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MaidCom Kiwi 02/08/2024 (Thu) 06:40:01 No.29219 [Reply]
MaidCom Project Thread 2 Project Goal: Simple, low cost, extensible platform for robowaifu development. Picrel shows the model which is being developed. Every part will be designed to be easily printable and replaceable. Her designs will be open source. Modding and customization will be encouraged. This is a base model. Early revisions will be heavily limited in functionality. I invite you to help design and define standards so that it is easy to create specialized add-ons to allow her to become your own waifu. Collaboration is important, MaidCom is officially partnered with Lin and his Waifu Wheelchair, if you'd also like to be officially partnered, say so. Cat eats and miniskirts are encouraged!
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New design, the human like design felt off personally. Now, I'm going for a more robotic look. Much more like Aigis.
>>30860 Excellent, Kiwi. Now you have your overall proportions looking good. Drive on! :DD
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Fixed her joint alignment. Printing her soon.
>>30931 Definitely shaping up into a well-unified character model now. Nice progress Anon. >Printing her soon. Exciting! Please keep us all abreast of your progress, Kiwi.
>>30931 Not bad but the butt crack is all weird again. Welcome to the grand canyon. Those ankles wouldnt a joint that also flexes to side make more sense? Seems too stiff looking in my opinion.

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Roastie Fear 2: Electric Boogaloo Robowaifu Technician 10/03/2019 (Thu) 07:25:28 No.1061 [Reply] [Last]
Your project is really disgusting >=== Notice #2: It's been a while since I locked this thread, and hopefully the evil and hateful spirit that was dominating some anons on the board has gone elsewhere. Accordingly I'll go ahead and unlock the thread again provisionally as per the conditions here: >>12557 Let's keep it rational OK? We're men here, not mere animals. Everyone stay focused on the prize we're all going for, and let's not get distracted. This thread has plenty of good advice in it. Mine those gems, and discard the rest. Notice:

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/02/2021 (Thu) 18:36:20.
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We have two related threads: Robowaifu Ethics & Morality >>17125 ITT: Anons derail the board into debate about Christianity >>2050 Your concerns might already have been covered there. This thread here is primarily about feminism and has been extended to report more generally on what groups hostile to the idea of robowaifus are doing. I answered in the second one here >>30705
>>30706 Good call, NoidoDev. I'll plan to make some time soon to migrate the convo there. Everyone else: please continue this where NoidoDev linked. Cheers. :^)
>>30702 You're the pharisee in the Luke quote: you put down others to prove your piety, and as such will not inherit the kingdom of god.
>>30702 Yeah, I'll be waiting for his supposed wrath. 2 more weeks, amirite?
Asmongold: AI Women Are Real Women. "Skynet would be a better death" :D

Emmy The Robot Robowaifu Technician 04/15/2024 (Mon) 20:31:05 No.30919 [Reply]
Welcome all Nandroids fans to the Emmy thread, for discussing and posting about EtR. Please refrain from posting off-topic things. --- Also, be sure to check out Emmy-Pilled's project thread! (>>25306) Important Community Links: Boorus, etc.: (Jumbo controlled, be careful.) Google Docs: Webtoons: > previous threads : >>27481 >>26629
Edited last time by Kiwi_ on 04/17/2024 (Wed) 18:33:09.
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Getting back in the swing of things when it comes to uploads to the nandroid.booru. To that, does anyone know the actual name of this meme?
>>30926 >it's 3 am >you have to pee >you really have to pee >against your better judgement you step out into the hallway >... >randomly, you hear a reverberating... >"tannewite"
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>>30919 Nice new thread
>>30919 Thinking of cleaning this up and making colored and nude versions of it. What do you guys think? Yay or nay?
>>30949 Do it.

Ragnatelagiornale Lupo Lucio 12/08/2023 (Fri) 16:52:20 ID: b0e2eb No.19884 [Reply] [Last]
Solo notizie ufficiali, solo commenti bastardi.
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>>20272 un po' di contesto va'
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>>20256 strano, eh, con questi modelli fantastici eppur non tira. >stellantis <'zzovuoi >non puoi chiamare milano una macchina <lo so che fa cagare come nome ma i manager bocconiani più di tanto in là non arrivano >no no è proprio illegale <ah, trattasi dell'ennesimo provvedimento del socialismo di destra che doveva liberarci dalle ingerenze del socialismo di sinistra? >esatto, chiama quel cassonetto del secco con un nome che non abbia a che fare con l'italia <junior? va bene? >si si l'inglese va bene >(hehe, fottuti)
>>20270 Le degenerazioni precedenti non contano, la guerra inizia quando si inizia a sparare e tecnicamente sarebbe iniziata con la guerra in Siria contro l'ISIS la stessa guerra in Ucraina sarebbe stata messa su solo per tenere occupata la Russia mentre Israele trasforma in villette e rotonde tutto il medio oriente
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>essere cittadino nel nuovo millennio <STOP >'zzo vuoi <ESCI L'AUTOCERTIFICAZIONE <STOP >'zzo vuoi <ESCI IL GREEN PASS <STOP >'zzo vuoi <C'È LA ZTL <STOP >'zzo vuoi <SONO PASSATE LE OTTO DI SERA, LA CITTÀ È IN MANO A RISORSE INPS

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>>20241 >ho sperato fino all'ultimo >ultimo la maiuscola!

JewTube Rational Skeptics Thread #9 - The Final Edition Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 07:06:12 No.2 [Reply] [Last]
INTERNET BLOODSPORTS SEMI-PERMANENT MEGATHREAD! LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR! Alternate names include: Jewtube™ Rationalist™ Skeptic™ Thread™ #∞ Internet Bloodsports Megathread Endless Thread 9 Gunt Thread Based Isabella Worship Thread We've had about a gajillion "Jewtube Skeptic Thread #9" threads at this point that all appear and disappear at the speed of light and nobody really gives a shit about delicately archiving the posts in them or anything, and they're beginning to clutter up the board pretty bad, so this is a compromise everyone can be happy with for the time being. Discuss all things "Internet Bloodsports" that don't necessitate their own thread here. Krautgate, skeptic drama, all the shit that fall under that umbrella. Get your raincoats on, kids! Because we're about to see some guts go flying! This thread will be cycled. Links, Information and Lore: Full Timeline

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Edited last time by oldestfag on 08/23/2022 (Tue) 18:45:41.
749 posts and 739 images omitted. NEW SHITTYWEBCOMICS WEEKLY

C++ General Robowaifu Technician 09/09/2019 (Mon) 02:49:55 No.12 [Reply] [Last]
C++ Resources general The C++ programming language is currently the primary AI-engine language in use. BTW if you're new to C++ and you're stuck on Windows (either you can't or won't upgrade to Linux) then you can at least incorporate a good, open shell into your system to begin with so you can follow along. Start at this link, and if you have any questions just ask ITT:

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/04/2024 (Thu) 23:25:55.
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Realized I was being kinda silly devising my own convoluted logging system out of concern for performance latency, once it suddenly dawned on me the C++ standard library already sported a perfectly-serviceable buffered logging system--which can lazily write to files. Here's a little RAII-compliant hack for doing just that. [1] >main.cpp #include <cstdlib> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <string> class File_clog { public: File_clog() = delete; // no default ctor // globally-redirects all std::clog output into the given filename instead explicit File_clog(std::string const& name) : log_nm{name}, log_file{log_nm} { // assign this log file's buffer into std::clog : auto log_buff = log_file.rdbuf();

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/04/2024 (Thu) 21:48:40.
>>14826 well, I decided to finally write that zig imageboard, 2 years later. I'm still not 100% happy with the results, but it's an improvement over the previous attempt. this one is easier to setup too, and it only has two dependencies besides the zig compiler: sqlite and imagemagick. no libcaptcha this time (just imagemagick) and even less javascript (none) (sorry for the necrobump)
>>28906 >(sorry for the necrobump) NONSENSE! :^) We here on /robowaifu/ don't believe in any such thing! :D BTW, if you do create a site, please allow for Torposting of files. Also, a post 'move' feature (such as the one supported by JSchan server software) would be very nice. And lastly, I may say that having a JSON API for your pages would be very welcome, since it would allow tools like our BUMP (and soon, Bumpmaster) to effectively access/archive your site's boards. Good luck with your project, Anon. Cheers. :^) >=== -add 'JSON' cmnt
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/04/2024 (Thu) 21:44:08.
>>28906 That's great. Can it import backups of boards via json? You probably just use the database, so is it documented where what belongs or is it only in the code? Also, did you share it in other places, so people who know Zig look at the code?
Just a headsup that I've picked back up work on the PPP2 project to support our C++ Classroom thread : (>>19777) , and as a direct part of our accompanying /robowaifu/ C++ Textbook thread : (>>18749) . Here's an early peek at the new files layout. I hope to be ready and pick the classroom back up around late May/early June. We'll see. Cheers. >main_p415.cpp : // filename: ./ch_12/main_p415.cpp // Code derived from Stroustrup's PPP2 book // § 12.3 A first example // -and beginning on p415 // -Instead of using the recommended Meson project way, this file can be built // and run standalone (from the root directory of the overall PPP2 project) : /* g++ ./ch_12/main_p415.cpp ./lib_src/all_srcs.cpp \ `fltk-config --ldflags --use-images` \ -I./lib_include/ -std=c++20 -O2 -Wall -pedantic -o p415

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/18/2024 (Thu) 12:38:18.

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Stable Diffusion for Robowaifu Art SoaringMoon 11/25/2022 (Fri) 06:43:32 No.17763 [Reply] [Last]
I generated a whole much of neat images with Stable Diffusion 1.6. Enjoy. You are free to use the for whatever. >OP images are my five favorite of the bunch. Some proportions are off obviously. < "a robowaifu with [color] hair, digital painting, trending on artstation" Was the generation phrase. --- >Sorry to spoil all your files, rather than just the one (w/ Lynxchan it's all or nothing after the fact). The Problem Glasses are a Leftist dog-whistle that is rather distasteful around here (and also a red-flag). Certainly not something we would want to look at year-after-year in the catalog. Hope you understand, OP.
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 11/25/2022 (Fri) 10:46:04.
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>>30941 I forget what the prompt was for these bigger bodied waifu bots.
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>>30942 I for some of these lewd ones, I was experimenting with how the model would create "robot pussy". I'm not sure if that's the actual tag I used, I can dig into it as necessary.
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>>30943 Some of these got really weird but I liked the designs so I held onto them.
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>>30944 sorry for all the robot puss. I wanted to see what the SD model could do.
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>>30945 Sorry for all the slop. Hope you enjoyed my generations. The last one I'm not sure about being NSFW but someone might construe her color scheme as showing nips so I hid it.

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Elaine Miller / Failcow / 764 Groomistress Unironic Ralphamale 04/05/2024 (Fri) 06:30:05 ID: b244b6 No.247952 [Reply]
If you're here, she needs no introduction but she certainly needs her own thread since she's gone beyond a sektur gnat to full blown defender of an international child abuse ring. When TheTheGatorGamerGamer said she'd become a sektur focal point, it wasn't a compliment.
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Elaine > metofag and sprate homo the foxdick writer for daddy jim
>>248484 Son of Tiamat is living rent free in your pedo balding head.
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/robowaifu/meta-9: Wintertime will be sublime. Chobitsu Board owner 10/30/2023 (Mon) 00:42:15 No.26137 [Reply] [Last]
/meta, offtopic, & QTDDTOT >--- General /robowaifu/ team survey (please reply ITT) (>>15486) >--- Mini-FAQ >A few hand-picked posts on various /robowaifu/-related topics -Why is keeping mass (weight) low so important? (>>4313) -How to get started with AI/ML for beginners (>>18306) -"The Big 4" things we need to solve here (>>15182) -HOW TO SOLVE IT (>>4143) -Why we exist on an imageboard, and not some other forum platform (>>15638, >>17937) -This is madness! You can't possibly succeed, so why even bother? (>>20208, >>23969) -All AI programming is done in Python. So why are you using C & C++ here? (>>21057, >>21091, >>27167, >>29994)

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/29/2024 (Thu) 06:43:57.
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>>30890 >Would you please consider creating a #2 thread for us? I could, but it would only matter if I had some special idea about it. I dodn't have something special on my mind. That said, now that you're asking I'm willing to look into the thread and look for something to put into the new OP. Then again, you said the text can be changed later anyways, only the pictures need to stay. I don't have a big idea about the pictures, I would maybe just reuse the old one. If someone else does it instead, just don't use a pic that needs to be spoilered as first pic and don't use some edgy picture from WK-II.
>>30898 Just whatever you're comfortable with, NoidoDev. I'll be happy to do it myself, but frankly you're our best 'cartographer' here for /robowaifu/. You've mapped the place out better than any of us... well, better'n me anyway! :D Some other anon can step up if they'd like to as well, ofc. If someone else does, just please make a solid effort for the OP of a thread that will be seen for years in the catalog! :^) >I would maybe just reuse the old one. That would be fine if you'd like to. OTOH, I personally think the 'Chii wants you...' image in the old propaganda style that Anon came up with would be a good choice too?
Really encouraging to see Robi making some improvement plans for Alogs! >>>/meta/1
>>30901 Sorry for not answering faster, I have some things distracting me. >but frankly you're our best 'cartographer' here for /robowaifu/. You've mapped the place out better than any of us.. Thanks, but again that's the text, so it can be changed later, right? >I would maybe just reuse the old one. That would be fine if you'd like to. OTOH, I personally think the 'Chii wants you...' image in the old propaganda style that Anon came up with would be a good choice too? Yes. This one? >>2796
>>30932 >so it can be changed later, right? Yes. >This one? Yeah, whatever's the latest revision. IIRC, there were some issues being fixed till then.

