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Actuators For Waifu Movement Part 3 Kiwi 12/06/2023 (Wed) 01:18:16 No.27021
(1stl thread >>406 2nd thread >>12810) Kiwi back again with a thread for discussing actuators to move your waifu! Part Three! Let's start with a quick introduction to common actuators! 1. DC motors, these use brushes to switch the ferrous core electromagnets on a rotor to rotate its magnetic field relative to surrounding magnets! They're one of the cheapest options with an average efficiency range of 30 to 90%. Larger DC motors and motors with higher turn counts are more efficient. 1.5 Coreless DC motors, by removing ferrous materials, losses from hysteresis are almost eliminated, dramatically increasing efficiency to nearly 90% even in small motors. Eliminating the ferrous materials reduces flux focusing, resulting in weaker fields and higher speeds. 2. Brushless DC motors (BLDC), these use a controller to switch the electromagnets on a stator to rotate the magnets of a rotor! Without brushes, they have the potential to be more efficient with higher power density compared to DC motors. Their efficiency and behavior vary depending on the algorithm and sensors used to control them. Coreless brushless motors exist but are rare and only used for very niche applications. 3. AC motors, a wide and incredibly varied category. They all rely on AC’s frequency to control them. With single phase AC motors relying on shaded poles, capacitors, or some other method to induce a rotating magnetic field. 3 phase AC motors naturally have a rotating field which usually gives them higher efficiency and power density. Notably, most AC motors are brushless. The most commonly used brushed AC motor is the universal motor, which is 4. Stepper motors, brushless motors with ferrous teeth to focus magnetic flux. This allows for incredible control (stepping) at the cost of greater mass, subsequently giving them higher rotary inertia. Usually 50 to 80% efficient depending on control algorithm/speed/and quality of the stepper. Due to their increasing mass production (& ubiquitous low cost controllers), they have appeal as a lower cost alternative to BLDC motors if one carefully designs around them. 5. Coiled Nylon Actuators! These things have an efficiency rating so low it's best to just say they aren't efficient. (0.01% typical, 2% achieved under extremely specific conditions in a lab.) Though they are exciting due to their incredible low cost of fabrication, they’re far too slow and the energy requirements are nonsensical. https://youtu.be/S4-3_DnKE9E https://youtu.be/wltLEzQnznM 6. Hydraulics! These rely on the distribution of pressure in a working liquid to move things like pistons. Though popular in large scale industry, their ability to be used in waifu's has yet to be proven. (Boston Dynamics Atlas runs on hydraulics but it's a power guzzler and heavy) Efficiency varies wildly depending on implementation. They would work great for a giantess! 7. Pneumatics, hydraulics lighter sister! This time the fluid is air! This has the advantage in weight. They aren't capable of the same power loads hydraulics are but, who wants their waifu to bench press a car? (Too loud and inefficient for mobile robotics.) 8. Wax motors, hydraulic systems where the working fluid is expanding melted (commonly paraffin) wax! Cheap, low power, and produce incredible forces! Too bad they're slow and hard to control. 9. Explosion! Yes, you can move things through explosions! Gas engines work through explosions! Artificial muscles can be made by exploding a hydrogen and oxygen mixture in a piston, then using hydrolysis to turn the water back into hydrogen and oxygen. None of this is efficient or practical but it's vital we keep our minds open! Though there are more actuators, most are derivatives or use these examples to work. Things like pulleys need an actuator to move them. Now, let's share, learn, and get our waifu moving! Servos! These use an actuator and sensor to control motion. DC, coreless DC, and BLDC motors are the most commonly used actuators for servos in mobile robotics. Potentiometers or hall effect sensors are the most commonly used sensors to detect rotary motion in servo systems. >Soft muscles (pneumatic system) with origami-inspired skeletons: https://youtu.be/OJO4FP0DXgQ[ >Printed pneumatics (TSA can also be used instead of pneumatics for actuation.) https://youtu.be/_X0rDW6NQ58 >Using sugar as soluble support material for printing silicone muscles: https://youtu.be/L0Z0-y3qpNk >Cavatappi artificial muscles (hydraulic coiled nylon hybrid): https://youtu.be/yXAJGH5s4cs https://youtu.be/MpCFumHFZvU https://www.designnews.com/automation/cavatappi-robot-muscles-have-5-times-strength-human-muscles >Twisted string actuators (TSA) Be extremely careful when choosing your strings. They will be put under extreme strain and must be durable. https://youtu.be/N4VMoYFrusg https://youtu.be/hFuzQ4ed-t0 https://youtu.be/J26y1nn7JMM https://youtu.be/zYrHGMiqC9A https://youtu.be/PABVsuV7Y1M https://youtu.be/tP9B3aqc4CI https://youtu.be/Y1uceDzhjKY >Continuous ransmission (CVT) / torque converters https://youtu.be/kVPjhmTThPo https://youtu.be/cd2-vsTzd9E https://youtu.be/c9e2y-5DMNc https://youtu.be/PEq5_b4LWNY >=== -edit subj
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 12/06/2023 (Wed) 03:06:55.
