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JewTube Rational Skeptics Thread #9 - The Final Edition Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 07:06:12 No.2
INTERNET BLOODSPORTS SEMI-PERMANENT MEGATHREAD! LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR! Alternate names include: Jewtube™ Rationalist™ Skeptic™ Thread™ #∞ Internet Bloodsports Megathread Endless Thread 9 Gunt Thread Based Isabella Worship Thread We've had about a gajillion "Jewtube Skeptic Thread #9" threads at this point that all appear and disappear at the speed of light and nobody really gives a shit about delicately archiving the posts in them or anything, and they're beginning to clutter up the board pretty bad, so this is a compromise everyone can be happy with for the time being. Discuss all things "Internet Bloodsports" that don't necessitate their own thread here. Krautgate, skeptic drama, all the shit that fall under that umbrella. Get your raincoats on, kids! Because we're about to see some guts go flying! This thread will be cycled. Links, Information and Lore: Full Timeline https://pastebin.com/1yjbjeaT http://archive.is/dM1kQ (Backup from April 2nd 2018) Archived Threads: https://pastebin.com/Hrtcp4QR http://archive.is/MtOiZ (Backup from April 2nd 2018) H8chan Archives: https://archive.is/https://8ch.net/cow/res/390723.html Julay.world Archives: https://archive.ph/http://julay.world/cow/res/2.html AlogSpace Archives: https://archive.is/https://alogs.theguntretort.com/cow/res/2.html Alogs.Space Archives: https://archive.fo/https://alogs.space/cow/res/2.html Gunt Subscriber Doxxx List: https://files.catbox.moe/7m2jsx.csv Joshua Clayton Connor Pedophile Archives: https://scream.alogs.space/archives/Flamenco/ Gym Swatting: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/s04d5y0s.opus https://files.catbox.moe/18u3wz.opus Vickers Swatting Recording: https://files.catbox.moe/9rnho8.wav https://pomf2.lain.la/f/s9gqo1ii.wav
Edited last time by oldestfag on 08/23/2022 (Tue) 18:45:41.
>>248533 He also mentioned buying a house for Cobes and even speaking to Cobes father about it so I guess the money people donated to the legal fund is being used for its intended purposes. This G​AMERGATE is a scammy fuck guess he has always been this way since Infinity Next was a similar scam.
>>248591 back to the wagon I see
>>248585 Is the Chinese woman match really a skilled woman vs an average chinese dude?
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>>248591 >im in argentina host of deathwatch omg lol never change king
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If true might, this might be the reason for Гунт's essay.
>>248591 Who the fuck is Samantha?
>you have to be high iq to deal with multiple personalities
>>248606 A reminder that people with personality disorders are considered to be on the edge of psychosis or a psychotic episode.
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>>248596 based whatever chad b t f o ing troonfarms
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>>248608 And there are no medications for personality disorders >>248609 Except he's no broccoli head. Dull needs to get a new insult for guys he dislikes w/o broccoli head
>>248602 Cleo is the great unifier
>>248605 Pantsu (Amanda Morris)
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Andrew Wilson vs. Feminists & Born Again?! TWITTER BEEF?! E-GIRLS! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | Dating Talk #152 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iv1UaOOWWjQ
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>>248635 >back for more
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theres two of them now
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>>248635 >Andrew slaying Millennial Millie
>>248635 >schooling bobbleheads
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>>248635 she mogs the rest of the panel
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>>248635 >Millie can't answer what is physically attractive about her husband Wonder why
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>>248635 >fatass has said 3 things the entire podcast and has left to let maddie cohost with andrew
>>248642 Just as well. He would interrupt to ask his overused questions
>>248633 I make the same face when I take most uninterrupted string of shit.
>>248644 so do you also do photoshoots all alone for social media like a woman too
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What is he cooking?
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>>248649 >coach and godwinson faked coach's death
>>248649 I believe this is a scene from Willshire Bolv, as you know part of the plot is the daughter of a wealthy businessmen gets kidnapped and raped.
>>248657 >wilshire blvd You mean Sinestro, wilshire was the book he never finished and scammed a kickstarter with.
>>248658 I am pretty sure TheTheGatorGamerGamer made a video talking about the unfinished script of Wilshire and part of it was a graphic rape scene.
>>248640 She's a cutie
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>>248649 A re-enactment of gaytor at the bar. Neat.
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>>248649 Despite finding TheTheGatorGamerGamer entertaining at times, my perspective shifted upon realizing his involvement in discord ops and other unsavory behaviors, revealing a darker side. Previously, I might have accepted him as just another online personality, but now, knowing more about his actions, I can't help but see him differently. His drug habit, vindictive and exploitative nature, particularly towards vulnerable individuals, tarnishes everything he does in my eyes. It's not about claiming moral superiority on my part, but rather a personal shift in how I perceive him. He's transformed from a mere entertainer to a figure tainted by exploitation and manipulation, making it impossible for me to find him entertaining anymore. In my view, he's become a grotesque homunculus of a man, far removed from the image of a normal guy with a job making videos about cows. He can't shit on people anymore, he hangs out with the speds and retards bickers he's become one. Can you imagine him trying to shit on Sargon now? He just wouldn't be able to do it credibly, he's not a functional and normal person, which was the necessary role he had to adopt to actually be funny commenting on people like that.
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Metocare continues to feud with a handful of his alogs that are ostensibly pro-Feaser and anti-Kino Casino.
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AUUUUGH UHH LIGHTBULB GOES ON *immediately burns out*
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>>248667 Don't write off kid #3 like that.
>>248667 Did Гунт mentally caught up with everyone saying he shouldn't fuck the 19 year old with BPD 5 years ago?
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>>248669 Yes and then immediately anthropomorphized his dick
It is with great pleasure to announce, that together with this renaissance of alogs.space spearheaded by robi, i have taken interest in sprouting more activitiy across these boards so you're all welcome to post on >>>/film/
>>248670 its the G​AMERGATE inside him yelling muh dick
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>>248673 >[13:11] <~robi> 60143 ids.txt >[13:11] <~robi> 71569 filenames.txt Inflating the filename total by randomising my titles finally feels vindicated.
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>>248675 shes going to tap the bible again isnt she, 'yall need jesus hehe'
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Elon Musk floats the idea of charging all users money on X to prove they are not bots. Bots win yet again! 'Bout to see a boost in Twitter clones like Poast and fediverse again.
>>248681 They kind of need to get there with the feature set first to sell people on using the cc as onboarding. Financial transactions, streaming, unlocking your tesla, SSO to other platforms, which I think was their mission statement, but idk. Or appeal to the asian market with a twitter MMO gatcha. As far as I can tell, it's still pissing into the wind simulator, so that perception has to be stomped first.
>>248681 This is about creating a social credit copy of Chinese WeChat. He has been open about this, calling it "the everything app". Soon they will want users to verify themselves and tie in financial institutions. It will be an eventual nightmare but naive "conservatives" believe he's some ally when he just knows how to say what they want to hear while leading them down the path towards Chinese style totalitarianism.
>>248681 And I wouldn't doubt they are allowing bots to run rampant on purpose to create a pretense for more control. If they wanted to get rid of bots they could do it but they don't.
>>248685 or he missed the interest payment again on the 13b loan he had to get to buyout this piece of shit for double what it was worth after being forced to in court after a shitpost after he said 'haha i was only pretending to be retarded' then 'nooo its all bots you cant legally force me to buy' then 'haha i was only pretending to pretend to be retarded lol epic 0wn i wanted this the whole time', hes been crying about money and charging people since he bought this turd its nothing new
>>248665 metocuck has to beef with literal nobodies on twitter. not even Гунт pays him any mind anymore.
>>248689 He's punching down bickers it's low risk, he's picking on 'chuds' with tiny audiences, nobody is going to PA for his targets like people will for bigger streamers/tubers. Even if his target scores mad points off him it doesn't matter bickers Јim's got a parade of sigma simps that will drown them out with a deluge of 'Who even is this weirdo, isn't he like 'insert random thing target's done' and 'You got him Јimmy, he's on the ropes he's melting down!' regardless of what's being said. He's a one trick downy and everyone's seen his trick a dozen times now.
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Fellow weeb-losers and aspiring innanet-lawyers, it's over ain't it?
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>>248682 Woof what the fuck is she eating fettachini smothered in cheezewhiz?
>>248692 >>248693 Tagged the wrong post, must be a natural aversion to witchposting. Someone check the neighborhood to make sure there aren't any small children turned into rats or placed inside magic paintings.