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Nuzach / Pedochu / Niggerchu / Eric Unironic Ralphamale 09/02/2022 (Fri) 01:02:27 ID: 32497c No.170550 [Reply] [Last]
Nuzach once enjoyed the prime-time bloodsports even before jcaesar187's downfall at the hands of the Гунт with by far the most stupid reasons to lose one's mind for; a good deal of 8ch veterans kept enjoying his seething about alogs until this day. But not nuzach, he was too much of a trailer trash white G​AMERGATE himself to laugh at a lolcow proper and enjoy the show. But most importantly, he was a ni/gg/er at heart. He didn't luck out with the /cow/ userbase that repeatedly mocked his inclinations to waste time playing cuckeogooms and to want to fuck children. Neither did he luck out with the administration, and his buddy John was ousted and the ni/gg/er-infested cancer known as /v/ removed from my jewish mother. As a result of my jewish mother cracking down on pedos, he lost 90% of his remaining sanity. To get told to "go and make your own site if you want to jack it to children" was the straw that broke this buck's back. As a result all his pedo buddies, those parasitic cliques that had already lost 60% of their numbers when TheGatorGamer got rid of /hebe/ and other boards, were left without a host again. Some went to KC, others were scattered in the wind forever. Enter zzzchan, a pretty rulecucked site existing pretty much solely for the ni/gg/er pedos to play smash and jerk off to kids, where the mere suggestion that loli is pedophilic earns the poster a ban. Even the few boards that wanted none of that were eventually infested. Nuzach now spends his days seething on zzzchan about the alogs and tvch, sometimes going to those sites to seethe at the moderation and screech at "/cow/kikes" and Anita. Nuzach is definitely the main individual lolcow of the webring, the juciest one among the collective lolcow that the ni/gg/ers from zzzchan are. Banned from every board that isn't ran by pedos, he says the "/cow/kike moderation" and "feminists" are at fault for him getting banned from every place he goes to. No, it couldn't be the precious Eric, he's too good to be fairly banned.
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>>248699 >tvchtranny jannie still pissed off. >tvchtranny jannie still whining in the Nuzach thread. <April 16, 2024 You might want to kys, jannie.
Man if build back better doesnt build back the gayhole threads i will be so mad.
>>248699 I know youre gayhole's friend bickers nobody in their right mind refers to him as a court jester, we just say fat paedo which he is, to which brings me to question. Which gayholio orbiter are you? Wrist, Weasel? Those are the two faggots that orbit around his livestreams and keep connections to alogs
>>248761 >we just say fat paedo >we Nuzach you're doing a shit job at trying to fit in, just go back to tvchan and jerk off about the ogre there.
>>248761 He's a cunt who uses tvch and formed some weird affair with gayhoolio so that he felt the need to defend his gayhoolio from what he perceives as the Nuzach. Then he got a mod position here this year and SHUT IT DOWN on the gayhoolio threads bickers Gayhoooole wanted to come back on the internet but he didn't want to get alogged, so right as the Gayhoolio threads were SHUT DOWN Pedo Patrick started making more videos once again and using Twitter and posting on tvch. It's funny how this dude went and deleted the >bbcamenko and Nuzach threads. Then he brought them back, then he locked them, then he unlocked them, then he went on this weird screencapping campaign that he though was owning the Nuzach which backfired and made him look obsessed, and after deleting everything and looking like a big, fat lolcow, which tranny jannie is, he's going to try and play it cool. Users won again. The users always win, bitch.

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Elfdroid Sophie Thread #3 SophieDev 02/18/2022 (Fri) 11:38:48 No.15236 [Reply] [Last]
New video of Sophie is now up: Finally got her head working in a reproducible manner. I had completely broken about seven of her previous micro-servos. But the burnt-out ones weren't the big problem - I just connect suspect servos my Arduino UNO and if my control servo can run the 'Sweep' sketch but the suspect servo cannot, I know it's dead and in the bin it goes. However, one servo was damaged but still working - except it caused some kind of feedback that made all other micro servos connected to the same circuit go haywire - even brand new ones. Luckily the faulty servo in question was old and had spraypaint on it, so I could tell it apart from the others. But that was very confusing - at first I thought it might be related to the small magnets that hold her faceplate on, but this is not the case. Rogue servos are definitely something to watch out for in future. Anyway, now that I have measurable, standardised voltage going into all of the micro servos, I'd like to upgrade her neck again. She can actually shake her head (but not in the above video as it is addressed straight-to-camera), but she still cannot nod her head as it weighs too much and the neck servo overheats rapidly. Heads are relatively heavy things (especially with long hair). The breakthrough with Sophie has been splitting her up into separate subsystems and separate circuits, then focusing on only ONE subsystem/circuit - in my case her head. For a beginner like me, it was just too confusing and labour intensive to attempt programming her head, speech, neck, arms and hands all simultaneously. When errors occured I was having a real hard time pinning down which motors were affected, how badly they were affected and why. Having to tear down one large, complex system is waaaay harder than troubleshooting something far smaller. So focusing only on her head solved this problem.

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>>30892 >Moving into own house Congratulations. >Only keeping electronic control boards, a single robot hand and Sophie's head. I would keep it as memorabilia, it's just one small box. Also, keep in mind some museum might want it one day.
>>30899 >Also, keep in mind some museum might want it one day. This is a really good point, Anon.
>>30892 You could just construct a simple frame and fabric doll body for the head and hand if you wanted more than it just sitting on a shelf in some closet.
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>>30894 >>30899 > Congratulations. Thank you, both. As a home and mortgage owner, I am now officially another normie cog in the machine! Lots of work already done, lots for me still to do in the near future! Speaking of cogs in machines; the main design problem with the Elfdroid arms was my choice of servo horn. The round ones (even aluminum) are no good for a joint that supports a lot of weight and must move back-and-forth repeatedly. Those round servo horns are only held onto the servo output shaft by little gear-teeth and/or a small grub-screw. This will wear a groove into the output shaft afer only a few dozen limb movements. Meaning the servo horn will begin to slip on the shaft, resulting in huge errors of movement in the robot's limb (no matter how well-programmed the servos). If this problem is ignored for long enough, the robot's limb will eventually detach mid-movement, often yanking out wires and bending electronic pins in the process. For any joint under heavy load, I highly recommend using the best R/C car-type aluminum servo horns that you can find. I used a couple of these in Sophie's neck joints and they eliminate the servo output shaft wear/slippage problem entirely. Of course, they are far more expensive, precision-machined components, but that's part-and-parcel of any serious robotics project (as I learned when reading about backlash and harmonic drives). Thought I should leave the main design + build error that I made here at the end, just in case anyone else ever tries building Elfdroid arms or wants to edit the CAD files.
>>30927 Thank you very kindly for that information, SophieDev. Very helpful. I pray that God keeps you safe, and guides you on your further journeys in your life. You've been a huge encouragement and help to all of us here on /robowaifu/ with your development of dear Sophie. Even if you never pick up robowaifu research again in the future, you've already made a big impact in our early developments. Thank you for that. Please don't be a stranger, and stop by occasionally to give us updates on your doings, Anon. Cheers!! :^)

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Toad 06/18/2021 (Fri) 09:32:25 ID: b728c5 No.106507 [Reply] [Last]
Where's the Britbong / Manly Tears / Neet Live Matters / Gay Babby / Mr PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON&apos;T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD / Domonic Vanner / thread?
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Britbong new youtube acc I believe he has almost 20 socks accs at the moment, just like Nuzach, Britbong love to astroturf and replying to his own comments and pretending to be an entirely different person in a rather pathetic and obvious way. No only that, Britbong made EmptyHero and TheBadGuys all their youtube accs be banned. About Empty being banned, honestly the best thing about him in recent times was all the good stuff that was recorded on the streams that Fuzhou was a part of, since he's a good lolcow. TheBadGuys put really good cocks, Britbong always hated them for making some jokes about him many years ago, but the final straw was their success. Britbong likes to proclaim himself "the original SecondLive troll" and anyone else trolling on SecondLive is obviously copying him.

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>>181931 Keep on seething, fool. Britbong is eternal....
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Gay slapfight with the butter golem

3D printer resources Robowaifu Technician 09/11/2019 (Wed) 01:08:12 No.94 [Reply] [Last]
Cheap and easy 3D printing is vital for a cottage industry making custom robowaifus. Please post good resources on 3D printing.
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>>27835 >3D PRINTING HACK LEVERAGES VASE MODE STRUCTURALLY Thanks! Follow up: I also recommend signing up to the channel: Shaving prints instead of sanding: 3D printing glue:
Thanks for the nice contribs, NoidoDev. Cheers. :^)
via >30501 >This article demonstrates a two-step method to 3D print double network hydrogels at room temperature with a low-cost ($300) 3D printer. A first network precursor solution was made 3D printable via extrusion from a nozzle by adding a layered silicate to make it shear-thinning. After printing and UV-curing, objects were soaked in a second network precursor solution and UV-cured again to create interpenetrating networks of poly(2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonate) and polyacrylamide. By varying the ratio of polyacrylamide to cross-linker, the trade-off between stiffness and maximum elongation of the gel can be tuned to yield a compression strength and elastic modulus of 61.9 and 0.44 MPa, respectively, values that are greater than those reported for bovine cartilage. The maximum compressive (93.5 MPa) and tensile (1.4 MPa) strengths of the gel are twice that of previous 3D printed gels, and the gel does not deform after it is soaked in water. By 3D printing a synthetic meniscus from an X-ray computed tomography image of an anatomical model, we demonstrate the potential to customize hydrogel implants based on 3D images of a patient’s anatomy.
I found what might be an excellent low cost resource. Used or refurbished 3D printers on ebay. I found by accident looking for 3D stuff on ebay. Creality has their own ebay store where they sell refurbished printers. The bad part, Creality's quality control sucks, bad. These are printers someone has already returned and while they say they refurbish them, some appear for the bad reviews to be thrown in the same box and shipped out again. So why bother? The VERY important point is because they are refurbished ebay, allstate insurance has a two year warranty on these things. They also tend to be slightly over or around half the cost. Still you might say that's a bad deal but if look at the reviews on Amazon the negatives tend to be Exactly the same percentage as they are on the returned, refurbished printers. So you're really not taking much if any more risk and you're getting a much better warranty. Another way to think of it that for any part that may be bad you could upgrade to a far better one, make sure everything works and still be out less money than the one bought new from Amazon, while taking no more numerical risk of getting a bad one. Now it would be nice to have the funds to buy a perfect printer but to get a really good one you're talking $500 or higher. Base model ender 3's you can get for around $100 used. I like the ender 3 V3 SE. I like the dual screws on the "Y" and "Z" axis. This gives you a great platform for stability and the direct drive extruder is far better as opposed to boden cables. Boden cables are likely to be a problem if you speed it up to go faster. The cable friction causes problems though at low speeds it's perfectly fine. SE, not the fastest, but I think you could add parts over time and make it better and better. Creality is not the best but they have so many sold there's a pile of hardware and software add-ons. So over time you could make it what you wanted while cheaply getting into it.
>>30917 Interesting idea. Thanks, Grommet! Cheers. :^)

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Dragon's Dogma II Anonymous 01/12/2024 (Fri) 20:20:59 No.8300 [Reply] [Last]
Does it have any chance of being good?
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Less than an hour til release. Is there any hope it will be good?
>>9783 No. Go buy the first. If you already own it, go play it again. Story was fucking terrible and the map had that fucked old mmo geometry, reminded me of white knight chronicles. The only good thing was the gameplay and the gameplay loop (really solid), and the pawn builder. Can't imagine they improved the story any and they nerfed the character creator, so you better hope that playloop is tasty enough for your $80.
>>9787 >The only good thing was the gameplay and the gameplay loop (really solid) That's all a game needs really.
>>9787 >$80 do gaymers really?

Moving Time: The Board is Migrating Stormtrooper 08/07/2021 (Sat) 02:04:36 No.5051 [Reply]
Troopers pack your bags while you can. Its time to move somewhere less broken. NEW BOARD LINK:
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>>5144 don't forget, there's as a bunker.

