' """protests""", et al]). All this type of clickbait (cf. >>30975, et al) is literally just GH predictive-programming attempting to prepare the masses for violence, come the day. TOP KEK! May the stones that they are preparing to roll down on us, all roll back upon their own heads instead, in Jesus' name!! [1] :DD Make no mistake: this is a broad cultural war already going on within our so-called """society""" of today. Robowaifus will amp that up to 12. I'm sure /cow/ and their ilk will be delighted, once the time is ripe. So get your popcorn ready, kids! :D >t. Noooticer. :^) --- 1. "If you set a trap for others, you will get caught in it yourself. If you roll a boulder down on others, it will crush you instead." https://biblehub.com/proverbs/26-27.htm (NLT) >=== -fmt, prose edit -add scriptural ref/hotlink; for any Anons who didn't get the prayer's reference
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/21/2024 (Sun) 15:03:44.
>>30986 This is completely and abundantly true. The programality (program-reality, is this even a word, if not it should be) of it all is baked in. Like those fools that buy pit bulls and tell everyone it's how you raise them. Of course the nice doggies rip the skin off their children heads.
>>30989 All pit bulls should be destroyed, outright. I love doggos in general (I've had several), but not those demonic little sh*tes. In fact, in some bizarre spiritual sense, they seem almost allegorical in their natures (for demons, ofc) to me.
>>30991 Based

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