>In this electronics basics episode we will have a closer look at motor encoders. Those can not only turn any motor into an awesome and satisfying input device for your projects; but can also turn any kind of motor into a kind of stepper motor. There are many different types of such encoders. So let me show you how they work, what they do and how you can use them. https://youtu.be/d3IH8zwUVYU https://www.solomotorcontrollers.com https://www.youtube.com/@SOLOMotorControllers
Thanks for your nice inputs here, Noido Dev. Cheers.
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>>25792 Hey Kiwi, > I have a new hoverboard which uses a cheap Chinese chip that no one has figured out how to hack yet. It looks like that chip is here, under the "Three Gate Driver Chips" picrel. Click on the MM32SPIN05/06 = 2 boards link. https://github.com/RoboDurden/Hoverboard-Firmware-Hack-Gen2.x/wiki I got there from here: https://github.com/RoboDurden/Hoverboard-Firmware-Hack-Gen2.x RoboDurden seems to be one of the masters at reflashing hoverboards. Hope this helps.
I found this guys video channel on YouTube where he covers an extraordinary amount of actuators and motors and damn near everything. It covers not only all types of electric motors, also, pneumatic, hydraulic and even covers all the math from the very basics to do detailed analysis of all of these. And all the parts needed plus programmable logic control and circuits to control all these things. A PILE! As I was scrolling through his set of instruction videos it blew me away the depth of material this guy covers. It would be well worth bookmarking this and when you have a question scroll through his videos as an answer, while maybe not easy, is likely there. https://www.youtube.com/@bigbadtech/videos?view=0&sort=dd&shelf_id=0
>>30048 Yeah, that looks like a goldmine, Grommet. Thanks very much! :^) yt-dlp -i https://www.youtube.com/@bigbadtech/videos Do it today, /robowaifu/ anons! :^)
I seem to have found a kind of actuator that hasn't been mentioned before but im not sure? Apparently there is something I think is called an electromagnetic feedback linear actuator. So far this is only one I could find. It seems similar to a solenoid but it apparently isn't. I assume the price when hidden like this is they price you base on how many you want to buy. I am not looking to buy anything so not looking for a quote myself so I can't be bothered to ask them. https://irisdynamics.com/products/orca-series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZ7T1H1uPSc These seem ideal in sense of being fairly quiet since I find nothing sexy about a robowaifu that sounds like a power drill from screw based linear actuators.
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After attempting to work with servomotors to animate a simple leg, I gave up on this idea due to the weakness of the system. With the help of ChatGPT, I realized that I needed to switch to a pneumatic system instead." Servomotors: Frequently employed in hobbyist applications such as small-scale robots and precise motion control systems like those found in 3D printers. Pneumatic Motors: for average applications like automotive assembly lines. Hydraulic Motors: powered by hydraulic fluid, utilized for heavy-duty machinery like bulldozers, providing high torque. The next challenge is figuring out how to set up a pneumatic solution, as there isn't a plug-and-play option available on marketplace. Here's a list of products that can do the job: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005870528273.html - air cylinder https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000329351824.html - valve to connect between the air cylinder and the air pump https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006519202716.html - basic electrical air pump for easier modification ability. https://aliexpress.com/item/1005005209160156.html - For the question of controlling airflow, solenoid valve can do the job to on/off the air flow through a dev board https://aliexpress.com/item/1005005209160156.html https://bc-robotics.com/tutorials/controlling-a-solenoid-valve-with-arduino/ Now it's time to put this brainstorm into action!