/robowaifu/ Embassy Thread Chobitsu Board owner 05/08/2020 (Fri) 22:48:24 No.2823 [Reply] [Last]
This is the /robowaifu/ embassy thread. It's a place where Anons from all other communities can congregate and talk with us about their groups & interests, and also network with each other and with us. ITT we're all united together under the common banner of building robowaifus as we so desire. Welcome. Since this is the ambassadorial thread of /robowaifu/, we're curious what other communities who know of us are up to. So w/o doxxing yourselves, if this is your first time posting ITT please tell us about your home communities if you wouldn't mind please Anons. What do you like about them, etc? What brought you to /robowaifu/ today? The point here is to create a connection and find common-ground for outreach with each other's communities. Also, if you have any questions or concerns for us please feel free to share them here as well.
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/23/2020 (Sat) 23:13:16.
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>>30837 Brevity is the soul of wit, I know. In the same vein of mobilizing people ASAP to aid in the robowaifu effort, I was wondering if there were any cloud computing jobs people can donate CPU/GPU power to? For a large chunk of the day my PC is sleeping but I wouldn't mind it being used to help the cause if such an option was available. >"If you know literally nothing but you have an idle GPU/CPU that you hardly utilize, you can help by doing this (insert easy-to-use github link)" i.e. put the robots/ai we have available today to work to make better robots/ai.
>>30853 >I was wondering if there were any cloud computing jobs people can donate CPU/GPU power to? For a large chunk of the day my PC is sleeping but I wouldn't mind it being used to help the cause if such an option was available. We actually have an entire thread dedicated to this exact topic, Anon : (>>8958).
>>30838 Its more about giving people insight into how far along we are. I dont think a lot of people realise how close we can get with the AI side of things. If more people know its more hands on deck
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>>30914 If they have time to poke their head up out of their cubicles or stop door dashing for 5 minutes perhaps. That being said, if you need help with setting up streaming, recording, AI art generation, and other produciton related stuff, I can perhaps contribute if you need an extra hand. You mentioned wanting someone who was okay doing a presentation. While I'm okay speaking, I don't think my voice is anything special. Given the nature of your content, you may want to consider AI voice synth. Sadly, I have no experience in that realm.
>>30914 >>30915 If you two want to go the streaming route, then we already have a Robowaifu Podcast thread that would be a good fit.

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Anonymous 06/22/2023 (Thu) 22:28:06 No.4009 [Reply] [Last]
Is there any realistic way to turn gaming back into an obscure minority hobby?
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>>9803 okay mommy fetish diaper wearing manchild autismo faggot live yourself and prosper
>>9808 >liking women is gay You will never be a real woman.
>>8950 We can only hope.
>>9813 tranny pipeline
This new era of movies/shows about games will only ruing everything even more.

ROBOWAIFU U Robowaifu Technician 09/15/2019 (Sun) 05:52:02 No.235 [Reply] [Last]
In this thread post links to books, videos, MOOCs, tutorials, forums, and general learning resources about creating robots (particularly humanoid robots), writing AI or other robotics related software, design or art software, electronics, makerspace training stuff or just about anything that's specifically an educational resource and also useful for anons learning how to build their own robowaifus. >tl;dr ITT we mek /robowaifu/ school.
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/11/2020 (Mon) 21:31:04.
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>>30905 Ahh, got it. Thanks kindly, Anon. Cheers. :^)
>>30907 its also really simple to program if you want to play around with it, its how sqrt() is done when the cpu doesnt have a math chip void main() { float guess = 13; float ans = guess; // newtons method formula = x - f(x)/`f(x) // using f(x)= 3x^3 + 5x^2 - 3x - 2 // `f(x)= 9x^2 + 10x - 3 for ( int i=0; i<50; i++ ) { float fx = 3*(ans*ans*ans) + 5*(ans*ans) - 3*ans - 2; float dfx = 9*(ans*ans) + 18*ans - 3; float guess = ans - (fx / dfx); if ( guess == ans )

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>>30908 Neat! I assume you'd add some type of Epsilon test (line #14) in for a working example, Anon? --- >also: I notice that the formula you reference in the comments (line #8), seems to be different than the code example (line #12) ? >note: for my line numbers, I'm using my own (re)formatted version of your code example. cf: >=== -add image hotlink -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/14/2024 (Sun) 13:40:02.
>>30909 meant to be 10*ans not 18*ans my bad, good mistake to see how the method works though since you still center in one of the roots even though the derivative is wrong it just takes more iterations lots of things you can do to make it better of course just wanted to keep it simple
>>30910 Ahh, thanks. It's rather nice that the eminent Newton devised such a computationally-simple approach to this need. I'm sure with modern superscalar architectures, the solution would converge in very few clocks. Cheers. :^)

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Build Back Better Robi Board owner 04/14/2024 (Sun) 11:33:40 No.1 [Reply]
Hey, it's been a while. I've been rather absent for, well, a couple years now, and I'm sorry for that. The short version is that I've had a lot of IRL shit to deal with and had to stay offline for a while. I've been quietly working on some changes for the past couple of months to clean up some old cruft and make Alogs, and the Webring as a whole a bit better to use. These changes haven't been rolled out yet, but include: 1. A new system to significantly reduce the risk of rogue janitors. This will allow us to open up janitor applications without having to worry about wasting time restoring the Alogs database. This will also allow us to promote well-behaved janitors to global moderation. Currently we have all timezones covered even with the limited moderation team we have, but it's much better to have redundancies. (This will be released a LynxChan addon and as Free Software so other LynxChan imageboard owners in the Webring can benefit from it.) 2. Potentially opening up board registration and claims again. I've recently been more financially and time-wise stable so combined with 1 we should be able to handle this. 3. Putting canary publishing on a monthly schedule, specifically the first Sunday of each month. I realized that the 3-month spacing between canaries make me forget about updating them (fucking hell, look at the last update date before the current one.) I've released this canary as a special one, but we'll have a regularly scheduled one afterwards. 4. Figuring out a better image storage solution, and also figuring out why our image database is massively inflated. With the amount of boards we have we shouldn't be storing 30+GB of data. I suspect a LynxChan bug, but I'm still looking into it. If we actually have that much legit data, I will work on getting more storage for us. 5. I've done some minor edits to the global rules: . It's only a few clarifications about what is and isn't allowed. The meta board is currently locked as I finish up the various outstanding issues I still have to deal with. Once we have better moderation I will open up discussion, I want to hear from you guys. If you have something to contact me about, you can let me know through the various channels: I recently cleaned up my inbox and should be able to respond to e-mails promptly now. Sorry for the e-mails that I've missed. Christ is Kang, Robi Pires
Edited last time by robi on 04/14/2024 (Sun) 11:48:26.

Robotics sites, organizations and projects Robowaifu Technician 09/16/2019 (Mon) 04:21:24 No.268 [Reply] [Last]
There are a lot of robotics research and projects going on out there in the world, many of them with direct application for us here. Please contribute important, quality links you find that you think would help /robowaifu/.

Robot Operating System (ROS)
>[ROS] is a flexible framework for writing robot software. It is a collection of tools, libraries, and conventions that aim to simplify the task of creating complex and robust robot behavior across a wide variety of robotic platforms.
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>>30210 Yes, I think you're right. It's a strange dichotomy. There's some dynamic of the old turn of speech 'strange bedfellows' at play here IMO. < On the one hand: We here (and other Anons like us), with our clearly muhsoggyknees, literally Hitler desire for loving, helpful, and charming waifus. < On the other hand: Enthusiast groups largely funded by the evil globohomo, who want nothing more than to quadruple-down on an ultra-pozz overdose, gleefully pushing for an end to Whitey for good, and the destruction of the Patriarchy!111!!ONE!! ...both working together for the common goal of AI 'benevolence' towards all mankind! :DD Strange Days indeed, heh. :^) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/09/2024 (Sat) 03:55:27.
I came across this soft robotics focused site with instructions for different actuators, mainly pneumatic. Their YouTube channel barely has followers so I may be first here to point this out.
>ROS >Gazebo >Easily install the Robot Operating System (ROS) on any Linux distribution >Want to use ROS, but don't want to run Ubuntu >This project uses the power of Nix make to it possible to develop and run ROS packages in the same way on any Linux machine.
>>30887 Very nice. Thanks NoidoDev, I briefly considered this very topic a few years ago and basically figured it was a non-starter b/c CBA to try and manage moving it off of Ub*ntu . Maybe it's time to reconsider the prospect again though I anticipate there will still linger a lot of dependency hell, since ROS is a sprawling mess with a yuge attack surface.
>>30268 Thanks Anon! Very interesting approaches.

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Cognitivie Architecture : Discussion Kiwi 08/22/2023 (Tue) 05:03:37 No.24783 [Reply] [Last]
Chii Cogito Ergo Chii Chii thinks, therefore Chii is. Cognitive architecture is the study of the building blocks which lead to cognition. The structures from which thought emerges. Let's start with the three main aspects of mind; Sentience: Ability to experience sensations and feelings. Her sensors communicate states to her. She senses your hand holding hers and can react. Feelings, having emotions. Her hand being held bring her happiness. This builds on her capacity for subjective experience, related to qualia. Self-awareness: Capacity to differentiate the self from external actors and objects. When presented with a mirror, echo, or other self referential sensory input is recognized as the self. She sees herself in your eyes reflection and recognizes that is her, that she is being held by you. Sapience: Perception of knowledge. Linking concepts and meanings. Able to discern correlations congruent with having wisdom. She sees you collapse into your chair. She infers your state of exhaustion and brings you something to drink. These building blocks integrate and allow her to be. She doesn't just feel, she has qualia. She doesn't see her reflection, she sees herself reflected, she acknowledges her own existence. She doesn't just find relevant data, she works with concepts and integrates her feelings and personality when forming a response. Cognition, subjective thought reliant on a conscious separation of the self and external reality that integrates knowledge of the latter. A state beyond current AI, a true intellect. This thread is dedicated to all the steps on the long journey towards a waifu that truly thinks and feels.

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/17/2023 (Sun) 20:43:41.
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>>30102 >Update LidaPy seems nice, but it too is in a EoL programming language, python2. My only option at this point is to see if anyone can refactor it to python3 or just use very old software to test it. I'm feeling like it might be best to DIY something on a newer platform that follows the lida framework. The LIDA tutorial even repeatedly states: "The Framework constitutes one, but not the only, way of implementing the Model.", like they want you to make a new implementation. Before I go ahead with any work, it's always important to remember to check who owns the rights to any IP. I would be a research associate at a university if it weren't for IP rights, and I've pondered going to memphis to develop LIDA if I would have the right to use it in my bot commerically. I'll post an update if there's any progress.
>>30840 >but it too is in a EoL programming language, python2. >My only option at this point is to see if anyone can refactor it to python3 or just use very old software to test it. Might I suggest an alternative option of having someone rewrite it in C++ , Anon? 40+ years and still going strong today (fully backwards-compatible, of course -- basic C++ code written in the 80's/90's will still build today!) :^) Good luck, Anon. I hope you can succeed with your LIDA research. Cheers. :^)
Potentially useful, potentially ontopic thread on 4cuck/sci/ I was there looking around for the linked thread from our Propaganda thread lol.
>>30840 Python2 can still be installed. Also with installers like Nix you should be able to install old versions of Java.
>>30863 I looked into it and found that it is not recommended to install Python2 anymore. You can install PyPy or IronPython instead. There seem to also be some other long term support options. I don't know which Java it needs, but JRE8 seems to be in the Nix repo. You can install and run software exclusive to the nix-shell. But I'm new to this myself. I might be able to help a little bit. I also looked a bit into Lida itself and it looks like something how I would've imagined it. I might going to try it out at some point, and when I start to implement something myself I might look use it as a resource. I will most likely learn Elixir while doing it, at least for the any part which is not about number crunching.