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>>248694 >>248693 She might actually gain weight eating that way.
>go into rehab and hope that things will be alright <leave the autism <stop medication <one look autism is back! So what has happened in the last 4 months? >>248633 Jesus fucking christ, he looks like one of em old farts that tries to spike a young woman's drink, and then he mixes his viagra pill with the sedative. >>248640 >>248660 I would've probably have raped the shit out of her. >>248667 He just realized that now? he must've had too much organic brain damage from his drinking bickers this is mentally retarded levels of realization. >>248692 >>248695 Sorry fam, she is gonna stay thin and look like a malnourished feline for quite some time.
>>248696 >he's back Did they cure you of yellow fever too? >He just realized that now? he must've had too much organic brain damage from his drinking bickers this is mentally retarded levels of realization. Yeah and he immediately negates that by talking about his dik
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>>248703 >S​ARGON the other week >applebees now >Gym's life is flashing before his eyes on twitter It's so over he might not even make it to Elden Ring dlc at this rate.
>>248665 Attached earlobes, the trademark of any subhuman.
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Jewsh Moonpie posted this video of him burning an anime fan's letter. But listen in the background. It appears to be the collective mating call of Spring Peepers frogs, which exist only on the East Coast USA. Surely these are not Serbian or Ukrainian Spring Peppers, right? Did Jewsh just accidentally confirm he has been lying about living in Europe and is still in Florida? Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spring_peeper Credit goes to Bisabo on the Onion Farms. https://www.onionfarms.com/threads/joshua-moon-megathread.475/page-579
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>>248710 NNNNNo he's moving back to the US, fellow farmers!
>>248710 he moved in to the US on his 2 week break, its pretty straightforward mister discordfag
>>248712 >he wasn't already here before then So now he feels safe to film his whereabouts whereas he didn't when supposedly in Eastern Europe?
>>248713 There's an item you are free to own in the US of A. I will let you figure that out.
>>248712 Except that Jewsh said he hasn't moved back to the USA yet, on his last stream. Also, it was 4 weeks.
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>>248714 You aren't able to film yourself in Eastern Europe? He's worried about filming the interior of his Eastern European apartment bickers some super autist will locate him from that but he isn't afraid of being located in the US of A for some reason?
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>>248714 >There's an item you are free to own in the US of A >>248716 >isn't afraid of being located in the US of A for some reason? gif related
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>>248717 >gif related Didn't stop him from hiding on the shitter from troons when they came to his door
>>248715 He lied.
>proceed on your annual migration to america to re-affirm your distain for native cheese >check you mail >eww anime, college and meguka >put it in your pocket for safety for protection against G​AMERGATEs >the cheese sucks >buy a gun >put it in your mouth >no, i have a forum that needs me >take out letter & burn it >return to a second world nation where your banana tree is waiting
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>>248719 >he only lied there
https://rumble.com/v4pu6mr-mad-at-the-internet-april-16th-2024.html >jewsh seething about the chad whatever podcast king and giving elaine attention
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>>248722 >coping: "HHHe's bound to be another Elliot Rodgers rrright guys?"
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Andrew Wilson vs. DEMON Feminist?! Toxic E-GIRL?! BRIAN GOT SCAMMED $$$$?! | Dating Talk #153 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdpqoXywa9U
>>248723 he should sue his mother next for having been born as the most undesirable man biped in history, and make the losers pay for his cheese again
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>>248728 >I'm single I did not see that coming!
>>248730 Гунт on whatever when?
>>248724 >christcuck lesbians >roastiesports is back
>>248733 he married a whore so of course, they probably role play mary magdalene in bed
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would you smash the jewess?
>>248738 Of course
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>>248738 >>248739 >hapsburg jaw like elaine ill pass
>>248736 All true.
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Dear Lord, just why would someone do this
>>248742 For attention. And to substitute an identity. The only thing missing is a tattoo on her face.
>>248742 >he doesn't want to look like an orc
>>248742 >has a sugar daddy >he's just a white nerdy guy
>>248742 >the guy who made out with me but didn't want to go further said it was bickers I was black Sure about that?
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>>248724 >jewish girl bullied off by the other girls >rest of the girls ragequit after being called retarded
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How do you retarded niggеrs watch this garbage for 5-6 hours straight? Just kill yourselves. You don't value the time you were given in this world anyway. Do something with your lives.
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>>248763 >I can't do two things at the same time
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>>248742 its closer to 7-8 hours collectivist, and its perfect background noise. But a poor pleb like you can't afford multiple monitors so you can't experience the kino.
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>>248764 Except that you watch that crap every time so it's taking up your brain regardless whether you're clicking around other browser tabs or not. 'Whatever' is basically your life at this point. >>248765 >its closer to 7-8 hours Oh, so you're an even bigger loser. Cool. >But a poor pleb like you can't afford multiple monitors so you can't experience the kino. Wow, what a big boy you are. 2 monitors? Woweeee. I've never heard or fathomed such an incredible feat! >kino These days, that word is synonymous with "garbage" so that makes sense with your usage.
>>248766 >he thinks multiple monitors 2 monitors >he doesnt monitormaxx with a wall filled with monitors with a different stream on every monitor wow poor much
>>248766 no it literally means kino as in 'zeitraubendes kino'
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>>248722 This is very played out Elaine, don't post your own posts on Twitter. >>248724 Oh good God fuck this(obviously not literally)why did I even stop by today? >>248767 >Elaine vpn jumping or even lamer person. I reject reality and substitute my own to protect my psyche from believing there's worse than that degloved vag of a "woman". >>248768 So it means weeabo garbage?
>>248771 post download (1).gif
>>248771 sup BGR swapping ips
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>>248766 >Except that you watch that crap every time so it's taking up your brain regardless whether you're clicking around other browser tabs or not. 'Whatever' is basically your life at this point. Yeah here's the amazing thing about my brain if not yours: I can think and digest shit all day every day from the minute I wake up to the minute I sleep. Whatever takes up a small portion of it
>>248778 >>248763 I jerk off to Whatever. It has all the dirty talk from Onlyfans for free and the whores are practically nekked too. I never pay for porn. All free.
>>248738 >>248702 She's wearing lots of makeup but I'd fuck her. Mmmmm I'd cum in her pussy mmmmmmmmmmm. Cream pie. Then I'd take a picture and post it to this thread and everyone would jackoff.
>>248685 Then don't use the motherfucker, fagmenco.
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>>248763 You ring that bell icon if you know what's good for you.
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>>248763 >>248782 >whatever ayylawg outed himself as its biggest fan
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>>248783 Negative marketing works as well as positive marketing
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>>248783 Every individual needs a shitpost sub. It's important to clean house once in a while though.
>>248763 when this garbage was first posted here last year it was getting 3-4k concurrent viewers and now its averaging 8-12k viewers across both twitch and youtube, why the fuck is it getting more popular
>>248778 >I have a brain that absorbs info all day. Yeah that's kind of the point of being conscious. *Slow clap.* It's a pity you're cramming it full of trash for 8 hours a night. >>248782 >>248783 >whatever ayylawg outed himself as its biggest fan This stupid cope again. I never watch. Only subbed to flag it down when it goes live. But I don't care about it anymore. >>248785 Exactly. One can sub to something to keep track of it. Not necessarily bc you watch it ever or consistently. I'm also subbed to Vaush, Destiny, Gayhole, Surfer, Vee, Gaytor, Fagmenco, despite rarely watching these. And a bunch of other channels that are not in the sector, that no one here would understand if I listed them. >>248786 >Mediocrity is popular. There is a reason average IQ is 100. Meaning half the population is 70-99 IQ.
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>>248787 >Yeah that's kind of the point of being conscious. *Slow clap.* It's a pity you're cramming it full of trash for 8 hours a night. I don't finish them all and garbage doesn't take as much room as you think it does 8 WHOLE HOURS OF GARBAGE IN YOUR BRAIN I listen to loads of garbage all day long and while thinking about other things and doing things too. This whole website is full of "garbage." It occupies a lot less of my brain than it does yours, apparently
check out this beetle rolling a ball of faeces
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>>248788 >It occupies a lot less of my brain than it does yours, apparently. >Guy that watches garbage show for 8 hours every night claims guy that never watches it has more brain space occupied by show. >"No U" response. Whatever, bro. (pun intended) >>248789 Very cool. Is that metaphor for Brian Atlas crafting his show? (joke)
>>248790 >never watches it >knows it garbage Yes, that is how little brain space it occupies: less than it takes you to whine about it
>>248791 It takes a lot more effort to be posting about it all over the thread every day like you do. In fact, it's the only reason I ever talk about it, bc I am forced to read about it in here by you suckers. Who can't keep the garbage show to yourselves. Or in the Whatever Jewtube chat, where it belongs.
