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JewTube Rational Skeptics Thread #9 - The Final Edition Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 07:06:12 No.2
INTERNET BLOODSPORTS SEMI-PERMANENT MEGATHREAD! LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR! Alternate names include: Jewtube™ Rationalist™ Skeptic™ Thread™ #∞ Internet Bloodsports Megathread Endless Thread 9 Gunt Thread Based Isabella Worship Thread We've had about a gajillion "Jewtube Skeptic Thread #9" threads at this point that all appear and disappear at the speed of light and nobody really gives a shit about delicately archiving the posts in them or anything, and they're beginning to clutter up the board pretty bad, so this is a compromise everyone can be happy with for the time being. Discuss all things "Internet Bloodsports" that don't necessitate their own thread here. Krautgate, skeptic drama, all the shit that fall under that umbrella. Get your raincoats on, kids! Because we're about to see some guts go flying! This thread will be cycled. Links, Information and Lore: Full Timeline https://pastebin.com/1yjbjeaT http://archive.is/dM1kQ (Backup from April 2nd 2018) Archived Threads: https://pastebin.com/Hrtcp4QR http://archive.is/MtOiZ (Backup from April 2nd 2018) H8chan Archives: https://archive.is/https://8ch.net/cow/res/390723.html Julay.world Archives: https://archive.ph/http://julay.world/cow/res/2.html AlogSpace Archives: https://archive.is/https://alogs.theguntretort.com/cow/res/2.html Alogs.Space Archives: https://archive.fo/https://alogs.space/cow/res/2.html Gunt Subscriber Doxxx List: https://files.catbox.moe/7m2jsx.csv Joshua Clayton Connor Pedophile Archives: https://scream.alogs.space/archives/Flamenco/ Gym Swatting: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/s04d5y0s.opus https://files.catbox.moe/18u3wz.opus Vickers Swatting Recording: https://files.catbox.moe/9rnho8.wav https://pomf2.lain.la/f/s9gqo1ii.wav
Edited last time by oldestfag on 08/23/2022 (Tue) 18:45:41.
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>>249090 >They're basically controlled op to AF, whether intentionally (maybe?) or just being useful idiots. They basically inoculate him from criticism and train his supporters to ignore any credible accusations due to all the lies, slander, and gayops they've thrown at him constantly. Probably the most ineffective opposition I've ever seen, which is either due to incompetence or malice. Sure. And to some degree keep AF discussed when they should have been gone by...2020 maybe? There's only so many times I can listen to any autist, including myself, say the same shit all the time. Get a new idea or angle on shit, morons
>>249091 Its the reason why shit like the roastie podcast has taken off, people are sick of the sektur
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>>249094 Yeah at least they have different retards each episodes. FnF sucked even with Andrew Wilson on. When it isn't pavement cows talking over each other, it's dry and boring asf. Why would I care about any of these twats if they don't sperg? No wonder Michael Sartain "ex" military sucks FednFucked's dick
catboy explains why his competitors can't match up to him
>>249096 Speaking of controlled ops to Dick Feduentes Jewsh should go to Burning Man with the fucking strawmen against which he argues. Extra points for sucking up to Lauren Simonsen while doing so. I'm sure the 40(41?)% will give greatly to your next GoFuckMe
>>249100 Oh bickers trad single mom Lauren Simonsen is attacking Rollo Tomassi indirectly for exposing her cloutchasing tumble with Cuckstiny
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>>249101 trump is king caliph
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>>249102 Inshallah
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>>249085 *SLOW CLAP*
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>day 9 of radio silence >his final words were complaining about the traffic
>>249105 Noo Yawkers probably but the criminal element in both states is big enough as to be a coin toss
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>>249057 Indeed she looks cuter as a brunette. I like gingers, but fake ones aren't preferrable to brunettes.
>>249086 >>249085 >bizarre defense of Melonie Mac and Christianity >prodding Elaine >it (Bible) also promotes poly relationships and polytheism People cherry-pick whatever narrative they want to suit themselves from the Bible. So what? What's the matter, Blaine? Are you scared that being a faggot and being a Christian are incompatible? Is that what's got you riled up? >Let her be a slut, you'll never have her why should she abide by your tastes? I don't want her for starters. I just find it funny if she is bisexual that she is constantly preaching and moralizing to others about faggots and gays burning in hell and so on. >you need to stay in your lane and stop saying what makes something you clearly don't believe in mr.atheist One can entertain a worldview without adopting it. I will comment on whoever I want, without believing what they believe. >Never forget that too is a religion. Sounds like Christian cope. <I don't believe in God 1, God 2, or God 3. >That is also a religion just like us. No it's not. <I don't believe in the ideologies of communism, capitalism, national socialism or liberalism. >Your non-belief in these ideologies is also an ideology like us. No, it is not.