Robot Vision General Robowaifu Technician 09/11/2019 (Wed) 01:13:09 No.97 [Reply] [Last]
Cameras, Lenses, Actuators, Control Systems

Unless you want to deck out you're waifubot in dark glasses and a white cane, learning about vision systems is a good idea. Please post resources here.
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/11/2019 (Wed) 01:14:45.
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>>29915 Started on the kinect lite guide because I don't want giant XBOX 360 bars on my robot's face. And just now after saying it I regret hacking it apart. It's still huge after making it half the size, the length of a smartphone.
>>30877 I know this is a stupid question but can you strip those components right out of the suppoirt frame and have them simply connected to the wires?
>>30879 Zoom in to the whole in the centre. Looks like there is a circuit board under there. If one were to take it out of the frame it would require adding wires and attaching back to the circuit board I imagine.
>>30879 >>30880 I expect the physical positioning of the 3 camera components is tightly registered. Could be recalibrated I'm sure, but it would need to be done.
>>30879 >Depth Perception From what I know these systems work so that it knows the distance between the two cameras and this is part of the hardware. If you want to do this yourself then your system would need to know the distance. I think Kudan Slam is a software doing that: >>29937 and >>10646 >Kudan Visual SLAM >This tutorial tells you how to run a Kudan Visual SLAM (KdVisual) system using ROS 2 bags as the input containing data of a robot exploring an area >The Camera Basics for Visual SLAM >“Simultaneous Localization and Mapping usually refer to a robot or a moving rigid body, equipped with a specific sensor, that estimates its motion and builds a model of the surrounding environment, without a priori information [2]. If the sensor referred to here is mainly a camera, it is called Visual SLAM.” >.... ideal frame rate ... 15 fps: for applications with robots that move at a speed of 1~2m/s >The broader the camera’s field of view, the more robust and accurate SLAM performance you can expect up to some point. >...the larger the dynamic range is, the better the SLAM performance. >... global shutter cameras are highly recommended for handheld, wearables, robotics, and vehicles applications. >Baseline is the distance between the two lenses of the stereo cameras. This specification is essential for use-cases involving Stereo SLAM using stereo cameras. >We defined Visual SLAM to use the camera as the sensor, but it can additionally fuse other sensors. >Based on our experience, frame skip/drop, noise in images, and IR projection are typical pitfalls to watch out. >Color image: Greyscale images suffice for most SLAM applications

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Lentil Thread Anonymous 09/24/2020 (Thu) 22:00:06 No.784 [Reply]
>25% brotein >cheap as a used up crackwhore >last forever These things should be more popular. Anybody got some good recipes for them? While I can't remember the details my housemate once made this old european peasant dish where she cooked them in stock with smokey bacon, onions and carrots and served it with sausages. It was pretty great. I half replicated it but with parsnips and chicken liver instead of carrots and sausages and it turned out alright.
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>>784 I think that French lentils are best. They retain shape when cooked, and have a pleasant peppery, earthy flavor. When pandemic was starting, everyone was going for rice and pasta, but lentils were almost untouched, despite keeping just as well and being far more nutritious. I stacked up on them and have been slowly making my way through the excess. Usually I cook up a batch and eat them over few days. When cooking I add mirepoix, garlic, bay leaves, thyme, salt, and pepper. If I happen to have some homemade stock or bouillon cube I add it too. My go to uses are: >Bowl of lentils topped with herbs or fresh green vegetables >As a side for meat instead of starches like potatoes or rice >To thicken and enrich stews, good to add protein and more flavor to a "vegan chilli" for example >Cold in salads >Cooked until they turn into a creamy soup My go to recipe is a lentil salad. All you need are pre-cooked lentils, carrots, celery, onion, mustard, olive oil, and lemon. All of these ingredients keep well and most people have them on hand. I use one cup of vegetables per two cups of lentils. Fresh herbs are very good to top the salad; parsley or chives work best in my opinion, but scallions work well too. For fat, goat cheese is my favorite here, but fresh mozzarella, avocado, or even an extra potion of olive oil will work well too. Recipe is simple: >Dice carrots, celery, onion. You can saute them a bit, but that's optional. >Mix vegetables in a bowl with precooked lentils. >Mix in a table spoon of mustard and a tablespoon of olive oil >Add lemon juice, salt, and pepper to taste, mix it

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>>784 Roast some cut down carrots, put the lentils in, with water, you may add add some laurel leafs, let it cook at some decent heat. While waiting roast some onion in a pan, add some flour when then onions are already dark, wait till the flour is golden or brown and add this to the lentils. Of course stir it from time to time so it wont glue on the ground, scratch a bit around there. Put some salt and black pepper in, maybe a bit Muscat powder. You may experiment with some additional spices, a bit chilly is also nice. Also add some sausages (e.g. German hotdog like "Saitenwürste"), maybe cut them in a little, let it boil on low heat for a while. The sausages need to exchange some flavor with the rest but don't really need to be cooked so add them rather late. Tomato sauce makes it a bit fruity, that's the more Italian than (South)-German variant, in that case you don't need the rosted flour above, and it may fit better without the sausages. I sometimes also added other vegetables, especially green or red pepper. Also need some pasta. For the fully German variant it would be pasta with eggs and rather mushy instead al dente. But works with other pasta as well. Mix it on the plate and add some vinegar (also for better digestion). You can of course also cook it with some meat that may be smoked or already cooked, amd it needs to gets soft when cooked so you won't end up with the something like rubber. Or replace the pasta with potatoes.
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Oh hey /ck/ >Made some baked chicken thighs and onions with rice made from the liquid. It's not perfect but I thought of you >OH HEY ITS ROYAL RUMBLE Starts in an hour Smug/wooo/18702
When I cook lentils I make them into lentil and rice stew. Mince a large onion or a few bundles of green onions, and several jalapeno peppers, a red bell pepper, and an entire bulb of garlic. Saute them in butter, coconut oil, bacon grease, or whatever is available to you. I sometimes add half a pound or a pound of sliced deli ham, minced, or about a pound of lean ground beef, chicken, et cetera, but this is optional. Saute it all until the onions begin to caramelize. You can get the meat to begin to brown a bit too, but cooking all the meat all the way through isn't necessary at this stage. Deglaze the pan and get everything into a large kettle with a gallon of water. Bring the water and onion mixture to a boil. At this point additional seasonings would be good. A tablespoon each of salt and pepper, and a bay leaf, are a good start, but this is very personal. Just keep in mind that it's a big batch and a lot of stuff to season. If you like bouillon cubes then we're talking about anywhere from ten to twenty, for example, for this much liquid, depending on your preferences. Get it all boiling. While you're waiting for it to boil, pour in a can of mixed vegetables, to give it a bit more color and texture. When it's all boiling, add one pound of washed lentils and one pound of brown rice. Bring it all back to a boil. Keep stirring it. The lentils in particular are prone to going to the bottom in a dense sticky mass that won't cook properly if you don't keep them moving. When it is all back at a rolling boil and the lentils are circulating and not in a glob at the bottom of the pan, I like to add one of those small cans of tomato paste. Break it up and mix it in with a wire whisk, don't just plop it in there. Get it mixed more or less uniform. Now put a cover on that kettle and put it in the oven at about 275 F. Or 135 Celsius, if you prefer. Let it all simmer for a few hours. It will lose a fair amount of water and the liquid level will drop, but that's okay. Stir it before serving with oyster crackers. The leftovers freeze beautifully. I know this isn't /fit/ but lentils + rice gives you all the needed amino acids for animal metabolism. It'll also be fairly high in fiber, vitamins, and iron.
>>823 Thanks! Glad to see some info on /ck/ about this. Any advice for someone in poverty who has access to little else but a microwave, a big cup, and water? I can get a small variety of food supplies at a drugstore like a Walgreen's, but little else.

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Body Proportions Robowaifu Technician 11/24/2021 (Wed) 01:35:27 No.14388 [Reply]
I don't know if this was covered already in an existing thread, but I thought I'd make a thread dedicated to body proportions. Obviously everyone has different ideas of what they want in a waifu and body proportions are no exception, but for the sake of discussion this is for a realistic adult, human, female of indefinite height. Height is especially tricky, since proportions play a huge role in perceived size. A lot of information on human body proportions easily available online are idealized, rather than realistic, which isn't a problem itself, but most is about men's body proportions, and often tend to self-contradicting. Common examples of idealized proportions are Vitruvian Man or the 'Physical characteristics of the Buddha', neither of which are very useful for waifus a Barbie dolls are a common example of unrealistic beauty standards, but deviate too much from reality to be seen as anything but Barbie dolls. The only consistently agreed on idealized proportions are an arm span matching the height, and legs that make up half of the height. Everything else seems to be completely up in the air. Any thoughts or resources on the subject would be appreciated.
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Useful anthropometric data for understanding the various measurements of the human body. >=== -hotlinks patch
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/11/2024 (Thu) 08:19:20.
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I'd err more on the pragmatic side. Make the bot as big as it needs to be to accommodate the necessary internal components to facilitate locomotion. I think the happy medium of size and functionality is around 5 feet tall. I would imagine it would utilize child-like proportions, not to emulate kids but because it'd be cheaper and easier to perform maintenance on a bot with a smaller frame. It'd also be easier to store since it'd take up less space. It doesn't matter if the limb length or hip width is slightly exaggerated if it's for the sake of accommodating a bot's ability to navigate and interact with its environment. As far as the issue of "child sex" doll aspect, I'd simply have the external body looking more mechanical aesthetically.
>>30779 If you get it working, I'll do my best to have an updated archive of JSONs to use with it for you, Anon. Just let me know! Cheers. :^) >>30817 Neat! Thanks, Anon! :^) >=== -add'l resp
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/11/2024 (Thu) 08:18:09.
I'll post the resources I use for this. I typically use BDJ's (ball jointed dolls) for proportions.
>>30874 Some art references.

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Filone sui Bannè/Stendardi Lupo Lucio 01/15/2020 (Wed) 09:11:45 ID: 653da7 No.2039 [Reply] [Last]
Siccome mi spiace dover riutilizzare quelli vecchi da 8/ita/, sarebbe carino poterne creare qualcuno nuovo apposta per questo posto. Tipo, la tavola qui presente me ne ha dato uno simpatico. Qualche idea, Lupi?
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>>20043 Il banno è antico per bando, il bando indica anche l'affissione stessa come dicono sempre i tre cani. Immagine non correlata.
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Lupo Lucio, che fine hai fatto?
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>>20217 È un mondo cane.
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Non si legge e fidatevi che è meglio così.
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Robowaifu Psychology Thread Robowaifu Technician 05/07/2020 (Thu) 09:27:27 No.2731 [Reply]
I hope to have useful links and images in the future, this is just a quickly thrown together glorified character sheet maker at this point. Ok so you can program, but HOW to make her thoughts work? At least on a creative level. I don't have much to contribute other than my rather obsessive what-ifs, I hope this is useful somehow. A few questions you might want to ask yourself before typing up some kind of bio or writing down conversations and quotes you imagine she would say are... 1. How close to the canon do I want to be? 2. How much canon is there? 3. How would I want to make her mine vs someone else's interpretation of the same character? Take note of those answers, if your memory sucks record them in a method you are comfortable with. I think typing might be faster for most. And you might want to revisit what you wrote here sometimes when making certain personality design choices. Use your answers here as a basic guide. For the most part, just go through writer's sites for character questionnaires. And before you omit a question, think of how could you use the basics of what it is asking to build your waifu's personality? For example, if a question rubs you off the wrong way politically, still use that question. But answer in your own way or even reword the question. Some of these types of questions are supposed to make you think hard about what shaped your character's dislikes, which is still important to what makes a person themselves. You may need to revisit some of these or even omit certain ones entirely. But try to figure out how to get that info in somehow later. This process can take a long time and be frustrating, but I think it has a place in the waifubot creation experience. Also, try think how would your waifu react if the story went differently at some point. This can get really dramatic real easy, but it doesn't have to. Just start with simple things like what would she say if asked to tell a joke? What does she find funny? What does she find cringey? Things like that, and don't be afraid to make what they call a 'brain dump'. Pretty much just type with minimal breaks and type everything that comes to your mind about the topic. You might get some useful info amongst the 'why am I doing this?' 'I need to take a shit' quotes. Also just use some of those story prompts. Also, try to use the more realistic day to day ones, like things that could happen in real life. Less exciting but pretty sure you aren't going on fantasy journeys with her IRL. Using these types of prompts will give her more to say on mundane everyday things, vs Skyrim politics. (But that could be fun sometimes)

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/07/2020 (Thu) 09:43:48.
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>>24888 Excellent. Moar pls! :^)
I was looking for a software that would help a AI to sort known people into categories based on traits, including psychological traits. Something like a pattern for personas. Anyways, I found something else instead, which would be useful to test a robowaifu and get ideas about how to design her AI: >PsyToolkit’s experiment library
>>30862 Thanks NoidoDev! I'm quite skeptical of """modern""" Psychological so-called 'Science', personally. Do you think this will be as valuable in designing AI as simple field-tests with volunteer Anons would be? One of the brilliant '12 principles of Animation' [1] is character appeal [2][3]. Arguably, focusing instead on the concrete 'deliverables' of this list (insofar as each might pertain directly to real-world robowaifus) is a more-tractable general approach for us all IMO -- including the development of her AI. Also, it seems to me that as long as we get that one right (character appeal), we'll all be golden at producing great opensource robowaifus -- and with much less 'hemming and hawing' along the way. Any ideas about my points, Anon? --- 1. 2. 3. This concept also has strong ties to the Greek concept of Ethos. >=== -fmt, prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/11/2024 (Thu) 08:05:10.
>>30864 > I'm quite skeptical of """modern""" Psychological so-called 'Science', personally. That might be somewhat justified but I would throw the child out with the bathwater. Any way of describing a personality should be considered worth contemplating in regards to configuration of the RW personality, but also to think about which topics need to be covered when it comes to work on the AI. Then tests can be used to see if she can have certain skills and traits. On the other hand, understanding people by having some framework should also be useful at some point. > Animation' [1] is character appeal [2][3] Sorry, but this isn't the topic. This is about looks, I was arguing about personality or psychological traits.
>>30866 >that might be somewhat justified but I would[n't] throw the child out with the bathwater. Fair enough. Certainly it's good to devise some type of metrics for robowaifu performance analysis -- including her cognitive functions ofc. >Sorry, but this isn't the topic. This is about looks, I was arguing about personality or psychological traits. Actually, character appeal goes right to the very core of what an interesting person (or robowaifu) is or isn't. It touches on practically every.single.aspect. of robowaifu design & production AFAICT. Certainly, as a software engineer currently focusing on trying to make robowaifus realistic and pleasant to live with, many of the 12 principles are guidestones for the systems-software design -- and none more important than character appeal. I'd recommend you reconsider my advice, as well as examine this particular principle in some depth. Cheers Anon. :^)