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>>248792 >It takes a lot more effort to be posting about it all over the thread every day like you do. Not really >In fact, it's the only reason I ever talk about it, bc I am forced to read about it in here by you suckers. Nobody is forcing you to do shit.
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>>248782 i made that so if you're going to repost it please keep the sound version alive
>>248794 Is this the Gayhole college rape incident?
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>>248797 >finally some kino
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>>248802 i dont even get the point of this shit the fag gets locked up for running e-brothels and then posts that shit it's not even that its irrelevant its just needlessly antagonistic I can only think he does this to somehow suck up to whoever jailed him, assumign he was even really jailed or charged with anything since the cort systems around the world today are just another theatre for propaganda purposes either way, this fag has no idea which way the wind is blowing, I have no energy for this gay faggot trolling anymore who the fuck asked this guy shit ? about anything ? where's his degree in whatever the fuck he's talking about ? Like just what the fuck. This shit is old, and it's shit women do, mostly women that generally consider themselves fuckable or something. There's nothing worse than some astro turfed fag constantly going on about this. No one cares what you have to say, everyone knows you're astroturfed. Literally zero men are asking you for advice on FUCKING ANYTHING.
https://youtu.be/mw4hdqPaoGg NEW SHITTYWEBCOMICS WEEKLY
>>248710 Update on this post. Jewsh Moonpie addresses this on his latest steam at 2:20:00. The reason why Spring Peeper frogs can be heard in the background while Jewsh claims he's in Europe, is bc this video was recorded by Jewsh's PO Box simp who collects stuff from Moon's personal PO Box. I think in West Virginia. So it's a little trickery going on. Moon is posting videos from his contact in America after he receives anime letters and burns them for Moon. So it explains why there are American frogs in the background and why Moon said he wasn't back in America on his last stream. https://rumble.com/v4pu6mr-mad-at-the-internet-april-16th-2024.html
>>248815 does he also know someone that died from covid
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>>248815 nice damage control jewsh
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>robi updated the canary Now I know it's a fresh skinwalker.
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slowly dying, no one will hear you oink, for what reason is this pig looking loser still streaming, money there is none, guests? haha
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>>248819 >poop coomer crisis gets 4x the viewers jcaesar187 does >this isn't even factoring in rumble's inflated numbers
I want to lube up jcaesar187's Гунт and fuck it
>>248819 Gayno Casino has replaced jcaesar187 over time and took his drama shtick. He streams bc it's all he has and y'know. You can't abort the retort. Or the alogs win. Keeping the show alive is a spite thing. If the entire sector turned their back on jcaesar187 and permanently deprived him of oxygen and any publicity, he would be homeless pretty soon and starving in Mexico. But they can't bc they use him to make money themselves. People like Metocare, Moon, Cog, Kino Casino. jcaesar187 has been coasting off the fumes of free publicity from other shows alogging him but doesn't realize it.
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Hot hapa being schooled on guns and recoil
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>>248824 id put a zach in her
>>248824 were the 1v1 ones any good calculator coom? I saw the first one was with the confidently stupid blond college chick I dipped as I figured it would just be testing worldviews and philosophy shit. The second one was with that hot hapa chick who was willing to engage in good faith but I figured it would be boring shit.
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>>248826 >were the 1v1 ones any good calculator coom? For me they were interesting bickers I like Andrew's ability to communicate and argue and he did it with thots I was familiar with rather than unknown to me midwits. And I can learn his worldview better which is interesting for someone who was at best raised "culturally Christian" I guess you could say and who knows not much about Orthodoxy. He's better than a philosophy autist like Jay Dyer at communicating the worldview to layman like myself. And I usually don't like Whatever debates bickers it's usually Chase who is only interesting when trying to talk thots down from the porn/whore ledge or planks of wood like Michael Knowles. >I saw the first one was with the confidently stupid blond college chick I dipped as I figured it would just be testing worldviews and philosophy shit. Well Andrew was reined in from his usual blunt self, which was unusual and interesting to me, but not really sperg inducing. It wasn't deeply philosophical at least not the blonde. She came off better than on the show but revealed her elite commie woman worldview. >The second one was with that hot hapa chick who was willing to engage in good faith but I figured it would be boring shit. She tried to engage in good enough faith most of the way and then after basically losing and practically conceding everything, sperged out and pulled back on the whole argument and circled back to her starting points bickers she is mentally ill or deeply affected by her parents being divorced when she was little and showed what a selfish woman she is. She was actually more bad faith than the blonde ultimately. And her debate is more philosophical, although there were parts of the blonde I missed where the might have discussed philosophy. But the blonde was more political and the hapa was more "I'm Locke and Mills and Kant" smuckles deabte.
>>248836 *debate
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>>248836 >328 words to say nothing for nothing you are pollution
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>"It's literally me"
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Cecil went scorched earth on the CG faggots for being hypocrites about the FNT crew. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTLVw_AZQ4c
>>248846 whotf is cecil
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>>248848 congrats on this, seriously
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>>248848 >>248849 >I'm so hot I make myself coom
>hoes mad
>>248850 >i'm not a lolcow
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>>248851 >4m >1m Smooth. Want to take a few more shots at the king?
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Gaytor continues to prove why he is the king of the sector. 25 viewers
>>248828 >We the muttoid is the one replacing, not the replaced
>>248856 Big forehead wrinkles for someone so young. I'm twice her age and don't have those. Maybe wear a hat in the sun or put on some sunblock, Elaine.
>>248857 replacing what, if pathetic weak losers didnt exist then neither would he, you get what you deserve
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>>248859 t. whatever incel
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>kinopounder follows jewsh
>>248860 >noooo muh replacement >noooo muh whores >noooo muh nigers >noooo muh jews nice projection, youre the loser crying like a little bitch expecting the adults to fix your problems that only exist bickers retarded manchildren like you exist instead of facing the reality that the only solution is to have people like you culled, youre driftwood vaxyourself
>>248862 don't you have 9 hours to burn watching the slopcast?
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>>248853 Three strikes
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>>248855 The dub talk is brain rot. >twitch e-thot bad, cartoon e-thot >sjw localisation bad, wild rewrite localisation good
>>248851 Go take care of your kid Adam you crackhead
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>>248867 Was Jewsh selling 100% cotton kiwi onsies in a recent grift drive?
>>248865 Wonder if he's ever watched subs. I know he's never watched raws
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>>248864 King of the Sektur hangs out with 6/10 girl(s) irl while Ellain (4/10) seething on twitter/discord with bunch of kissless losers drawing some lines like mentally ill people they are. Amazing.
>>248867 thats not suicide thats like finding someone with a belt around their neck and their dick out, the loser was trying to film himself burning a letter or cartoon poster (remembered now as his suicide letter lmao how poetic) like his cool cheese savior in his moms bathroom and accidentally setting fire to himself and everything around him cuz hello kf so autistic retard, one more for jewshy wonder how much money the retard gave to his cheese savior before being immolated trying to emulate his cringe
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>>248870 I'd just stick it into docker and leave well enough alone in fact of course.
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>>248871 Her simps are out in full force
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imagine elaine on the whatever podcast
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>>248883 The internet has some proof to the contrary
>>248883 What are you saying? Do you want a tranny? Here, Patrick Nelson aka Gayhooooole was unironically watching and shilling for this thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WVZlQW_pb8 Sargon b t f o Shaggy b t f o
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>>248885 >no e-girls ever >>248844 >Jewsh still seething at "broccoli boy" having rich parents and not being raised by a coalburning mother in a swampland trailer park shithole
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>>248880 >he doesn't paypig $200 superchats to the whatever podcast with his xbox mastercard
>>248888 HAPPY 4/20
>>248892 JA JA JA
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>>248899 >slavs base'd and basepilled
>>248883 She's a woman, you're just a homosexual.
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>>248903 Remember when Elaine was a babe who didn't have hyperthyroidism turning her into a skeleton? I personally don't see the appeal of the bright-red, fake-color hair. She just having fun for a couple months? Ok. Now go back to natural color. I also don't like her reliance on the beanie that she used to do.
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Metocare last posted on April 15. On Monday it will be one week. *Gulp* He's dying bros. And when he does come back, he gets into slapfights with his alogs and they beat him down with stress on his heart. It's basically over for Sweetie Squad.
>>248881 I luv her, my mum would love her too
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>>248905 You looking way too much into it.