>>30222 >Irisdynamic's Orca Actuator I'm pretty sure this was mentioned before, since I knew about it. But thanks anyways! The issue was that even the smallest ones they had a few years ago were quite big and heavy. Close maybe, but still rather a bit big. Though, these might be very useful to build VR rigs moving a vehicle simulator smoothly around. So I guess and hope this company will stick around. I would't rule them out completely, it's good to keep an eye on it. >>30245 >pneumatic system Thanks, keep us updated on it please, whatever comes out of it.
>>30245 What servo were you using? What kind of leg did you set up? Length and mass of the upper and lower leg. Post pictures.
>>30251 chat logs are there: https://alogs.space/robowaifu/res/418.html#13541 I spent 100 euros on this, but upon reflection, I believe I could achieve a more cost-effective solution by using a pneumatic equipment.
>>30256 So, the leg is equivalent to a 100cm doll leg, safe to assume a steel skeleton? Moving with thick silicone providing resistance. The link to your servos doesn't work. I'd use 40kg.cm servos as a minimum if you replaced the steel skeleton with a low density plastic. 80 to 100+ if you kept the steel skeleton. Servos usually are represented with their stall torque parameters. Do the math for the leverage force needed and multiply it by 4 to find your stall torque. This is because servos are designed to reach their stall torque for brief moments. As an example; to set up a simple robot maid arm, with upper arm length of 23cm lower arm 22cm and her joints and end effector add up to 5cm. To lift a kg load, assuming the arm has a total mass of a kg, you'd multiply distance 50cm by half mass of the arm .5kg plus load 1kg to get 75kg.cm. Based on that, you'd want to use a 300kg.cm servo in her shoulder. This is just a simplification to demonstrate how high torques can be at human scales.
>>30256 Ah, you are that guy. Nice to see you back. >>30258 >80 to 100+ if you kept the steel skeleton Steel doesn't need the same diameter, a combination of plastic an steal might be a bit heavier than just plastics but much stronger. >calculation Interesting, thanks.
>>30250 >I'm pretty sure this was mentioned before, since I knew about it. Possibly. I mainly was searching for the word "magnet" and nothing came up. Didn't think of searching by manufacturer branding. >The issue was that even the smallest ones they had a few years ago were quite big and heavy. Hm looking at the Orca 6 LITE the mechanical body is 2.4 kg (5.29 lbs) and the shaft is 1.38kg (3.04lbs). Im not sure why the cheapest one is no lighter than most other models.