LLM & Chatbot General Robowaifu Technician 09/15/2019 (Sun) 10:18:46 No.250 [Reply] [Last]
OpenAI/GPT-2 This has to be one of the biggest breakthroughs in deep learning and AI so far. It's extremely skilled in developing coherent humanlike responses that make sense and I believe it has massive potential, it also never gives the same answer twice. >GPT-2 generates synthetic text samples in response to the model being primed with an arbitrary input. The model is chameleon-like—it adapts to the style and content of the conditioning text. This allows the user to generate realistic and coherent continuations about a topic of their choosing >GPT-2 displays a broad set of capabilities, including the ability to generate conditional synthetic text samples of unprecedented quality, where we prime the model with an input and have it generate a lengthy continuation. In addition, GPT-2 outperforms other language models trained on specific domains (like Wikipedia, news, or books) without needing to use these domain-specific training datasets. Also the current public model shown here only uses 345 million parameters, the "full" AI (which has over 4x as many parameters) is being witheld from the public because of it's "Potential for abuse". That is to say the full model is so proficient in mimicking human communication that it could be abused to create new articles, posts, advertisements, even books; and nobody would be be able to tell that there was a bot behind it all. <AI demo: <Other Links:

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Edited last time by Kiwi_ on 01/16/2024 (Tue) 23:04:32.
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Kinda in the wrong thread, we have one specific for voice and speech. But thanks, no problem. You probably didn't find the right one because you need to search for "speech generation" not "voice ...". I put my answer in there: >>30625
Hello robotwaifu, Honestly glad to see a chatbot thread, I usually just lurk here, but glad to see a thread proper for these, and it's a actual discussion I'm so used /g/'s usual chaos, Hmm I've been wondering how to improve my chatbot experience, while I can make great bots for usage, I've been wanting to explore using text to speech to expand on them.
>>30813 If you want advice, I still suggest /g/'s /lmg/. They're quite helpful.
Some guy (Morgan Millipede) started to reverse engineer Neuro-Sama: - basically just a humorous introduction on how to do this (he has a $4k computer, though, and she's slower in her responses at the beginning). 4chan responded: - Her response time improved since the first video.
>>30821 Lol. Thanks NoidoDev, I'll try to make time to look these over. Cheers. :^)

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Robowaifus in Media: Thread 02 Robowaifus in Media: Thread 02 01/14/2023 (Sat) 23:49:54 No.18711 [Reply] [Last]
Post about whatever media predominately features at least one fembot aka gynoid (female form of an android) as an important character, ideally a robowaifu or synthetic girlfriend. Some freedom with the topic is allowed, virtual waifus or bodiless AI might also qualify if she is female. Negative framing of the whole topic should be mentioned with negative sentiment. Cyborgs with a human brain or uploads of women don't really fit in, but if she's very nice (Alita) and maybe not a human based cyborg (catborg/netoborg) we can let it slide. Magical dolls have also been included in the past, especially when the guy had to hand-made them. Look through the old thread, it's worth it: >>82 - Picrel shows some of the more well know shows from a few years ago. I made a long list with links to more info's on most known anime shows about fembots/robowaifus, without hentai but including some ecchi and posted it here in the old thread: >>7008 - It also features some live-action shows and movies. I repost the updated list here, not claiming that it is complete, especially when it comes to live action and shows/movies we don't really like. >In some cases I can only assume that the show includes robogirls, since the show is about various robots, but I haven't seen it yet. A.D. Police Files: Andromeda Stories: Angelic Layer: Armitage III: Azusa will help: Blade Runner 2022: Busou Shinki: Butobi CPU: Casshern Sins: Chobits:

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 10/14/2023 (Sat) 05:44:28.
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>>30423 EXCITING! Thanks, Anon. Hopefully they'll keep things upbeat and more like Chobits for the animu! Cheers. :^)
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>>30848 One of my favorite seires as well. >upbeat I don't mind drama, I think stories do better if they have ups and downs. What I'm not looking forward to are the meandering school club plots and the Martians that look like squidbillies. I thought the martians were just squid-themed robots for a food truck but apparently they're actually aliens. The whole martian arc was kinda confusing for me. The kidnapping arc was also messy in so far as telling what the hell was going on. I got the gist of what story they were trying to tell but hopefully, it translates better on the anime. I'd like for the dub to be decent but I'm afraid they're going to insert trans VA's into it like they did for Delicious in Dungeon. The sub will be safe at least. My favorite part of the series is when Mina goes into the machine learning and logical processes. The little hints of there being something more even if the waifu itself doesn't realize it. Even if it ends up being a red herring and it's not a short circuit kind of situation I would be fine with that. If a bot malfunctioning makes it behave more like how I want it to, I don't consider that a bug, but a feature.
>>30854 >My favorite part of the series is when Mina goes into the machine learning and logical processes. The little hints of there being something more even if the waifu itself doesn't realize it. Even if it ends up being a red herring and it's not a short circuit kind of situation I would be fine with that. Yeah, that's wonderful stuff. As part of this remarkable group here on /robowaifu/ with the audacity and balls to try and tackle these very issues headon in the real-world, I have a natural affinity for these sorts of things. The Nipponese VAs on the teaser sound like normal humans. I too would be offended if the dub uses some faggot for the main protag (or anywhere else, for that matter). Let's hope not! :D I think the producers probably don't fully realize yet what a positive potential impact this series represents for the millions of us men who know about the concept of robowaifus now. They could use this animu to launch this entire property into a smash success if they play their cards right. But, IMO that will depend entirely on whether they stay true to it's Japanese roots, or if -- like so many other completely-sh*te series being produced during CY (including vidya, mango, and animu) -- they try to pander to what they think the GH Western-media evildoers are telling them we all """want""" (ie; quadruple-down on the pozz). I suppose time will tell... but let us here hope for the best instead! :D Regardless, thanks for bringing this new production to all our attentions, Anon! Cheers. :^) >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/11/2024 (Thu) 08:40:36.

Selecting a Programming Language Robowaifu Technician 09/11/2019 (Wed) 13:07:45 No.128 [Reply] [Last]
What programming language would suit us and our waifus best? For those of us with limited experience programming, it's a daunting question.
Would a language with a rigid structure be best?
Do we want an object-oriented language?
How much do you care about wether or not a given language is commonly used and widespread?
What the fuck does all that terminology mean?
Is LISP just a meme, or will it save us all?

In this thread, we will discuss these questions and more so those of us who aren't already settled into a language can find our way.
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Python Sucks And I LOVE It | Prime Reacts tl;dw: Execution speed is only one thing, development speed matters often more, and getting things done even more. Builtin types are in C anyways. Parts of the code can be transferred to Cython. Not mentioned: Mojo is around the corner, and based on Python.
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 11/08/2023 (Wed) 03:42:12.
>>26260 >Mojo is around the corner, and based on Python. Yeah, I'm curious if Modular will ever decide to end their commercial goals surrounding Mojo, and release it free as in speech to the world with no strings attached. It would be a shame for anons to get mired into some kind of Globohomo-esque tarbaby trap with something as vital to our robowaifus as her operational software. >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 11/08/2023 (Wed) 03:55:26.
Mojo was mentioned but no mention of Julia? I haven't had experience in either but Julia seems like it might be better for more people here that already know Python. However when I check on some people doing benchmarks it's not uncommon for Mojo to be faster perhaps because it takes more effort to optimize Julia code or they just had a flawed method of comparison though it is possible Mojo is actually faster. However Mojo isn't even open source currently though as far as I'm aware and may never actually be, but Julia always was open source and has been around a while now. In either case both are faster than Python when dealing with large datasets as far as I can tell. Julia can call on languages like C, C++ Python and Fortran libraries. Am I mistaken or isn't this likely better than Mojo and Python? Python being popular doesn't mean it's the best, it's just a general purpose language with a simple syntax so a lot of programmers know it but the people in ML research are adapting Julia more recently at an increasing rate although it's not anywhere near popular even there just yet.
Great, newbie-friendly introduction to ASM programming [1] by one of the self-taught masters, Matt Godbolt; creator (from scratch!) of the world-class programming analysis tool, Compiler Explorer [2]. Highly recommended video for anyone trying to understand what assembler/machine-code programming is. Good investment of 20-minutes for robowaifuists, Anon! :^) >note: Also the short, old book he mentions at the beginning of the video is available on Wayback. [3] --- 1. 2. 3. >=== -minor edit -add 'Wayback' hotlink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/09/2024 (Tue) 03:00:28.
>>30828 Thanks, I'll watch this when I also have time to play the "Human Resource Machine" which is a learning game for that.

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Anonymous 04/22/2023 (Sat) 16:20:05 No.2538 [Reply] [Last]
What went wrong? It had good games but it did so badly in the market.
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I like Gamecube.
>>8670 me too, it's a nice shape
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>>9746 Sovl.
>>8670 >>9661 Agreed.

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Stormtrooper 02/06/2020 (Thu) 20:21:01 No.2450 [Reply]
Station ready.
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>I am in complete control

Prototypes and Failures #4 Noido Dev ##pTGTWW 01/23/2024 (Tue) 03:17:26 No.28715 [Reply]
Post your prototypes and failures. We fail until we win. Don't forget looking through the old threads here >>418, >>18800 and >>21647 to understand how we got to where we are now.
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>>30737 >waterproof >backside of the eye Okay I think I understand better. I'm more visual focused so the images overrode anything I read. So does that mean you would have an eye socket that is sealed with the head with the ace just plop in there though water can flow around the eyes it cant flow into the head? I actually have seen little water pumps that had the propellor controlled by magnets so I could see how that would work I suppose. Why physical cables over using a very short distance wireless signal if you're going that route? It would make it more durable and easier to remove the eyes. Potential interference and image quality loss and the issue of batteries for the camera(s)? What made you think of that way over simply putting a stationary transparent dome that is flush to the that moves under it? Transparent plastic does yellow over time though so that would have to be replaced after some years though.
>>30739 >eye socket that is sealed with the head with the ace just plop in there though water can flow around the eyes it cant flow into the head? Yes, if I can make it work. The eyeball would be in a cavity, the electro magnets would be on the other side of the "skin" inside of the cavity. The cables would be sealed with silicone, with a connector underneath and longer than necessary. Of course the cavity would need to hold them as well. It could be stretch cables or whatever, idk yet. So if I wanted to switch out the eyeball, the "bone" around the eye socket should be able to extend, like a ring that can be stretched to increase the diameter with one hand. Then I could pull the eyeball out, cut through the silicone around the connector and plug them out. New ones plugged in and then sealed and put back. The main goals and advantages over the common animatronic eye mechanism would be: - Head can be water proof - The eye movement would be more quiet Optionally there could be a servo under each eye but still under the other side of the boundary of the holding cavity, the servo would have a magnet attacked, rotating the eyes sideways. This might be an option, if they're supposed to only move a little bit. I'm concerned that they would move to fast and only in a few steps instead gradually. Not sure if this looks well. Alternatively, under the eyeball there could be a (permanent) magnet with polarity to make the eyeballs a bit floating, so the other magnets could move them easier. > though water can flow around the eyes it cant flow into the head? No and kinda yes. Only the cavities could fill up, but for that reason there would probably be a little tube opening on the bottom where the water could flow into the body in a safe way. Probably into the esophagus (/gullet). This would also allow for putting in a cleaning liquid. Or having a mechanism for tears coming from a little tank in the head, without having the eye sockets being filled permanently. >I actually have seen little water pumps that had the propellor controlled by magnets so I could see how that would work I suppose. Okay, but this is then likely a very week mechanism. >Why physical cables over using a very short distance wireless signal if you're going that route?

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>>30747 I made a negative of how the backside of they eyeball is supposed to be allowed to move in the cavity. Creating this is quite compute intensive and slow on my laptop. I'm also not sure if I made a mistake, since it looks like there are areas which would be blocking. But it's just a test anyways. I had the idea to put little pivot spheres onto the eyeball (backside). On top and bottom. This is to reduce friction. Sideways looking would just require to rotate the eyeball on these, the "rails" are just to constrain it from rolling, but these might not even be necessary and I'll probably remove them. Of course the eye cavity part in which it moves will also need to be altered. Additionally this part also needs a whole for the cables.
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>>30758 >backside of an eyeball and eye sockets with cutouts to tilt or rotate them around without falling out I changed the design towards only using some small spheres as holders and pivots. The white parts in the picrels would be what's cut out from the holder behind, so it can move using 4 small spheres around the backside of the eyeball. Picrel one and two are with fewer cuts, just to show the principle. Not sure if it's going to work that way, I still have to try it out and maybe think more about it. But I can adjust the code relatively easy now if I think it's necessary.
I really like where your design research is going here, NoidoDev! Looking forward to seeing your results, Anon. Cheers. :^)

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R&D General NoidoDev ##eCt7e4 07/21/2023 (Fri) 15:25:47 No.24152 [Reply] [Last]
This is a thread to discuss smaller or general waifu building problems, solutions, proposals and questions that don't warrant a thread or touch on more than one topic. In a way this is a technical meta, minus news. Keep it technical. A lot of topics in the old thread here >>83 have a thread on their own by now. The main topics in the old thread with the link to the related dedicated threads are listed here - it was mostly about actuation at the beginning: Topics in the old OP: - liquid battery and cooling in one (flow batteries) >>5080 - artificial muscles (related to actuators >>12810) - high level and low level intelligence emulation (AI) (related to AI >>77 >>22 >>250 >>27 >>201) - wear and maintenance, including repairs - sanitation >>1627 (related to actuators >>12810) > cheap hydraulic and pneumatic muscles > woven sleeves out of strong nylon fishing line > exhaust excess heat by breathing and panting (related to thermal management >>234) >>1635 (related to energy systems >>5080) > sitting in her 'recharging chair'

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Apptronik (Apollo Robot): (seems to have some CGI in it, without stating so) - Humanoid with (swapable) battery lasts 4 hours, so could be lighter with a smaller battery. - They tried wheels, and say legs work better and will win in the long run. - Dexterous hands seems to be one of the hardest things. Though, for simple tasks hands won't need to be as good as human ones. - Will cost 50k, for factory and logistic work.
>>30802 Neat! >and say legs work better and will win in the long run. The latter is probably true for general ambulatory locomotion around the home, etc. For longer-distance 'commute', however, wheels at the distal end of the limbs will clearly be faster & more-efficient. Thanks, NoidoDev. Cheers. :^)
Does anyone know where the patent for this is? Im just curious if there is anything unique or not in the lip moving mechanism. >product is remote kissing device >lead inventor Jiang Zhongli >patent holder Changzhou Vocational Institute of Mechatronic Technology >patent filed in 2019 >patent expired January 2023 I assume the patent would be listed here but I am having trouble getting past the login wall since registry isnt sending me confirmation email
>>30824 G*ogle has an effective patent search system, as well as a good index of scholarly works to boot. I hate recommending them, but for this area they are a valuable asset.