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>>248909 Sorry wrong pic
>>248902 Would
>>248905 metocuck took a week off to avoid taking about two of Cog's brothers calling him a nonce
>>248904 With enough sektur exposure, any human will be physically corrupted into monsters, Elaine is just another example. Now imagine the appearance of its very founder, Metocare and Jade must look like fucking nightmares...
>>248917 dont encourage her
>>248918 or encourage her, its poison to them eitherway
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>>248924 Predicted face reveal
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ADRESSING DRAMA! CONFRONTING Fake VlRGlN? 🇦🇺 JAKE! E-GIRLS! FEMINIST! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | Dating Talk #154 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37LOuO8oKFA
when is vid related going on the roastie podcast
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>>248924 Odd to brag about having dinner with a fat prostitute, but whatever gets him though the day I guess.
>>248926 >>248927 >>248931 You just can't handle all this woman, soyboy
>>248928 >"virgin" OF is back for more pummeling
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>metocare tribute
>>248934 >hot soulless ginger ftw
>>248934 Maddy's Jenna Ortega replacement is an upgrade
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>>248938 thats that grace bish who was on a week or two right
>>248934 i wanna punch the obtuse bitch on the right in the jaw and suck the girl on her right's pussy
>>248940 Not sure, but she looks familiar
Gaythor is again larping as a vtuber specialist for his new master, the youtube "lawyer" LM. And of course the fat pedo does it for free. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMcdQ-85q1Y
>>248943 God I hate Gaytor.
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>>248943 >>248944 based gaytor making alogs seethe
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id piss in her asshole
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>>248947 You mean the actually hot mulatto?
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>>248947 post her starfish
>>248949 >latina Ftfy
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>>248947 based
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>>248921 >>248924 Boring cunt
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>>248991 Yeah fight or fuck someone, biiish. You're boring the audience right now
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What are the odds that Karl will Apollo himself?
>>248994 give a rundown, idiot
>>248995 Billy sues people that dispute his glorious deity status in Donkey Kong and has already slain one speedrunner for the cause, moron.
>>248996 so literally python, except python is the one killed by apollo not the other way round so get your fanfic right, cretin
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>>248998 >we G​AMERGATEs procreate more useless eaters than you do
>>248997 Speedrunner Apollo Legend. No one is calling the Roman god Apollo a speedrunner when Hermes is around, nincompoop.
>>249000 even though grace is a woman shes like 6 feet tall she has a massive height advantage over Гунтy who is all torta and blubber
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>>248998 Now picture Andrew as Carl and Tristan as Vee.
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>>249002 Idk. They might not even take a swing at one another if the smell knocks one of them over first
>>249000 >AUUUUUUUGH IMMA FITE U BISH >runs away just like every other fight he's started that he can't hide behind a screen >AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH IT WUZ A WORK YA GOOFS ONLAY ON DA KEELSTREEEEEEEEEM She really should accept. There's literally zero chance for the Гунт to actually go through with it. >i don't think she shower much Pot, this is Kettle. Have you met?
>>249000 >>249007 grace would win with her bpd strength
>>249006 omfg dont get me started, omfg dont get me started! girl musk smells like fucking bromine and they cant fucking smell it they think its fucking normal disgusting!!
>>249009 Idk but women stink has never stunk as bad as a smelly locker room even women b.o.
They need to go face to face so anon can see exactly how tall jcaesar187 isn't
>>249010 yeah go to uni and walk into a room after a group of first year nurses were in there doing th same shit wearing dirty clothes thinking it doesnt stink, the stank is fucking unbearable it makes your fucking eyes water its like fucking terrorism
>>249011 Just accept, bitch. Even if by some miracle the Гунт finds his balls and shows up you still have like a full foot on him. Literally the best case scenario for the Гунт is that the only fight he's ever won was against a girl.
>I create things
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>>249014 I just want her to sit and braaap on my face while reciting biblical scripture
>>249015 QuarterPounder beat you to it. And oh my, did he pound her (pun). >>249014 Yeah Melonie, everyone knows you are distracted by Q#'er huge cock.
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>>249017 >t. Jeremy Hambly I remember you back on 8/cow/ when you were drunk and trying to entrap Metocare for Carl.
>>249018 Is jcaesar187 doing the fake publicity stunt thing with a fake fight to drum up support on his channel again? >>249019 Carl is his own man. Metocare is dying.
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sex trafficker mudslime b t f o by christcuck lemur
>>249021 FACTS
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>>249020 >Is jcaesar187 doing the fake publicity stunt thing with a fake fight to drum up support on his channel again? Yes >Carl is his own man. Metocare is dying. But long ago Hambly was his capo after he decided to expose MtG pdfiles
>>249021 Tate is human garbage but pretty hard to understand that tweet without the context if his original video. Tate has been outrage-farming really hard the past couple days. He might be losing his mind from trial stress. >>249023 >fake fight with a girl He's trying to jumpstart that jcaesar187 alogs into doing publicity for him. So Cog, Moon, and Kino Casino will spin up and say "Can you believe jcaesar187 if trying to fight the Thorpe girl? Omg!" Then he will get donations and viewers again. jcaesar187 would have been homeless years ago or driven offline had the jcaesar187 alog complex not risen up to save him. >But long ago Hambly was his capo after he decided to expose MtG pdfiles True. Then Q#er parlayed that small amount of clout into the biggest clickbait Jewtuber channel online. Now he's a multimillionare who wants for nothing.
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>>249015 Sure, but this minx can just sit on my face
>>249024 >be christcuck >victim of attempted murder >"uuuuuughhh i-i f-f-f-f-forgive you aaaaaarrrrrghhhh "*sploosh* >"oh yeaaaaaaah let me wash your feet you niglet mmmmmmm, make my holy of holys gape uuugh, ive been a bad wizard give me my cum-union ooooooo" >visit prison after arrest >"so hey, i forgive you, you know, like in cuck28:12 'spank my ass and turn the other cheek' ugh i forgive you so fucking hard mmmm, wanna like, you know, want me to wash your feet sometime or something, if you say yes ill make them drop the murder charges hnnnnnnngggg"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peGHUwF-erg A MESSAGE FROM THE LEADER OF GAMERGATE
>>249021 That was a fake staged event. People always fall for for these fake dialectics, thinking they have to pick a side, with half of shill influences pushing one narrative and the other another all around a fake media event. The correct choice is just to be skeptical of it in the first place.
>>249033 >the worst is Matt Jarbo This was my first recommend though
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Metocare's alogs feast on his weakened corpse. And Metocare hasn't posted since the 15th of April. I don't blame him. This sort of feuding isn't good for your health esp a dying man.
>>249042 Based Bryan Dunn Respector
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>>249042 was magdumped after being catfished by a 2d loli anime, good riddance
>our >home
>>249045 I hate this dumb bish negro grifter like you wouldn't believe
>>249041 If you have seen the clip, do you see a knife? And of course it's low resolution. The so called Bishop was excommunicated and started his own church with himself as a bishop. Australia wants the video banned from social media even though it's not graphic at all. Media reports say he was stabbed when he wasn't. Also it happens to the tiktok agitator "Bishop" with a big fanbase 6 days after another mass media "stabbing" in Australia.
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>>249048 why stage a common occurrence idiot and for what purpose, to make christcucks look like cucks and nigers like savages that dont belong in civilization wow thats some 500 iq subversion, dogs shit on the pavement all the time but this time, this time my goy, the turd its a psyop its the chicoms they faked it its a jesuit lluminati freemasonic turd to take away our rights, or maybe just another jewish wizard attacked by a migrant from the third world, again
>>249050 Common occurrences are mass media events? Or mass media events represent common occurrences?
>>249050 They want you angry and agitated on one hand and on the other they want the "alternative" to appear as a fake version of christianity that they control that appears "cucked"
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>>249049 I would literally breed her with my dick and make her a proper trad cath house wife
>>249044 What is the context of that bodycam footage? Why did the cops empty their clips on that guy? I never watch bodycam footage bickers it makes law enforcement look trigger happy. Officers are supposed to be trained in self defense and to take down targets non-lethally, and in that vid you see them just wildly shooting at the guy until their clips are empty. These aren't citizen arrests, these are paid professionals who apparently can't aim. They're pointing their guns at a guy on the ground and firing until they have no ammo left. Like a noob who doesn't understand the concept of critical hitpoints in an FPS.