>>30245 >>30250 Check out Clippard Minimatic. They have pretty much been the leaders in small-scale pneumatic systems for labs and process control for production lines. Lots of their stuff is on ebay. https://www.clippard.com/
>>30258 Indeed, the skeleton was made up with steel tubes, but going forward, I'll switch to 2020 aluminum profiles for improved design customization. I was used 35kg.cm or 50kg.cm Indeed, the challenge with servos lies in the scale of torques required for human-scale applications, where the servo motor torque needs to match the demands of the human skeleton. However, the downside of this is that the motor torque capability of the servomotor is determined by its size. I am hopeful that I will not encounter this issue when dealing with a pneumatic system instead of a servo system. >>30260 Thank you, It's great to be back in the world of robotics, I thought Elon Musk's Optimus robot would dominate the field, but still waiting :| >>30266 Nice found, Bing AI shared me several cool website: https://makerindustry.com/pneumatic-robot-arms/ https://www.rowse-pneumatics.co.uk/blog/post/pros-and-cons-of-pneumatic-robots https://www.quincycompressor.com/how-a-pneumatic-robot-arm-works/
Interesting high ration gear reduction. From the most excellent Robert Murray-Smith. He is another one of those with videos on a huge amount of stuff. Mostly DIY. In this he shows the gear and where it came from plus has links to 3D print files to make your own, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsFHEf-oRk4 He's another you might be interested in bookmarking. Look at his hundreds of videos. He started with a lot of battery, super capacitor, inks and then decided to spread out into all sorts of DIY gears, wind mills, materials, lots and lots on all sorts of electric motors and a ton of stuff. Of particular interest to me is his graphene production. He shows many ways to make it. One of the most recent you use a blender, graphite and whey, yes, whey, to make a liquid solution of graphene. He made some of this and put it in an old fashioned Casein glue/plastic(I believe). Casein is good stuff on it's own. They used to glue airplanes together with it before epoxies. He added 1/2% of graphene and made a bulletproof puck a centimeter or so thick(I think the plastic is casein based but not sure). They shot it with a 9mm and no change. They made a hook with it and suspended some huge guys off of it and the steel rings broke before the hook. This is one way to make extraordinarily strong plastics. It would make a fine skeleton. I wonder if it would do the same in a polyester matrix resin like they use for fiberglass but substitute graphene or glass/graphene combination? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXZ1gfJMtW4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcLd4h095DQ 1943 Unbreakable Plastic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoGPRXjCwwA
BTW this new research on making graphene cheaply means in not too long you will begin to see this stuff in all sorts of things. Consumer products like sporting goods first and eventually in airplanes and stuff like that. It will bring super high efficiency because it will make things so lightweight. This has all sorts of second order effects. If you make it lighter, you need smaller motors to move stuff and smaller motors also makes it lighter so now they are even smaller, this stuff compounds making ever higher performance with ever less materials.
>>30293 >>30294 Thanks for the channel recommendation. This guy really covers a lot of different things and his video output rate is really high. I've been excited about graphene for a long time. Glad to see that more R&D effort is being spent on it.
>>30309 I wish to bring to your attention two of his videos that seem to me to be the best. He has thousands and I've seen most. Here's simple ways to make graphene. One is a method to make graphene foam. title to search for "Making Graphene Foam From Table Sugar" The next is how to add whey. This keeps the graphene from recombining. I'm not sure if you need this. Maybe you could grind up from the first method and that would be good enough. There does seem to be a problem with dispersion into powders. With the liquid method you have a liquid. He was using it to reinforce concrete and getting really strong concrete. "If" you wanted to mix with a powder the whey treated graphene you would need to dry it. He says centrifuge. None of this is beyond kitchen chemistry. The strength of this stuff is off the charts. it makes steel look weak and likely anything you can get to mix it in will become super strong. "1933 Blood Graphene - A Way To Make Graphene From Blood, Eggs Or Milk"
Has there been any robots that used a shape memory polymer as an actuator? I know nitinol has been used for tiny bots. SMPs seems to rebound a fair amount faster than nitinol from what i can see in videos. You can actually even buy SMP filaments for 3D printing. Though problem I see is even if you use a mechanism to heat it locally and controlled the state such filament regains it's original shape is increased heat which also is what is required to reshape it so it's difficult to tell how much push or pull force it can provide.
Switched reluctance motors are great for gaining a better understanding of the physics which governs motor movement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IUVjp03On8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAhF45AtsgA
>>30353 Yes, they're about 1~5% efficient, are slow, need high precision heat control, do not work in cold or hot environments without good engineering, etc... Though cheap and easy as crisps, they just have too many problems. I like them and wish they can be cheap and electroactive while requiring sub kV range voltages If you're interested, read papers published on them and try to make your own. There's plenty of room for improvements and I'd be grateful to have a viable alternative to heavy gear motors. PLA and plastic polymers based on it could be a great and cheap start to your research. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiOn-LqW4KI
>>30353 I don't know why I overlooked that, but some of us want to use water cooling inside, then store it and it might be used for muscles (e.g. nylon) which are just complementary. I also think small muscles might make sense in some places, e.g. the face. > SMP filaments Thanks, I'll look into it. >>30549 Interesting, especially with that video, thanks.