>>249107 needs big dorky glasses and that passive aggressive attitude librarians have that think they have authority over you, like no im not wearing gloves bitch come turn the pages if you have a problem with it, stupid sexy nerd
>>249109 Except that Metocare has already bought and played all the Boomer shooters on that Steam sale. So your point is irrelevant. Metocare is hiding and dying and it has nothing to do with Steam sales.
>>249110 She's coping hard right now
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Elaine threatens to swat everyone that laughs at her. This is a really bad look in fact of course. Swatting is illegal and you're admitting to crimes. You're not even anonymous. Your face and name are out there so if someone wanted, they could nail your ass to the wall. Elaine wants to bang Teddy Feaser. Kinogay getting pressed for weird pedo activity in his discord.
>>249112 that's some jewish shit right there
>>249055 >>249056 I understand that your average imageboards user is desensitized to violence but it still doesn't make sense. Officers are supposed to be trained at the gun range or some shit. You can take down a target without emptying 100 rounds. That's noob CoD shit and a waste of ammo. There are like 3 dudes aiming guns, none of them think to shoot in the arm? Maybe I've watched too many cowboy westerns where they shoot guns out of people's hands. Seems like an excessive use of force to empty several clips into one target and I'm not even anti-popo. I asked for context, no context was given.
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>>249113 She is such an insufferable tryhard
>>249115 >Officers are supposed to be trained at the gun range or some shit. They are >You can take down a target without emptying 100 rounds. Sure sometimes >There are like 3 dudes aiming guns, none of them think to shoot in the arm? They are trained to shoot at the largest center mass cause that is easier to hit than a hand or leg >Maybe I've watched too many cowboy westerns where they shoot guns out of people's hands. Yes you have >I asked for context, no context was given. You also asked for "Why did the cops empty their clips on that guy?" >>249056 and I answered, now go Mcfucking killyourself faggot.
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britbong poofer B T F O by CHAD turkroach
>>249118 >middle jewess
>>249118 The Brit looks like a whiter, and still gay, Milo. Milo-walker.
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joseph lancaster going bankrupt
>>249113 >>249116 I would DIE for my QUEEN
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>>249113 its being backtraced by interpol as we speak
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>>249125 Why all right wing larpers like that?
>>249127 cuz closet fags are still fags they have no masculine discernment so they cant tell, they just go towards any extreme they think is 'manly' which are just exaggerated feminist caricatures concocted by the fatherless, its comical of its literally just the same thing, one attacks the caricature the other larps the caricature
>>249127 >why does controlled opposition make the side they claim to be part of ridiculous? Truly a mystery for the ages.
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>>249121 suffah folksdojczu
>>249121 >>249138 Ashes to ashes >>249130 They mistake post feminist/communist degeneracy as masculine bickers it isn't actual faggotry, which makes particular sense if they are all homos, which they quite possibly are. Definitely Feduentes and chinless
>>249114 It's projection bickers she wishes to escape her own biology.
>humble Harv is vindicated
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>>249151 zach on suicidewatch
>>249125 this beige freak has no genetic legacy, he's an abomination
>>249162 I took one of those online IQ tests when I was like 14. Said I had an IQ of 140 and I know that's not true. Is he actually retarded enough to think online IQ tests are accurate?
>>249163 I took two IQ tests online the same day and got two too-varying results. You need to do an irl IQ test to get a real score
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>>249162 IIRC Andy did one alongside JF at one point, but it's probably lost to time at this stage.
>>249166 >the justice system retraumatizes them Yep it does. That is life. You want your supposed rapist to escape justice? Listen and believe is counter to justice. Life is full of turmoil. Can't just convict and execute based on hearsay
>>249151 >>249166 >rich kike beats sex crime charges Who could have ever seen this coming?
>>249167 these online tests are a joke, only stupid people do them

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