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>>249054 >guy pulls out a gun sized object from his pocket in an area that a handgun would commonly be hidden <why did they blast him? really makes you think
>>249054 Dude pulled out a gun. When someone pulls out a gun on a cop they are trained to shoot into the largest center of mass, which is the chest area and the dumping of their mags I'm guessing is to make sure the assailant is completely inacpacitated/no longer a threat.
>>249049 She could look 8/10 easily but she keeps wearing that hideous red hair and dressing like a bum. Regardless my BWC wants her...
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3 BABY DADDIES?! A Strumpet Into A WIFE?! E-GIRLS! DOCTOR! FEMINIST! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | Dating Talk #155 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzFaSub6MHI
>>249058 >rich horse girl returns
NEW PODCAST STARRING PATRICK AND DAIYMO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zes_NHraDXM
>>249060 based
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>>249058 brians bull has arrived
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this chick is cracked out
>>249063 You can just see the downfall from this image alone. Drugs destroyed rackets brain. Full blown degenerate.
So is Melonie Mac bisexual? Why does she care if Laura Croft is censored? I realized she is obsessed with Tomb Raider. But the way she looks, she kind of has a bisexual girl energy. The kind that is also attracted to girls so they know what looks good on a girl and do their makeup and hair in a way that pleases the male gaze and is sexual.
>>249069 She's a Laura Croft autist. She idolizes her or identifies with the character. She could be bi too with her tomboy energy tho
>>249070 If true, it would conflict with her Christian identity/religion. But hypocrites are aplenty. I guess I will have to watch the stupid video to see if there is a clue.
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>>249069 She had her chance to procreate with the gaytorbro, now suffer your midlife crisis while he lives his best life.
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>>249074 >this is what the average vtuber/lawtuber fan looks like
>>249073 She could be bisexual and not actively bisexual too
lmao Гунт is so salty gnomestar is rich and can shill his daughters cardboard tasting girlscout cookies to help her out, meanwhile Гунт has to hide in Mexico and will never be able to interact with his son or daughter in such a way. PATHETIC
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I hate everything. Look at this turtle-looking Asian zoomer with a broccoli haircut perm that doesn't know how to conjugate verbs. "We live." Then Sneako trending on Twitter for some reason. And looking like some Mongoloid WW2 Asian stereotype cartoon. With Keith Woods serious-face. And Zherka, one of the fakest, most astroturfed ecelebs playing a fake character online.
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<How To: Dealing with Elaine >But she's a pain >But she will swat me >But my friends will call me a poo toucher My fellow sigmas I tell you this, a simple silence thot kills the Elaine take it from the one who she keeps giving mental control to, the über spammer Chad they/themselves. I have seen others bitch about Elaine in the sektur, why? Is it not simple to deal with her? One doesn't even need to draw aggro if you're not a paladin build like I am and cannot handle the heat of not lurking simply DM a poo toucher to say silence thot and the King Baldwin gif and you won she can't beat it. There's no excuse not to manipulate Elaine out of your own spaces, don't ask a tranny to act like a man and do it for you again. Skibbidy flushed.
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>>249073 No it would not, read the god damn book you gooning retarded gook it also promotes poly relationships and polytheism so one understands that like all God's were apart of the True God so too are humans all bonded together and should try to get others to swim not sink. Let her be a slut, you'll never have her why should she abide by your tastes? If she was your wife I'd beat her in the town square with you but as is you need to stay in your lane and stop saying what makes something you clearly don't believe in mr.atheist. Never forget that too is a religion.
>>249084 Maybe this shit would have been funny if fatman and retard hadn't glutted the sektur with every little thing he did for a seeming eternity
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>>249084 This is old. I think I remember this coming out from even before the Kanye stuff. >>249088 They're basically controlled op to AF, whether intentionally (maybe?) or just being useful idiots. They basically inoculate him from criticism and train his supporters to ignore any credible accusations due to all the lies, slander, and gayops they've thrown at him constantly. Probably the most ineffective opposition I've ever seen, which is either due to incompetence or malice.
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>>249090 >They're basically controlled op to AF, whether intentionally (maybe?) or just being useful idiots. They basically inoculate him from criticism and train his supporters to ignore any credible accusations due to all the lies, slander, and gayops they've thrown at him constantly. Probably the most ineffective opposition I've ever seen, which is either due to incompetence or malice. Sure. And to some degree keep AF discussed when they should have been gone by...2020 maybe? There's only so many times I can listen to any autist, including myself, say the same shit all the time. Get a new idea or angle on shit, morons
>>249091 Its the reason why shit like the roastie podcast has taken off, people are sick of the sektur
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>>249094 Yeah at least they have different retards each episodes. FnF sucked even with Andrew Wilson on. When it isn't pavement cows talking over each other, it's dry and boring asf. Why would I care about any of these twats if they don't sperg? No wonder Michael Sartain "ex" military sucks FednFucked's dick
catboy explains why his competitors can't match up to him
>>249096 Speaking of controlled ops to Dick Feduentes Jewsh should go to Burning Man with the fucking strawmen against which he argues. Extra points for sucking up to Lauren Simonsen while doing so. I'm sure the 40(41?)% will give greatly to your next GoFuckMe
>>249100 Oh bickers trad single mom Lauren Simonsen is attacking Rollo Tomassi indirectly for exposing her cloutchasing tumble with Cuckstiny
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>>249101 trump is king caliph
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>>249102 Inshallah
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>>249085 *SLOW CLAP*
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>day 9 of radio silence >his final words were complaining about the traffic
>>249105 Noo Yawkers probably but the criminal element in both states is big enough as to be a coin toss
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>>249057 Indeed she looks cuter as a brunette. I like gingers, but fake ones aren't preferrable to brunettes.
>>249086 >>249085 >bizarre defense of Melonie Mac and Christianity >prodding Elaine >it (Bible) also promotes poly relationships and polytheism People cherry-pick whatever narrative they want to suit themselves from the Bible. So what? What's the matter, Blaine? Are you scared that being a faggot and being a Christian are incompatible? Is that what's got you riled up? >Let her be a slut, you'll never have her why should she abide by your tastes? I don't want her for starters. I just find it funny if she is bisexual that she is constantly preaching and moralizing to others about faggots and gays burning in hell and so on. >you need to stay in your lane and stop saying what makes something you clearly don't believe in mr.atheist One can entertain a worldview without adopting it. I will comment on whoever I want, without believing what they believe. >Never forget that too is a religion. Sounds like Christian cope. <I don't believe in God 1, God 2, or God 3. >That is also a religion just like us. No it's not. <I don't believe in the ideologies of communism, capitalism, national socialism or liberalism. >Your non-belief in these ideologies is also an ideology like us. No, it is not.
>>249107 needs big dorky glasses and that passive aggressive attitude librarians have that think they have authority over you, like no im not wearing gloves bitch come turn the pages if you have a problem with it, stupid sexy nerd
>>249109 Except that Metocare has already bought and played all the Boomer shooters on that Steam sale. So your point is irrelevant. Metocare is hiding and dying and it has nothing to do with Steam sales.
>>249110 She's coping hard right now
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Elaine threatens to swat everyone that laughs at her. This is a really bad look in fact of course. Swatting is illegal and you're admitting to crimes. You're not even anonymous. Your face and name are out there so if someone wanted, they could nail your ass to the wall. Elaine wants to bang Teddy Feaser. Kinogay getting pressed for weird pedo activity in his discord.
>>249112 that's some jewish shit right there
>>249055 >>249056 I understand that your average imageboards user is desensitized to violence but it still doesn't make sense. Officers are supposed to be trained at the gun range or some shit. You can take down a target without emptying 100 rounds. That's noob CoD shit and a waste of ammo. There are like 3 dudes aiming guns, none of them think to shoot in the arm? Maybe I've watched too many cowboy westerns where they shoot guns out of people's hands. Seems like an excessive use of force to empty several clips into one target and I'm not even anti-popo. I asked for context, no context was given.
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>>249113 She is such an insufferable tryhard
>>249115 >Officers are supposed to be trained at the gun range or some shit. They are >You can take down a target without emptying 100 rounds. Sure sometimes >There are like 3 dudes aiming guns, none of them think to shoot in the arm? They are trained to shoot at the largest center mass cause that is easier to hit than a hand or leg >Maybe I've watched too many cowboy westerns where they shoot guns out of people's hands. Yes you have >I asked for context, no context was given. You also asked for "Why did the cops empty their clips on that guy?" >>249056 and I answered, now go Mcfucking killyourself faggot.
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britbong poofer B T F O by CHAD turkroach
>>249118 >middle jewess
>>249118 The Brit looks like a whiter, and still gay, Milo. Milo-walker.