>>30549 Isn't that 1-5% just for one specific kind the kind of coiled nylon muscles or I may be getting mixed up. Though I came across info on why heat is a poor activator, it is faster to heat an object than cool it so it isnt exactly even how it operates. Doing more digging I just now came across solid state actuators which includes things such as ionic polymer metal composites which seemingly can operate at low voltage. Ive yet to figure out performance and possible use of them. Im not sure why they think only make a flat object instead of a design that can have pulling force like a cross pattern or something XXXXXXXXX but maybe it would be too weak to be of use? https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1385894723027079 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1jkAQ-pBpU >>30557 Id question using water. My thought was using electric heating wires to control the SMPs but Im second guessing using SMPs that require temperature changes.
>>30578 >Id question using water. My thought was using electric heating wires to control the SMPs We had this several times during the years, not sure if something changed. If you have wires bending then they might break. I recall some video testing these actuators and the results simply weren't good. Good look anyways, but always keep in mind it has to work 10k*X times or 100k*X times.
>>30353 You are probably the same who posted it, I'm just linking it here: Silicone shape memory polymer >>30584 - Idk, maybe this will be interesting for smaller muscles, like in the face.
> Homebuilt Electric Motors Just leaving this here for now. https://www.bavaria-direct.co.za/
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>Servo Horn: Pick the right one. via >>30927
>>27021 >Boston Dynamics Atlas runs on hydraulics but it's a power guzzler and heavy Their hydraulic Atlas was retired and they have an electric one now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29ECwExc-_M
Well, the idea of using a rotary cylinder fueled by air or oil seems outdated now. Thank you Boston Dynamics, for saving me time and money, I guess :p Looking at how their servos look, the idea would be to DIY our own servomotor with a large AC or DC motor :/
It's the servo motors that make up the structure of this robot, the mistake was to set a structural basis and attach servo motors to it.
>>30969 Heh, they are going to run into the whole power/mass ratio issue now, same as all the other humanoid robotics companies. Burning hydrocarbons is a very energy-dense way to motivate cars (or robots). Now they are taking the 'EV' pill, they will be on level ground with say, Optimus. >tl;dr BD has a long row to hoe now. But of course the perceived """superiority""" of their competition will probably light a bigger fire under the other vendors. This, ofc, should accelerate the eventual introduction of home-based service robots -> companion robots. All of them GH Surveillance-State Specials, sadly. >>30970 Great insight, Anon. I've been trying to think several design approaches for a while that take advantage of this very concept. Volume is certainly one of the several severe constraints we're all up against here.
>>30969 >Well, the idea of using a rotary cylinder fueled by air or oil seems outdated now. I wouldn't be so quick to rule out hydraulics. I HATE hydraulics. I've complained about them a lot but...with the right valves they are super cheap and they solve a lot of problems. I much prefer straight electric but to have lifelike waifus hydraulics would be far easier to do and MUCH easier to mass produce. In the video here, >>30956 He talks about spending 35 hours straight soldering alone. One of the main problems with hydraulics in terms of efficiency , in machinery anyway, is that the pumps run all the time and bypass flow the extra pressure not needed. The problem is if a pump is set for max pressure and flow then when not using max, it waste an a enormous amount of power. But, if we use electricity to control a pump and have some accumulator to store pressure then the efficiency becomes much better.(So that no one whines, I note, yes "some" hydraulic systems have some control over the pump but most still waste some amount of energy flowing back pressure.)
Here's an idea. First visualize one of those party toys that is a rolled up flat sheet-tube. You blow on it and it unrolls and makes a cylinder. So instead of blowing the inside and unrolling it, we have it full of fluid and compress it to push out the fluid. Roll it up. Long skinny bladder with an iron covering that can still roll up. We doing the opposite of the party blower thing. To operate it put an electric field on the end and the bladder will try to pull in the iron just like a solenoid. But since it's a long tube the only way to do so is to roll up, forcing out the fluid. This is srt of whacked "but" since all of your muscles would be made of badders and bladders could be cast "theoretically", for the whole body at one time with liquid plastics/rubber. Once you had the pattern you could churn them out.