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Emmy The Robot Robowaifu Technician 12/20/2023 (Wed) 15:04:29 No.27481 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome all Nandroids fans to the Emmy thread, for discussing and posting about EtR. Please refrain from posting off-topic or non-Nandroid related things. --- Also, be sure to check out Emmy-Pilled's project thread! (>>25306) Important Community Links: Booru: Google Docs: Webtoons: > previous threads : >>26629 Only Kiwi & Chobitsu can correct grammar.
Edited last time by Kiwi_ on 02/27/2024 (Tue) 01:07:45.
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>>30891 go back to crying on reddit
New HD/Bedrock nandroid skin, and it's Aria
>>30891 Sounds like the average 4chan experience to me
as this thread has been bumplocked, we move once again to a new thread >>30919
>>30920 >as this thread has been bumplocked Autosage is set at 500 (>>29497). --- NEW THREAD NEW THREAD NEW THREAD >>30919 >>30919 >>30919 >>30919 >>30919 NEW THREAD

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nandroid project II Emmy-Pilled 09/11/2023 (Mon) 01:03:11 No.25306 [Reply] [Last]
building own personal nandroid doll continuation of previous thread:
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Good to see you on /fit/ Emmy-Pilled.
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and so, as promised. Finally we have eyes and with light to boot
>>30773 Welcome Romanianon! Is this your first time on /robowaifu/ ? If so, please have a good look around while you're here. Heh, I think Emmy-Pilled is breddy majorly-buff tbh. :^) >>30804 Sweet! The first set is pretty cutey, the second is quite spoopy! :DD I've stated for years now that we should have 'Walking Lightshow' mode for our robowaifus ('specially for dancin' ! :D You are already well along that path it seems. GG, Anon. Cheers. :^)
>>30804 Looks pretty cool. What exactly did you wind up using for the eyes and cheeks? The glow through the head when lights out is amusing the pattern it produces but if you wanted to get rid of that maybe you could paint primer on the inside to better block or at least help diffuse the light? If you happened to want to attempt a moving Iris / pupils I wonder if you put a round disk behind the eyes that moves around if that could be an iris / pupil. There is a few ways to accomplish that off top of my head depending on how much room you got back there. One way is a disk or sphere on a rod that moves around like looking down on a joystick from above that just angles itself. Another way is if that rod is hooked up to a plotter like rail system. Another way is nylon lines on spools that just tugs disk around around with different motors though that might cast a shadow where the nylon lines are. It's good how it is too though.
>>30806 thanks, it has a total of 9 colors as if that would ever be needed. >>30809 I cast the eyes and cheeks out of epoxy, I plan on taping tinfoil to the inside of the head, as it will reflect and boost the light while keeping it limited to just the sockets. I never really had an idea for making the pupils move since I can´t do electronics. I simply plan on carving the iris into the eye and adding some more epoxy in a darker shade

Humanoid Robot Projects Videos Robowaifu Technician 09/18/2019 (Wed) 04:02:08 No.374 [Reply] [Last]
I'd like to have a place to accumulate video links to various humanoid – particularly gynoid – robotics projects are out there. Whether they are commercial scale or small scale projects, if they involve humanoid robots post them here. Bonus points if it's the work of a lone genius. I'll start, Ricky Ma of Hong Kong created a stir by creating a gynoid that resembled Scarlett Johansson. It's an ongoing project he calls an art project. I think it's pretty impressive even if it can't walk yet. === Instructions on how to use yt-dlp to save videos ITT to your computer: (>>16357)
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/21/2022 (Sat) 14:20:15.
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Wasnt sure where to put this because I do not like this design of this robot at all but the demonstration and presentation helps give good pointers on making a humanoid robot interact with a person properly. I suppose some of you could have came to these conclusions yourselves but still may help as a hint. You just can skip to 4 minutes in really since it is just a talk about social robots first.
>>30781 I personally find it quite humorous that we, here, on /robowaifu/ itself, have bent the Leftists and Filthy Commies over a barrel with their 'Kill Whitey!111', 'Kill Patriarchy!111' satanic rhetoric. (It was laughable they postured this fugly as the 'we' built this robot mouthpiece.) * On the one hand, it seems they are only just now collectively beginning to realize how awesome real-world companion robots are going to be. * On the other hand, it's pretty clear that disenfranchised, capable young men are going to be both the primary producers & consumers of such anytime during the near-to-midterm timeframes -- and that the agendas of these independant, talented young men are going to first & foremost be for the development of robowaifus. The horrors! :D The Globohomo itself is facing a similar conundrum as well, not just it's little army of trained golems. * On the one hand, the personal companion robot field is destined to eventually become the second-largest practical industry in all human history (behind food production). Hundreds of trillions of dollar's-worth, all else being equal : "Won't someone please just think of the sheqels!111?" [1] * On the other hand, they have already let out so much manipulative, predictive-programming -esque, "It's the Le Terminators, RUN!111" media hype (through fear for their own hides lest Anons and Joe Sixpacks all get their own robowaifus 'too early' [2] [cf. the history of, et al]) [3] -- that they are currently struggling to try and figure out how to retcon their normalcattle brainwashing """narratives""" of today to support their intended big moneygrab of tomorrow. Epin. GG, /robowaifu/ ! :^) --- 1. This is not including their military or industrial -use agendas for humanoid robotics; rather simply for appealing personal companion robots. 2. That is: while still opensource & free (such as promoted by our model here) -- and not directly under their iron-thumb of surveillance and control. 3. Additionally, confer this Anon's post : (>>30787). Lol, the programming is real! :D >===

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/15/2024 (Mon) 14:25:07.
I had a while ago came across HuggieBot. Terrible design to look at though it's seemingly more research focused but not too bad on the hugging function. The test was to see how satisfactory the hugs are to find best hugging style. Probably wouldn't be too difficult to incorporate the method used to know when to release from a hug which seems to be checking for hand release in the back. Imagine getting in the arms of your robowaifu and she wont let go and just squeezes tighter and tighter till you hear the snap of your ribs and it's lights out.
>>30787 I don't care how terrible the design is or if I'm getting crushed to death, I just need a hug.
Eve by 1X is neat. This clip with a bunch together in a cut free shot is pretty trippy to watch. Too bad they dont have the bipedal model Neo ready for demos >>30792 Likewise. I was joking about the consequences of not taking notes.

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New Josh / Null / Big J Thread Unironic Ralphamale 09/17/2023 (Sun) 17:45:58 No.224358 [Reply]
We need a new Jewsh thread. There's an AI powered game with some great cocks posted on Onionfarms. 'Big J' is TheTheTheGatorGamerGamerGamer's self-insert name in his sweaty gamer rape fantasies from /phile/ for those who don't know.
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>>247140 Ah, I see... I think I heard it once somewhere... I'm guessing that's why he's a bit of a feminist
>>236911 Manifesto? Sauce?
So um, >we already have a thread for this and it's uh pinned so yeah... Lurkmoar onionboys
>>247298 He's referring to the quickly deleted stream that Jewsh did immediately after the Christchurch shooting. I don't have an archive but it went about as expected. "HE WASN'T WRONG! THEY REALLY DO BE INVADING! HAHAHA, LET'S WATCH THIS WOMAN CRY FOR HELP ON LOOP FOR A WHILE"

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Cronache della Corsaguerra - come uccidono gli Dei - Lupo Lucio 07/09/2023 (Sun) 00:29:58 ID: 46ae73 No.19735 [Reply]
E così stava davvero succedendo. Gli aruspici lo avevano annunciato ma non vi avevo dato peso. Ancor prima di sapere l'esito della notizia ero ancora predisposto al fallimento degli ultimi eventi, intento a cercare l'ennesima alternativa. E invece. Già da tempo avevo preso l'abitudine, forse il vizio, di paragonare la situazione presente ad altre del passato. Forse per cercare un falso senso di sicurezza. E falso non potrebbe essere l'aggettivo migliore. Perché la verità è che chi conosce il proprio futuro ha il terrore del non potergli sfuggire. Specie quando questo è stato predetto come funesto. Ma ormai il conflitto è stato accettato. Oltre ad essere inevitabile è parte stessa dell'essere e dell'esistenza. Alla fine tutto il dolore, tutto l'odio erano solo un indizio sul senso ultimo dell'esistenza: il conflitto. non che questo significhi anche essere preparati ad affrontarlo ma rendersi conto che evitarlo sarà inutile è solo un passo avanti. Avanti verso la fine. Da piccolo avevo paura della morte. Ora sapere che ad un certo punto tutto finirà è quasi una consolazione. Alla sofferenza. All'inutile agitarsi come formiche. Ma ora tutto cambia.

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Una volta ancora il mio ottimismo è stato illuso. Una volta ancora è sfuggito di mano proprio prima del momento in cui potessi afferrarlo. Ma è solo un rimando. Sufficiente tuttavia per incutermi un terrore cieco che nulla avvenga e che io non riesca infine ad afferrarlo. Una volta per tutte. Almeno prima della fine del corpo. L'obbiettivo di una vita. Ma forse solo il frutto della mia scarsa fantasia. Nel frattempo le mie carni vengono dilaniate di nuovo. Ancora una volta. Li sento ridere mentre vi affondano i loro spiedi. Non c'è nulla che io possa fare per impedirlo. Specie a questo punto. Avrei dovuto essere più accorto? Tagliare i nodi come Alessandro? Forse. Ripetere i vecchi errori non può certo portare ad emendarli.

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Tutto sta venendo giù. Gli stati si cannibalizzano in guerre senza senso. Il Male si manifesta impunemente con aperti massacri. la terra trema punendo coloro che si sono venduti al miglior offerente. Le menzogne si mostrano in piena luce. L'uso e il tempo cancellano interi patrimoni. E a me non me ne fotte una cazzo.
>>20231 direi che il senso di impotenza è razionalmente giustificato. Personalmente resto dell'idea che questo caos sia il "mare" da cui emerge la "bestia" biblica. E non facciamone una questione di ateismo perché neanche la capacità di predire il futuro è prova di indimostrabili asserzioni nell'ambito del soprannaturale. In altre parole secondo me siamo in un gioco di poliziotto buono poliziotto cattivo, ma occhio che, come ai tempi per Hitler, se il cattivo prevalesse subito, al sistema andrebbe anche meglio.

what are you playing? General #1 Anonymous 02/02/2023 (Thu) 16:50:11 No.363 [Reply] [Last]
new trash to old retro vidya games, all vidya is welcome. What are you playing? can you recommend said piece of vidya to anyone or should they stay away? Or are you just playing something to see how shit it is? Come on, post whatever you are playing even if it's emulator or original hardware games(olden time consoles and handhelds), even new vidya on PC or consoles.
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>>7772 That's definitely part of it. But the AI in the new version seems optimized for veteran players looking for a challenge, and I'm not in that category.
Is Lunacid a tranny game? Should I just play King's Field IV? Is King's Field IV fun or frustrating?
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>>7607 don´t listen to >>7772 play Disciples instead, its the same gig, but its less about spamming units and metagaming and more about party composition and having your units survive encounters so they promote >What are you playing? suffering through playing an archer in DA:O, god the archer is bad, now im stuck trying to fix this piece of shit because turns out the way to play archer, is to pick none of the archer perks aside from Aim and just make a lethality rogue with cunning, too late i guess...
>>9773 >Is Lunacid a tranny game? Was it made in the last 10 years by a western dev? If so, then yeah it's almost assuredly a tranny gayme.
>>9789 >play Disciples instead, its the same gig, but its less about spamming units and metagaming and more about party composition and having your units survive encounters so they promote I'll have to keep that in mind for the future. The next game of that type that I try will probably be Age of Wonders. Since I made that post, I've since gotten okay at Heroes of Might and Magic 2 but feel like I've hit a wall in terms of raising my skill level. I can win Broken Alliance on normal difficulty most of the time in fheroes2, for example. If I recall correctly, normal difficulty corresponds with hard mode in the standard game. I also tried Heroes of Might and Magic 3 and didn't care that much for it. I have 4 too but haven't played it.