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joseph lancaster going bankrupt
>>249113 >>249116 I would DIE for my QUEEN
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>>249113 its being backtraced by interpol as we speak
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>>249125 Why all right wing larpers like that?
>>249127 cuz closet fags are still fags they have no masculine discernment so they cant tell, they just go towards any extreme they think is 'manly' which are just exaggerated feminist caricatures concocted by the fatherless, its comical of its literally just the same thing, one attacks the caricature the other larps the caricature
>>249127 >why does controlled opposition make the side they claim to be part of ridiculous? Truly a mystery for the ages.
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>>249121 suffah folksdojczu
>>249121 >>249138 Ashes to ashes >>249130 They mistake post feminist/communist degeneracy as masculine bickers it isn't actual faggotry, which makes particular sense if they are all homos, which they quite possibly are. Definitely Feduentes and chinless
>>249114 It's projection bickers she wishes to escape her own biology.
>humble Harv is vindicated
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>>249151 zach on suicidewatch
>>249125 this beige freak has no genetic legacy, he's an abomination
>>249162 I took one of those online IQ tests when I was like 14. Said I had an IQ of 140 and I know that's not true. Is he actually retarded enough to think online IQ tests are accurate?
>>249163 I took two IQ tests online the same day and got two too-varying results. You need to do an irl IQ test to get a real score
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>>249162 IIRC Andy did one alongside JF at one point, but it's probably lost to time at this stage.
>>249166 >the justice system retraumatizes them Yep it does. That is life. You want your supposed rapist to escape justice? Listen and believe is counter to justice. Life is full of turmoil. Can't just convict and execute based on hearsay
>>249151 >>249166 >rich kike beats sex crime charges Who could have ever seen this coming?
>>249167 these online tests are a joke, only stupid people do them
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>>249170 Only a stupid person pay $10 to be told their stupid. $20 is the smart person investment tier.
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>>249163 He went to Portugal a second time to get beat up again, I think that shows just how retarded he is.
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>>249165 >Telegram: Now that we have you here and you're a part of our existing userbase, here are some awful ads to blight your user-experience. <Now here's how to pay us to make it go away again. That is pretty awful to be fair.
>>249171 >she admits it
>>249173 clearly the beatings increased his IQ gaylawg
>>249171 She's about to hit the wall and not even 30.
>>249094 3/10 trolling wouldn't bang that reminds me, the gyno casino should watch this movie with their canadian friend in it " She's Out of My League - 2010" It's a whole movie where they talk about rating women out of 10
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>>249174 sup pedo, kys.
>>248105 that post doesn't make sense to me, what's he even talking about ? then later paragraph definitely reads as sarcasm,even if I factor in austism + a levels-of-irony-lean-in thing so whether this is a diss or gym or suck off of gym, I dunno. I believe in free speech but I gotta be honest in that josh just seems to glow, like metokur it's the same thing I don't get with either of them, that these guys are like the internet policemen of whats cool, but they both sound gay and weird themselves. Eh, what can you say. Hey, I kinda do wish gym wasn't sick so I could properly call him a gayfag without it coming off wrong
>>249077 jcaesar187 is such an enigma, you know he'd blow whoever he had to to join infowars.com but he still has the balls to post stuff like this lol
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>>249160 >I killed my wife bickers she was a leftist based?
>>249121 he'd be richer if he started streaming with sektur people again
>>249189 especially when CRP croaked all the snakes REFUSED to make a euology
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It's now been 11 days since the last Metocare tweet. Oh yeah, he's in bad shape right now. Don't be surprised when Jade announces his death on his Twitter one day.
>>249179 rage against the zit
>>249192 I was more concerned with whatever was happening with her nostril
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>>249194 oh yeah, i forgot she had a nose
>wishing death Telling a terminal attention whore to "kys" isn't wishing death. It's the only way to get you to go away
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The Tate brothers trial is proceeding in Romania. Tater-tots on suicide watch along with the Tate bros.
>>249208 yay, remember the gallows, i miss the gallows pinnacle of western culture no mercy fuck this jew adult daycare shit just hang them hang them all
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>>249210 lmao kurt is starting to question why he is on stream with rackets
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After years of teasing that he would get a switch once he saves up enough money, gaytor denounces all consoles. YOTLD is now a lock in for 2025.
>>249213 flowers aint cheap, m'lonie
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>>249213 the censorship thing is fake news too, also doesn't make any sense that one outfit out of many would be censored when there are way more revealing ones the hard r graffiti removal is gay though
>>249217 >its fake owo whats this
>>249213 Switch 2 won't even be as powerful as the Steam Deck. Switch 1 still made the most of its shitty hardware and it won't matter in the end as Nintendo only sells nostalgia now; people will consume it and give it 10/10 anyway. But it's not gonna 'wow' anyone. When's the last time your jaw dropped and you knew you had to play something? Killzone 2 trailer? Imagine if Nintendo actually made a powerful system. Imagine what we're missing. Then again, I'm not sure ray-traced Mario is the right path either. Oh well, it just makes Switch 2 easy to emulate on my Steam Deck. Steam Deck chads will stay winning regardless. That is one good thing about no console-exclusives these days. It means the consoles suck and don't have any identity. But at least you can play anything. You know Stellar Blade is coming to PC anyway.
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>>249220 the negotiation phase has begun
>>249220 And if both lose interest afterwards, Cog can take care of it. Win/Win.
>>249219 hey pedo, kys.
>>249220 shes on like 1 hp can she even get pregnant without dying, her body isnt ready
>>249224 >josh is eating off the hands of Sargon Time is a flat circle and it points to everyone worshipping Carl eventually what is even the point huh Gym?
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>>249226 Gym's busy being rolled in the mud.
>>249224 >Jewsh bends the knee to father Carl <still pushes muttni's crypto feminist talking points
>>249226 no hes right in actual right wing societies like the roman republic you lost your status as citizen if your (citizen) wife divorced you so yeah the >30% body fat squirrel cheeks is just touting his usual incel-wing-larping-as-right-wing pseud nonsense
>>249228 And he's larping as a guy who has ever touched vagina in his life. Well, maybe he has touched mangina
>>249232 uh doesnt jewsh come from a broken home t.vagina toucher
>>249234 Yeah. But idk if he knows his dad even. I come from a broken home too and I know my dad. My parents divorced when I was 14-15.
kino casino is back on ted, again they must have got jealous when trollcow said she would
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>>249236 >trollcow said she would
>>249238 >if I just quote their words back infront of everyone i'm winning a battle get outa the sektor
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>>249236 Why? bickers they know she could get him before they could?
lol ppp nervously looking at a screen/teleprom pter while he goes hard at ted lol
i dunno, they're killing cocks again say what you like the redpillgamingtv man provided regular sector cocks that at this point easily eclipses the watchability of kino casino
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>>249240 It's pretty common knowledge that former-fag Andy loves to lampoon whales. Lampooned whale Ashley will take any discord degenerate that will pay him attention, so I can see it there alright.
>>249239 >i can't take a joke an actual FeaserFan and BPDwhoreRider is here amazing EMBARRASSING
>>249224 Jewsh is a super-simp that blames men for everything and treats women like angels and children who have no responsibility. In a way, it's actually a sexist view to think women are not calapable of having agency. Like how liberals treat blacks as pets with no agency. Don't get me wrong. I dislike lots of the manosphere/redpill guys too. They are repulsive. But Jewsh is the other extreme side of that coin. Women-hating redpill incel vs "women are perfect" simp. The other day on his stream, he was stating that age gaps between men and women are responsible for autism spikes in children. And he was basically saying that if a man takes a young women and has kids, they will be autistic to the level of a Chris-chan. He presented 0 evidence for this claim and at least 5 or 6 people in chat were rebelling and calling bullshit on it. He just pulled it out of his ass. Also, he comes from a single Mom that he wanted to murder in the past. He never had a dad in his life and his Mom dated negroes. This bitch doesn't know jack-shit about the rates of kids being autistic from age gaps or anything. In fact, it's the exact opposite. The older a women is, the more likely the kid will be autistic and past a certain point, it's likely the kid will be retarded statistically. And Jewsh was pulling out the little formula to think about it ( (Age / 2) + 7 = ok to date). Lol. >>249231 >30% body squirrel cheeks Is this referring to Jewsh Moonpie or Carl Benjamin? Both are fat. >>249232 >A woman slips on a banana peel. Jewsh: Clearly this is a man's fault! >>249236 Feaser hasn't steamed for a long long time. Many months. I just knew they were seething about Feaser's profile pic. Just look at Asston. He's 380-425 lbs. Feaser is normal weight. Asston is 6'3. Feaser is 6'4". Asston looks like a dyke. Feaser looks normal. The other day I realized how gay Kino Casino is. They just pick targets and attack them for money. They watch youtube videos and pause it every 5 seconds. They constantly beg for donations and interrupt the show. Niggers, why do you think you should get paid to watch youtube videos and react to them. They are also desperate for targets to mock.