Since actuators are all tied up with the sensors to position them, a reference to a comment I made in the skin section that may be relevant here also. >>30980
>>30974 >iron covering I wish to make this more clear because people may get the idea it's some big iron plate. No, it could be iron oxide particles embedded in silicon or rubber. If you notice while this is a different form I have not given up on the idea of inductive reactance motors. Mostly because they are cheap, fast, lightweight and powerful for their size. Yes you can do a little better with super expensive rare earth magnets but...they're super expensive and do you want a magnetic waifu that has metal sticking to it, I think not.
>>30982 force is proportional to mass, some dust isnt going to create a lot of force
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https://www.zygotebody.com/ There are so many muscles/actuators to set up for just one arm, and the deltoids are composed of three smaller muscles :o Indeed, it would be much easier to use only three large servomotors that control Yaw, Pitch and Roll rotations. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003988911701.html However, the issue is that the rpm is really slow for acceptable torque: 24V, 11rpm, 85kg.cm Perhaps a 1000W Brushless DC Motor coupled with a gear set would do the job. But since I cannot find the gear set, I might have to build it myself, possibly with the help of the following website for delving into gear configurations and building custom solutions: https://drivetrainhub.com/gears/
>>30988 Nice observations, Anon. Please continue! Cheers. :^)
>>30988 or you can downgear by way of pulleys instead of gears which will be a more quiet outcome and imo easier to make than gears. Just need small bearings and some scrap plastic and some string and a sewing needle and scissors as only tools.
>>30984 >force is proportional to mass, some dust isnt going to create a lot of force No F=MA You left out the A part and the A in this case is due to the electromotive force on the, as you call it, dust. I assure you if you get between the "dust" and a 20 Tesla magnet you will feel some serious force.
>>30988 >three large servomotors that control Yaw, Pitch and Roll Yes much easier but it would look too much like a robot to me. Obviously this is an issue with me, others might not mind this. Of course trying to replicate the muscles in a human body complicates things a good deal but...that's what I would find more attractive.
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>>30990 Thank you :] I've tallied up four large servomotors for one leg, so it might cost around 100 euros of servos, assuming each of them has a torque of 1 Nm: www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005428153048.html Cheers >>30995 Oh like a bicycle's gearing system, sounds like an interesting challenge to take on >>30997 Interesting thought, the tactile sensation of touching filament, indeed differs from the hardened material of servomotors
>>30999 I think it would be more like a stringbike rather than a normal chain and sprocket system wouldn't it? >>30995
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>>31002 well not like a bike at all imo. A bike is downgearing by way of sprocket and chain. Even string and pulley in continuous rotation is not ideal imo. You want pulley blocks like these photos but way way smaller custom made with bearings and plastic discs and fishing line and super glue
>>30996 This. The rare-earths are used to greatly 'amp up' the electromagnetic properties of the basic electro magnets themselves. Kind of like how you need trace (tiny amounts of) otherwise-often-harmful-micronutrients (like cyanide) for your cells to properly manufacture the incredibly-yuge swath of proteins vital for your metabolic processes, these trace amounts of rare earths significantly enhance magnets -- especially when they are at cold temps! (Say, around liquid nitrogen realms.) >>30999 Good luck aydoll! If I haven't yet given you the 'official' greeting yet, welcome! :^) >>31004 As a country boy, I'm quite familiar with block & tackle. It's absolutely amazing the force multiplier that can be achieved with this simple machine.
>>30999 For some reason the crotch reminds me of a robosapien... I think it is the slight angle where the codpiece meets the first hip joint.
>>31012 >For some reason the crotch reminds me of a robosapien... I think it is the slight angle where the codpiece meets the first hip joint. IMHO, this literally the most critical design spot on the entire robowaifu. Everything else depends on the pelvis/hip confluence being correct to function well as an overall bipedal locomotive system (not to mention snu-snu working properly).
>>31013 Excellent resources, Kiwi. Thanks! :^)

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