The important question Robowaifu Technician 09/18/2019 (Wed) 11:54:39 No.419 [Reply] [Last]
Vagoo. I can't speak for anyone but myself but I'd like to get.. intimate with my fembot. I'd like to know what my options are for her robopussy. I was thinking something like a flesh light with sensors that triggers voice and arm action. I'm using Myrobotlab is Anyone familiar with it?

Robosex general I guess
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>>29668 >a self defeating pollutant humans learn from each other and improve, i don't see why ai would be any different. esp as it gets smarter
>>30196 I wouldn't want my GF to be human-like tho. We are literally running away from them.
>>30237 we're not running from the "human", we're running from the "feminist"/"feminazi" and all the toxicity and entitlement that comes with
>>30703 This. Though at this stage of development, the Uncanny Valley is an issue for us all, whether with the Ghost, or the Shell. Best to embrace the robot, Anons! :DD
>>30754 >uncanny valley long term it'd be best to figure out how to get realistic robowaifus, but short term, maybe settling with stylized [ie. anime] robowaifus is viable

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Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 06:26:08 No.9101 [Reply] [Last]
>Playstation and the AAA market has driven itself into a corner and is in actual danger of collapsing with one single video game flop. on top of that, it alienated the japanese market (as well as the developers) by focusing entirely on the western market >Microsoft is hanging in there and is doubling down on becoming a massive publisher for video games on every platform, while still keeping close to the Xbox brand. we'll see how sustainable it'll be in the years to come >Nintendo is in the best position it's ever been, keeping development costs down while still bringing in massive profits from the revenue it's attained to continue pushing out games on a consistent basis. on top of that, their next console is right around the corner, furthering their market share if it hits big
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>>9751 Kinda agree but the word "expansion" is not well used there, the Cucker might've meant "chapters"
>>9751 >persona 3: numake Imagine paying $70 for a censored game, then $30 later for the rest of it when you can just get the PS2 emulator and FES ISO for free.
>>9742 Roblox isn't, you'll see some wild shit there.
>>9798 I know they let pedophiles run rampant especially if they're making roblox money, but that's normal for leftwing shitholes. But does that lack of oversite extend to less jewish schools of thought?
>>9805 There's countless videos of people doing shit like making nigger shoot em ups and death to israel tier games in Roblox, it's much closer to old school internet than most other online games specifically due to the lack of overbearing centralized moderation. Pedophiles obviously come with that territory too, their presence isn't a political statement, they are opportunists and don't care about what ideologies they're dealing with as long as they can get access to children.

Hand Development Robowaifu Technician 07/28/2020 (Tue) 04:43:19 No.4577 [Reply] [Last]
Since we have no thread for hands, I'm now opening one. Aside the AI, it might be the most difficult thing to archive. For now, we could at least collect and discuss some ideas about it. There's Will Cogleys channel: - he's on his way to build a motor driven biomimetic hand. It's for humans eventually, so not much space for sensors right now, which can't be wired to humans anyways. He knows a lot about hands and we might be able to learn from it, and build something (even much smaller) for our waifus. Redesign: More: Finger prototype: CMC joint: I think the thread about sensoric skin >>242 is closely related to this topic, because it will be difficult to build a hand which also has good sensory input. We'll have to come up with some very small GelSight-like sensors. F3 hand (pneumatic) Festo hand (pneumatic) Thread >>417 is about Prosthetics, especially Open Prosthetics. This can be relevant to some degree. However, the constraints are different. We might have more space in the forearms, but we want marvelous sensors in the hands and have to connect them to the body.

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>>27988 That's fine, I agree, but I think Chobitsu will ban you anyways. >>29719 I wanted to do this, but didn't get to it so far. I think you will have to go with a simple design first and replace it later. Making a really good hand will be really difficult and not everyone will need the same complexity. I'm convinced that it has to be made out of many small machined metal parts (maybe even Titanium, lol). Otherwise there's not enough space, and plastics would be too fragile if being so small. Also, ideally the lines for data and energy should not be cables, but the hinges should be made of metal parts insulated from each other. To picture it: Imagine the middle layer of each finger bone to be a PCB with lines, then an insulation on top and bottom, covered with metal, then maybe a TPU before the silicone rubber. The sensors would be in the TPU or silicone, but in the tips it might be little cameras ("gel sight") as part of the PCB and a little hole would allow to look at the soft material in the finger tip. The hinges more like very small "piano hinges" (aka "continuous hinges"), but with insulation between different parts, so different signals can be transmitted and received. Even if this would work, there would still be a problem with making sure the sensors wont be harmed or messed up by little cuts or interactions with the environments (needles, thorns).
>>18745 >Dexhand There is a site for it that didnt get listed I wonder if there is a way to make the hand smaller to a more feminine palm width. Also how to make it quieter aside from an outer casing.
>>30267 I recognized the use of mediapipe immediately: I encourage folks to check out the demos. Among other things it can do hand/body tracking, which means Real Steel -erm... I mean... robowaifus doing a synchronized dance with a human ain't so far fetched.
Not sure where to post this. When I was looking at Punyo which I had posted into the video thread >>30748 I had came across that Toyota has the gripper mechanism used is available for people to build. Not entirely humanoid just having soft pads with sensors instead of full on hands but it's workable and I think the same thing could be modified into a hand form either using it only in the palm then add fingers maybe even smaller versions in the pads into the fingers or something for more sensory ability. Just a thought.
>>30750 Thanks, it's the right place, I'd say. Btw, if people aren't responding more with some encouraging comments, it's just to not "spam" the board with that. Doesn't mean it's not appreciated.

Privacy, Safety, & Security General Robowaifu Technician 04/20/2021 (Tue) 20:05:08 No.10000 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is for discussion, warnings, tips & tricks all related to robowaifu privacy, safety & security. Or even just general computing safety, particularly if it's related to home networks/servers/other systems that our robowaifus will be interacting with in the home. --- > thread-related (>>1671) >=== -update OP -broaden thread subject -add crosslink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/23/2023 (Thu) 13:31:28.
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> surveillance-related : (>>26151)
I consider this a remarkably important article [1] about the evils of DRM, and the importance of freedom for users. I thought about linking this in our Licensing thread, but given the safety-critical nature of commonplace 'my-life-with-dear-Robowaifu' scenarios, I consider this topic to be much more of a privacy, safety, and security issue for /robowaifu/ 's anons. Don't ever be 'sold a bill of goods' by the GH or their adjacent agents! You own what you pay for within a sale (in any rational, sane contexts), and you have the right to examine (thoroughly and in detail), tinker with, or change anything you own. Simple as. >tl;dr That's your robowaifu now Anon. She rightfully belongs to you, not to the company who designed/built her for you. Do with her as you see fit... WE ARE DIY'rs! :^) --- 1. >=== -add hotlink -fmt, prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/02/2024 (Sat) 07:12:46.
>>30049 bluray is another example except bd+ is basically malware, you have no idea whats being executed when you use one of those 'loicensed' players
>>30050 Yeah that sounds right, Anon. My chief concern in this regard for us anons here (and indeed for all men purchasing future robowaifu kits/builds) is that nefarious, greedy GH-esque types will seek to exploit the technological nature of robowaifus, and use that to blackmail you into sending them further sheqels or face your beloved waifu getting bricked. And that's not even digging into all the other potential evils such entities would very-clearly also attempt regarding violating men's privacy, manipulating them with pozz-propaganda, etc. And honestly these kinds of abuses can only really continue to occur because so many normalcattle are entirely complacent regarding (indeed, complicit with) their own abuse by these evildoers. >tl;dr Stop the Madness. Fully-opensource, 100% disconnected, robowaifus today!! :^) >=== -sp, prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/02/2024 (Sat) 07:10:49.
The guy who found the backdoor scheme in XZ Utils is related to this here: - since he published it on their mailing list: Context videos: - - >Openwall GNU/*/Linux security-enhanced Linux distribution for servers Might also be interesting for us. They try to make sure that exploits and bugs are being caught before going into the wild. >The first question most people will have is: what is so "security-enhanced" about Owl? Aren't major Linux distributions such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Ubuntu, openSUSE, and so on secure? Of course, they continuously patch known security vulnerabilities and some of them (Red Hat in particular) implement security features to decrease the impact of vulnerabilities, but none of them really are focused on preventing vulnerable software from getting into the distribution in the first place.

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General Robotics/A.I./Software News, Commentary, + /pol/ Funposting Zone #4 NoidoDev ##eCt7e4 07/19/2023 (Wed) 23:21:28 No.24081 [Reply] [Last]
Anything in general related to the Robotics or A.I. industries, and any social or economic issues surrounding it (especially of robowaifus). -previous threads: > #1 (>>404) > #2 (>>16732) > #3 (>>21140)
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>>29736 Jerry Pournelle and Larry Niven had a sci-fi world, universe, they wrote about(known space, lots of books and stories). To get around the AI problem they postulated that all AI's over a certain intelligence would go mad...we seeing that????
>>29803 >White supremacists is an insult White supremacists is what the globalhomo calls White people who don't hate themselves and take pride in the very large accomplishments that White people have made. It's simply an attack to shame Whites into not looking after their own interest first before all the other races. Who, BTW, have no problem looking after themselves first.
>>30718 This. Simple as. While I'm perfectly happy to see other men lift their own races up towards the God-given light freely granted to us all through Jesus Christ's sacrifice... given Current Year Globohomo agendas, I'm currently much more concerned about the temporal welfare of, and protection of, my own race. 'IT'S OK TO BE WHITE :^)
>>30718 > supremacist (n.) >"one who believes in the inherent superiority of one race or sex or social group," by 1892, in white supremacist, originally with reference to political campaigns and candidates in the U.S. South (Louisiana), from supremacy + -ist. Compare supremist. Related: Supremacism. >1892
>>30722 Which means "white privilege" is an expression of white supremacy, a contemporary expression of "white man's burden" (the idea that whites must help non-whites develop civilization and prosper).

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Imageboard Lunatics Anonymous 12/07/2019 (Sat) 04:41:47 ID: bfa008 No.22191 [Reply] [Last]
It comes as no surprise to anyone here that even fringe anonymous communities are home to lunatics and cranks, but some sites attract them more than others.

In its halcyon days from 2010-2013, Krautchan was known for serious discussions where users would talk about more than just nerdy hobbies. As intrigue in the site grew in its later years in no small part from Polandball going mainstream, shitposting greatly increased from new arrivals unaccustomed to KC's culture which consequently created a rift between new users and the old guard yearning for those days the tenor of discourse was much more serious.

Enter Ernstchan. Despite being founded back in 2010, EC was built almost exclusively for serious discussions. Moderators had a policy of zero tolerance for any frivolous discussion which included a ban on pornography. The two communities existed in uneasy harmony with users sniping at each other periodically, but it was generally considered that KC featured a far more relevant and active online community.

Then came the watershed moment: KC's sudden closure in March 2018. Der General no longer had the heart to continue running an imageboard. Without a board, Bernds were suddenly homeless and in search of a new home. The community dispersed between Kohlchan, 8ch and finally EC.

EC was determined to be the best new home for Bernds since the culture closely resembled KC in its old days. The friction between Bernds and Ernsts gradually increased with the resident EC posters quickly growing tired of their new arrivals. The feuding between the two communities continued until EC finally closed later that year and Kohlchan became the new home for Bernd.

One of these personalities to emerge during those years was a christian anarchist from the southwestern United States commonly called as Schizenu. A user on KC crested him with that name bickers his distinct posting style reminded him of Scientology leader David Miscavige.

Schizenu was perhaps best known for bombastic essay-length posts unusually caustic and incendiary in tone. He absolutely despised right-wing politics and especially users of /pol/ who he blamed for changing the tenor of imageboard culture. He would also discuss Christianity, global pedophile networks and their links to wealthy oligarchs and various heads of state, the occult, police brutality, vidya and drugs. Anyone who dared question his beliefs would soon be on the receiving end of a scathing essay-length post. As he is claimed to be a user of psychedelic drugs, many users speculated that he could very well have been damaged from prolonged use and is suffering from psychosis.

Any other users you know from their posting style who are like this? Share any/all interesting discoveries.
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>>245691 Hi Carrey-chan. How did you find this?
>>245754 clearly the bitch likes scrote sites, don't let her first line fool you she's been here before.
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>>245754 >>245780 nothing you simpletons say or do is gonna change the fact that james eugene carrey is a cultist who has committed crimes against humanity that should be cut up with glass and then have his bleeding wounds boiled alive in vinegar
>>247267 TheTheGatorGamerGamer Carrey is a great man, a brilliant comedian, and an amazing serial killer. You're just jealous you don't have even a tenth of the charisma and killer instinct he does. >>245691 >Remember the time TheTheGatorGamerGamer Carrey almost fucked up and revealed himself by overpowering Will Smith in public during Will's action hero phase
>>247267 Yeah I have no clue about that one I'll concede, Boiling Vinegar Blood sounds like a good metal band name as an aside.