>>249246 >Jewsh is a super-simp that blames men for everything and treats women like angels and children who have no responsibility. Yeah I wonder if he's pandering or a fag or just a virgin. >The other day on his stream, he was stating that age gaps between men and women are responsible for autism spikes in children. No. It's more accurate to say that both parents over forty increase the risk, not age gap relationships. >And he was basically saying that if a man takes a young women and has kids, they will be autistic to the level of a Chris-chan. Only if one or both are over forty. And there's genetic component of some sort that seems to skip generations or at least for men is passed down from the father. >This bitch doesn't know jack-shit about the rates of kids being autistic from age gaps or anything. Worse he doesn't know anything about non-familial intersex relationships. Most women leave bickers of dissatisfaction or irreconcilable differences not infidelity or physical abuse. That's why I say he touch touch vagina before talking. I disagree with a lot of redpill but I agree with a lot too. And what I agree with comes from it checking out with my experience prior to redpill. Of course it depends on who you refer to with "redpill."
>>249217 they're too stupid to realize that games have gotten indefinitely more boring and have terrible narratives so they have to manufacture outrage about asses
>>249247 to me the modern redpill is closeted faggots like fed and nig, the Tates, Sneako. Then you have the older, less retarded wave like Rollo and Sartain. The Whateververse like Brian, Andrew Wilson, Chase, and other frequent guests on it like that Australian guy and the closeted fag Superman body builder are much more tradcon
>>249247 Here's what ChatGPT has to say about it. The age of both parents matter, but Mom's matters a bit more. Now outside of genetics, there is the environmental aspect to think about. And here ofc, the Mom matters way more bc she has to carry the fetus for 9 months inside her and her body is literally the baby's environment. That's why it's devastating when the Mom drinks, leading to fetal alcohol syndrome or does drugs. Or is exposed to toxic stuff like thalidomide where babies were born with flippers in the 50s from experimental drugs. And beyond parent age and environment, there is genetic predispositions in the genes which increase autism risk, which can come from either parent.
>>249247 Here's what ChatGPT has to say about it. The age of both parents matter, but Mom's matters a bit more. Now outside of genetics, there is the environmental aspect to think about. And here ofc, the Mom matters way more bc she has to carry the fetus for 9 months inside her and her body is literally the baby's environment. That's why it's devastating when the Mom drinks, leading to fetal alcohol syndrome or does drugs. Or is exposed to toxic stuff like thalidomide where babies were born with flippers in the 50s from experimental drugs. And beyond parent age and environment, there is genetic predispositions in the genes which increase autism risk, which can come from either parent.
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>>249247 Here's what ChatGPT has to say about it. The age of both parents matter, but Mom's matters a bit more. Now outside of genetics, there is the environmental aspect to think about. And here ofc, the Mom matters way more bc she has to carry the fetus for 9 months inside her and her body is literally the baby's environment. That's why it's devastating when the Mom drinks, leading to fetal alcohol syndrome or does drugs. Or is exposed to toxic stuff like thalidomide where babies were born with flippers in the 50s from experimental drugs. And beyond parent age and environment, there is genetic predispositions in the genes which increase autism risk, which can come from either parent.
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>>249247 And when you ask about an age gap leading to autism, there is no link.
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The tradition lives on
>>249250 >>249251 >>249252 >>249253 ermmm they have to say autism is genetic bickers the rate of being gay among that group is insanely higher if they let that slip it would unravel the whole "im gay bickers of genetics not bickers I was exposed to porn at a young age or molested"
>>249220 90% of her time is consumed by her posting thirst "traps" for her 4 simppps. i can't wait for one of her fake illnesses to kill her
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>>249254 based
>>249246 >Feaser hasn't steamed for a long long time. Many months. I just knew they were seething about Feaser's profile pic. Just look at Asston. He's 380-425 lbs. Feaser is normal weight. Asston is 6'3. Feaser is 6'4". Asston looks like a dyke. Feaser looks normal. The other day I realized how gay Kino Casino is. They just pick targets and attack them for money. They watch youtube videos and pause it every 5 seconds. They constantly beg for donations and interrupt the show. Niggers, why do you think you should get paid to watch youtube videos and react to them. They are also desperate for targets to mock. yeah honestly I kinda used to get mad at it but I see a lot of projection in what they do, I figure I was looking at it the wrong way a little When they do what they do (and it is underhanded no doubt) they also give away their own fears, "was it worth it", being something they had to respond to for instance. I'm not sure if they're desperate for people to mock, ppp always alluding to humiliation rituals is also maybe a bit of a reveal. Perhaps some targets are real, but lets just say I wouldn't be surprised at a large percentage of their work being kayfabe. See how they cover youtube celebrities that kinda aren't anymore. Boogie, Review, Idubbz, it's all a category of youtubers that decided to kinda make this cocks that no one watches, but others cover. It's hard not to see the Idubbz shit in particular as some weird shit. I mean, they would obviously be aware that they're being covered by the casino but they still keep making the same shit. Honestly I'm just left with the feeling that all these weirdos need a bullet, they seem to be going through some weird motions to make who knows who happy. Eh, i've probably run out of coherent ideas so i'll stop typing.
>>249246 >The other day I realized how gay Kino Casino is. They just pick targets and attack them for money. They watch youtube videos and pause it every 5 seconds. Oh i'll make one more post coz I had to respond to this. Yes this is one aspect of the show definitely indicates it glows and is fake. TheTheGatorGamerGamer doesn't even really beg, it's always a paraphrase of "just give me money". I know it's supposed come off like an ironic act, in that he's supposed to be acting like a 'cow' when he does it, and I honestly don't know what it's like to be someone that supports these streams but I mean, if some guy yelled at me to just pay him, I mean I fucking wouldn't, but somehow the cash rolls in anyway. It's almost like something has been agreed upon beforehand and ppp is getting a little angry about sometimes about a deal potentially being negged on or something. Yeah, it is kinda gay, it's weird man, I mean it's hard to see this being some kinda sexual thing but I honestly can't explain how he gets money other than he's literally being simped at like a cam whore.
>>249242 Exactly. I used to regularly watch rpg. He had daily streams and they were quality. It really pissed me off when there was a massive coordinated astroturfed gayop to take hm out and all the low iq kf'ers and sweaties went along with it.
>>249246 >The other day I realized how gay Kino Casino is Better late than never. Now do kf, jersh, and gym.
>>249262 Don't underestimate how dumb the kf/gym audience is. Yes, KC are shills, but yes too they have fans that dumb to pay people that insult them and demand money to keep streaming.
>>249255 But that is for midwits. Autism can be genetic but that doesn't make faggotry any more genetic. It just makes it a symptom of autism for many homos. Autists bickers of poor executive functioning disassociate from themselves in various ways, the most dramatic of which is gender dysmorphia. And homosexuality is a somewhat milder form of that: They disassociate from their natural sexual function. >>249250 >>249251 >>249252 >>249253 Thanks. From my own experience and analysis being diagnosed as an adult it was that my father passed the autism on. My paternal grandfather was most assuredly undiagnosed autistic but even higher functioning than me. And my dad is even higher functioning than him if he even qualifies as autistic. My father was born after his parents were both forty and I was born when my parents were both in their late teens. My mother's parents had her in their thirties and neither seemed autistic. My father's current sons from his second marriage were both had after he was forty and they both suffer from adhd. So my dad seems to be the common denominator in my personal case, which is debatable how much you can generalize from but should give you an idea as to how autism can but not necessarily always is transmitted genetically.
>>249269 I've known KC was cringe for years. I just meant I realized the other day that all they do is watch youtube, which is shit kontent. So it's like a mirror of their gumroad kontent where they watch tv shows except it's youtubers. >Now do KF, Jersh, and Gym I'm well-aware. >>249262 The amount of alleged Kick subs and money KC receives is fishy, esp for 1200-1500 viewers. I wonder how much of it is fake, being as how they're on Aydin Ross's gambling site. And it's weird how they can beg for some kick subs and then they come in 30 seconds later. And then their gumroad kontent is just them watching tv shows. The laziest low-effort kontent one could imagine and yet there are suckers paying for that. >Asston demanding subs is a sexual camwhore thing Lol. Nobody is paying Asston for his looks, being a 400 lbs pale slug. He probably tries to tap into a master/slave bdsm dynamic though with the audience. >>249271 Interesting. Thanks for sharing. Yeah, it is tricky to think about the interplay between genes and environment. It's sort of like "What comes first, the chicken or the egg?"