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Channel Autism Anonymous 11/02/2019 (Sat) 21:46:51 ID: ea2451 No.16071 [Reply] [Last]
What happened to the alumni?

Also a reminder that Latza is now more successful than any of them.
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>>211599 Cuck channers in the sektur? Where? Those weaklings forget the old ways.
>>211604 Is that picture for ants Sauron or Melkor?
any new developments?
>>170667 Last time I checked, the real "winners" just happen to be same guys who knew how to draw: >Andrew Dickman It seems he accomplished the wetdream of any terminal online manchild: HIRED by the cartoon industry and left his socials >ChadRocco Rocco got a bad case of autogynephilia and now larps as a big busted DiC princess peach: And yet opting to have another alternative persona (TubbyToon) drawing fat art from shitty cartoons, in which he's got this obsession with Gwen from Ben 10. But at least he can flex his fame to Andrew Dobson: >Goes full aurtistic drawing little girls as 600lbs contenders >Shits on the GOP while praising shitty liberal shows <Backed by his manchildren audience from both Channel Autism and bbw-chan <Despite not improving since the early 2010's
>>211850 Melkor, the shield is what gives it away.

Waifu Materials Robowaifu Technician 09/12/2019 (Thu) 03:04:33 No.154 [Reply] [Last]
I would define a robowaifu as a doll with robotic features. However there are many different types of dolls (BJD, cloth doll, sex doll, etc). A doll has a skin or surface material, sometimes a filler (cotton), and sometimes internal structure (bones and joints).

Continuing the discussion from (((>>2831 >>2836 todo:relink))) , I want to create a thread to explore the many possible surface materials for a waifu (robo or no). The most important decision is whether to use a hard or soft material.

Hard Materials
>3D Printed Hard Plastic (PLA/ABS)
>Injection Molded Hard Plastic

Soft Materials
>Natural Fabrics (Cotton, Silk, Wool)
>Synthetic Fabrics (Vinyl, Polyester, Nylon)
>Fur/Hair (presumably synthetic, inb4 yiff in hell)
>Silicone or TPE Rubber (TPE is basically a cheaper form of silicone)

I'm strongly biased against the hard materials for comfort reasons. Personally, I have a hard time seeing myself falling in love with something hard, but others on this board talk about using hard materials, so I'm trying to keep an open mind.

My preference is for silicone, but there are four big problems with it. Firstly, it's expensive. Secondly, it impedes modification after the silicone has set. Thirdly, it contributes to the uncanny valley/silicone slut issue. Fourthly, it is heavy, and this weight really constrains the skeleton, posablity, and probably robotics. Because of the weight, silicone dolls have heavy-duty skeletons.

My second choice is therefore fabric, presumably stuffed with cotton. Fabric is super comfy, and has no uncanny valley issue. A non-fuggable fabric doll or robot would have no stigma issue, and could be the start of a productive hobbyist scene with plenty of females. Fabric is extremely lightweight which could be a plus or a minus. By itself, its unsubstantial and not ideal for robotics. A fabric robot is possible, but it requires hard, heavy parts underneath to provide structure and as actuators, which would make it less comfy. The fabric could be a textile (cotton), a synthetic leather (resembles skin, makeup/dress-up potential), or synthetic fur for you furfags out there.

Another possibility is a hard vinyl BJD-like doll with a layer of something comfy on top. Alternately, you all can reject my comfort autism if the benefits of having a hard doll/robot are clear enough. I'd like to hear others make the case for a hard doll/robot, since I don't think I could do the argument justice.

Finally, this is a discussion, not a debate. There are multiple paths we could take, and I'm sure different robowaifuists will try different techniques to see what works and what doesn't. I'm more interested in seeing what options are on the table than shutting down any particular approach.
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>>30535 One of the problems with HDPE is in thinner sections it's a little flimsy. A thought, maybe you could make a mesh of basalt fiber or better, rope, which is super strong then melt the plastic around it. An example, I wonder if you could use Mylar as a film to vacuum form HDPE? Mylar they say, will stay together at 200C. SO you have a plaster ot toher mold with a two sheets of mylar on each side, taped to hold air. Dump HDPE into the mold between the Mylar, heat then draw a vacuum on one side of the mold while heating. It will form to the mold.
>>30584 There may be an interesting line of research...on this sort of thing. Shape memory polymers depend on the strength of the dielectric. So do capacitors. So some of the effects of one should change the same in each. There's this guy called Robert Murray-Smith who has a massive YouTube site with all sorts of good stuff. For the longest he concentrated on capacitors, batteries, graphene, that sort of stuff. He has a should not miss set of videos called, The Strange Capacitor - How To Build It and Improve It Return To The Strange Capacitor I suspect very strongly that this effect in PEG comes from it forming a sort of vesicle. Another name for this is a liposome. It's used in drugs delivery and also in liposomal vitamin c. Usually some sort of fat or protein that make something like a cell wall. It would not surprise me if the same stuff Robert is using in capacitors would help actuators. Another thought. If you had two materials with different responses. One large, one small, then if the two were glued together they would curl or curve like an old fashioned bimetal thermostat.
>>30711 Thanks, interesting idea, but this here is a thread about "Materials", but it drifts more and and more into a general about what can be done with certain materials. We have this general thread exactly for that: >>24152 and >>108 for vacuum forming. >>30716 Dielectric actuators are actuators: >>27021
>>30711 I was thinking mainly of it being a bit on thicker side anyway though that is a lot of material. >>30716 I think it comes from the PEG forming long molecular bonds with itself so it creates a scaffolding that holds it's shape under more tension. PEG also can be used as a solvent of sorts which may be related. >>30725 I had included >>30584 here instead of actuator thread because there is other uses for SMP than an actuator and when making it yourself from chemicals it falls into material science. It can be used for a way to repair dents though im not sure if that is an advantage over more rubbery materials that instantly bounce back. Body temperature activated can be a type of actuator with very limited perhaps for a tiny hand to close on your own so i wouldnt consider that an actuator in the same way something that can be actually controlled, rather it could be more accurate to call it reactive material. Though how to make it in chemical synthesis is a whole other thing above my head.
>>30730 Okay, understood. But please keep in mind that this thread is always in danger to drifting towards becoming another R&D general instead of just covering the materials mentioned in other discussions.

Dolls, Dollmaking Techniques, and Their Use for Robowaifu Construction Greentext anon 01/16/2024 (Tue) 05:14:05 No.28514 [Reply]
Dollmaking is an ancient art, dating back as far as recorded history. Throughout these many years, dollmakers have invented and innovated at a steady pace, making each doll just a little bit better than the last while still leaning on tried-and-true techniques. This thread is here to discuss those techniques, and other relevant aspects of the doll world (including mannequins and marionettes) which we can apply to make our own waifus. One common example most of you may have seen already is the ball-jointed doll. However, there is more than one type. Higher-end BJDs commonly use elastic string to bind limbs to sockets in a method not too dissimilar to how tendons link our bones. There are also peg linked joints. where you (usually) have two hemispheres connected to eachother and connecting two seperate limb parts with pegs. There are also double-joints which work on the same basic principle. The attached images show both principles. Simple hinges are also quite the staple. They often have varying levels of tightness, depending on the application. A marionette, for instance, will typically have very loose hinges which allow for great ease of movement via user-operated strings. A system like that is quite easy to motorize, though one would want to consider how to get the limbs to stay in position without constant motor input. On the more complex end of things, some dolls feature endoskeletons, which allow for more realistic sometimes and complex poses. However, in addition to being more complex, these are much more expensive, fragile, and difficult to repair. While some of these things could be solved here, I doubt that a perfect solution is realistic at this time. It's good to keep in mind, though. Outside of basic frame components, there are also the details, such as the eyes. Glass eyes have the interesting effect of "following" the viewer without requiring any motors or electronics. Weight and cost are both important considerations, however, especially for a full-size waifu with anime doe eyes. Resin eyes are also quite popular, as ithey're easier to make at home. Wigs, of course, are also important to consider. I assume everyone here will want their waifus to have hair, and said hair will be easier to install (and detach for cleaning) if treated as a seperate component. They're usually kept in place with simple elastic, and I imagine it'd be easy to introduce magnets into the equation for better stability. What do you guys think about these concepts, and what do you have to add? It's a vast field, with plenty of potential uses for waifu making. Concepts from doll-adjacent items, such as action figures, plushbots, puppets, etcetera are also welcome for discussion.
18 posts and 8 images omitted.
>>30524 Thanks, I looked into this before: >>13862 - backlinked your posting from the materials thread. This is especially useful for guys who might have children or maybe just pets around. I doubt these plastic hair fibers are good to have around. The thing I found back then is using fibers made from banana plants, which are normally left to rot after harvesting the fruit and might even get in the way as some kind of slow rotting waste. This can allegedly be made into hair, though it was expensive back when I looked into it.
>>30528 A finished product like that will generally be more expensive than raw material you finish up yourself unless it is mass produced or only sold in quantities much larger than you need for raw material
>>30531 Okay, do you mean more expensive than the materials in >>30524? I have no idea. Human hair is of course the other alternative. It would be interesting to know what a pro's and con's of each material are. But it's not urgent to me. Generally the work being put into it if it's not a wig but part of the skull plate will be the biggest cost or effort.
>>30600 Yes though I havent checked prices for everything individually. Presumably at times the price difference is small between raw material and something already dyed, combed, flat ironed and fixed into pieces to attach or a weave while other times the difference could be magnitudes more. Human hair is quite expensive where top quality human hair of long length can land someone thousands of USD....unless you want to just hang out at a salon and ask for random women's hair lol Generally speaking natural materials often have antimicrobial properties. Pictured is ramie.
Glad to see the doll thread is getting some activity, Greentext anon & all. Cheers! :^)

ITT: Anons derail the board into debate about Christianity :^) Robowaifu Technician 04/02/2020 (Thu) 02:24:54 No.2050 [Reply] [Last]
I found this project and it looks interesting. Robots wives appeal to me because i'm convinced human woman and humans in general have flaws that make having close relationships with them a waste of energy. I'm a pathetic freshman engineering student who knows barely anything about anything. Honestly, I think current technology isn't at a place that could produce satisfying results for me at least. I'd like something better than an actual person, not a compromise. Even then the technology is there, I have my doubts it'll be affordable to make on your own. Fingers crossed though. Anyway, what kind of behavior would you like from your robot wife? I'd like mine to be unemotional, lacking in empathy, stoic and disinterested in personal gain or other people. I think human woman would be improved if they were like that. Sorry if this thread is inappropriate.
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/06/2020 (Mon) 16:00:20.
160 posts and 68 images omitted.
> ( topics-related : >>28066)
The Berean Standard Bible is the 'official' English Bible translation for the /robowaifu/ Christ-chan project. >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/09/2024 (Tue) 01:13:53.
Open file (12.49 MB bsb.pdf)
Moving an answer to a debate over from the "Roastie and other hostiles" thread, since it's more and more about Christian theology and morals. >>30702 > if it displeases God when we don't follow His rules, then proceeding in that course is dangerous to the individual and everyone around that person due to fallout damage. To me these things are in best case ancient wisdom which needs interpretation, and you lack the logic to to so or are unwilling to do so. There's apparently nothing about robots and AI in the Bible, these are not just dead things, and the consequences need to be explored by thinking about it. I don't see any problem, and we are going to find out.
Now I have a funny image in my head of the "second coming" of Christ being RoboJesus.

Robo Face Development Robowaifu Technician 09/09/2019 (Mon) 02:08:16 No.9 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is dedicated to the study, design, and engineering of a cute face for robots.
235 posts and 140 images omitted.
>>30645 The refresh rate for an hobbyist e-ink screen is too long for any realtime video, and takes like 30 seconds of the screen flashing to get a pic.
>>30653 Ah, that's too bad. Not all eink does the flashing thing all the time though, that's just to maintain the image quality to prevent a burn in. I've seen full animations done on eink. I just dont know where to find the screens by themselves that are of this higher quality able to display video.
>>30640 Not explictily, I've only skimmed a few threads as of late. This is the only place on the net to dig deep when it comes to robot waifu development. Looks pretty rad. >>30645 >Like NoidoDev mentioned it has been done. Neat. I figured someone might have. If anyone had, it'd be Robowaifu no doubt.
>>30655 I don't think they're quite yet available for the DIY market yet.
>>>30693 There is some it seems though still slow for frame rate they do update fast enough to display animation. Apparently you have to look up "fast update" and "partial update" to find them. There is a difference between the two but im reading one claim fast update isnt faster than partial update when it comes to small screens though I am unsure how true this is. You just have to be sure it has the ability to run in a mode where it doesnt do an inversion image. You should check if there is some alternative way of running the eink displays you have or not. Not full color but these are multi color available a three or four colour would be enough for eyes especially if dithering is used to produce shades. Though just a monochrome can work technically though all black eyes is a sort of dead eye'd look lol Would have to keep digging in order to find more. There is a video here I also came across. Skip to 4:13 for seeing partial update.

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