>>249271 Who the fuck is writing this mindless garbage. Adult ADD isn't real (created by pharmaceutical companies), you'll never be a real woman, you are retarded though.
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>>249275 >Interesting. Thanks for sharing. Yeah, it is tricky to think about the interplay between genes and environment. It's sort of like "What comes first, the chicken or the egg?" Hence "correlation doesn't necessarily equal causality." Nature vs nurture is largely an academic distinction since most people are raised by the source of their genes, which is why the tradcon FoxNews bleating about a father in the home is mostly restating the obvious: If women are fucked and creampied by guys who will take responsibility for their offspring, single mom sons wouldn't commit more crime bickers they would have a high enough IQ to not commit low IQ violent crime bickers the father would be high enough IQ to stick around. And that still falls back on women not being sluts getting knocked up by multiple guys >>249276 I never said they had adult adhd. They were kids when diagnosed. And my point wasn't whether adhd is "real" but that they have some sort of mental handicap. Adhd can be seen outwardly as a milder or more obvious form of autism was my main point behind volunteering that info, and even the highest trained of doctors can be incorrect sometimes. And it wasn't merely created, just over or misdiagnosed bickers of unethical encouragement from drug company dealers. Drug prescribers, like lawyers, are like any other group of people: a few winners, and a whole bunch of mediocrities and losers. >you'll never be a real woman Good >you are retarded though Socially to some degree I probably am, but I apparently hide it well enough that I wasn't diagnosed until adulthood. But tbf, I grew up before there was the relatively widespread knowledge there has been in the last 10+ years. Also I'm not comorbid with things that make autism more explicit in lower functioning autists
>>249277 >most people are raised by the source of their genes Yeah, but then think about the families where people have a stepdad or stepmom. It's better to have some father or mother figure in your life, growing up, than not. Despite not being genetically related to the stepdad. Still not an ideal nuclear family, but better than single parent. The real problems start when the single mom is bringing in multiple boyfriends in the house, which leads into molestation of the kids. There are twin studies out there that separate kids and put them into different environments, which reveals a lot about genetics. But yeah, it's a complex topic.
gym emerges from his gooncave
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>>249281 >There are twin studies out there that separate kids and put them into different environments, which reveals a lot about genetics. But yeah, it's a complex topic. Not really. Twin studies show genes as trumping environment, generally speaking. But for a minority environment can make a difference: >Yeah, but then think about the families where people have a stepdad or stepmom. It's better to have some father or mother figure in your life, growing up, than not. Possibly, although I don't know that it makes that much difference. If the dad is around even if not with the mother than maybe. But no father around and a step father will make less of a difference, although not no difference generally speaking. Maybe a bf vs stepfather is a distinction, and maybe not. But a stepfather isn't the same as a father, so this is uncertain to me if maybe not to statistical findings. My reaction is that it doesn't, but I've never had step parents. Step parents wouldn't make a difference to me, but I have my parents so I wasn't that desperate for guidance although I wish i got more from the parents I had.
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>>249282 When a game like Steller Blade or FF7 part 2 releases, I get FOMO. But then I realize all these games will release on PC a couple months later so I don't care again. The hype lasts 1 week max then everyone moves on and stops talking about it so my FOMO goes away.
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>>249286 andrew tate is an anagram for 'earned twat' and 'an tween tard'
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>>249286 When one right-wing grifter a bald rich guy named Andrew is on the way to prison another right-wing grifter also a bald rich guy named Andrew emerges from it. Like pottery.
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>>249288 why is the slaphead sperging out?
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>>249288 That white G​AMERGATE ex con was hilariously over the top. Even the majority of FnF fans were capping on him, which is a good sign
>>249289 He's trying really hard to build his internet presence.
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>>249288 what a white n igger
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Does anyone have the pic of Vicker's living room?
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>48 miles per hour baby <YUEEEEEEAAAAAGHGHGHHGHHGHHGHHG what did he mean by this?
piggertits has decided to give the christian larp to grift wiggers like adowulf for 1 dollar superchats, i cant believe he wakes up each day without killing himself, piggertits has to look at his ugly red face in the mirror each day and carry around all his gross pig weight and loose skin, his children will know him as piggertits if at all, piggertits makes little to no money but still streams from a metal crack shack in mexico with no social interactions and no one would even notice if he ronnie jcaesar187ed himself, just like ronnie who lay dead for 60 days and not a single person noticed or cared
>>249309 if your a whitenationalist or christian nationalist or an anti-zionist man are you in luck piggertits is on your team haha good luck winning with a fat retard called who physically looks like a pig
>just wanted his daddy back this is him, complete cope
>>249311 which daddy does pig G​AMERGATE want back?
>>249309 stop saying pigertits it makes no sense, its pigerpectus, pigerpectorum craso b i f u r c a t u r, to be exact
>>249315 looks like a pig, acts like a pig, his name is indeed piggertits
>>249295 still hasnt killed himself
>>249302 lore?
>>249295 oink oink white negros deserve to get replaced, why do grifting white nationalists let this fat disgusting pig hang around and go on his show like adam green whos parents are russian jews
>>249236 andy and ppp still around...why for the entertaining show haha, can andy still not speak properly
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>>249321 White G​AMERGATEs have the most kids, collectivist
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>>249324 He's just angry Kristi didn't give it a proper lynching like jcaesar187.
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>>249327 >controlled op confirmed They all go off the deep end, leading their herd of followers down dead end rabbit holes
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>>249330 null b t f o
>>249330 dax doesnt even like women, this has been proven, he enjoys male attention, all of this retard audience are beta males in their 40's
>>249309 piggertits wont kill himself, he lacks the self decency, piggertits will stream until the very last adowulf $1 superchat dries up, then homeless, then back to amercia, then welfare, then jail, the life and future of piggertits, the legend of the red faced pig
>>249320 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-jyc2OYXsI soytuber almost died bickers he fucked up his setup
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>>249333 >bitches mad
IT'S HABBENING https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpa5-oBvwsc GORLOCK RETURNS!!!
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Rollo is reviewing the Fresh N Fit event with Andrew Wilson. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppRv5oWBeMQ
>>249336 piggertits giving advice on women lmfao
>>249330 dax is big gay confirmed like all or most political commentators probably Canadian too
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>>249343 >only gays find women annoying cope Or if you've cohabitated with one
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>>249344 TheTheGatorGamerGamer was right about you, pathetic twitterfag
>>249351 shut up spic, calculator coom is king
>>249339 fucking vile
>>249353 jesus christ
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holy mogged
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>>249360 >chyatters: "FREE HAN SOLO!"
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what is shanny doing?
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>>249362 hes on the whatever podcast tonight
>>249362 Dude used his onahole as an ashtray.
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balldos, not even once
>>249360 why are polynesians always massmaxxing
>>249359 Newsflash: Cuckstiny's mid, midwit middle Eastern Mia Kahlifa clone was given money by Bidup
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>>249339 Post the vid or at least the link you lazy ni​g​​ger
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>money saving H1B shitters helped ruin Silicon Valley
>>249373 https://www.wheresyoured.at/the-men-who-killed-google/ Fucking n​​ig​​​​​​ger can't even post the link for context
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>>249344 mra's mgtows, redpills are all blacks and repressed homos
>>249332 dax has an audience of actual losers like piggertits and vito two disgusting fat retards who should be sterilized or just not allowed to exist
>>249354 lol the rent a girl is a 2 at best, really quite ugly how much does she charge 500 per night, did piggertits have to pay 2k, what a gross Гунтed mess
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jewsh has joined team anita
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>>249373 why hasnt this fucking fat retard killed himself yet
>>249381 Which one?
>just grift morons like I did
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>>249383 >file a class action >your feelings don't factor into business decisions until you have a lawyer In terms of video games? Of course it does. It's an industry built on impulse and manchild feefees. It's like z-celeb popularity. Lowest common denominator. You can get offended if someone groups you in with said lemmings, but don't pretend that not how the game is played.
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https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/144790.html speaking of tvtroons and gayhole
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>>249385 Shouldn't supreme pick-me Melonie Mac sign this petition? And provide some support for these losers? After all, I'm sure she would like to see some Korean ass in fetish clothing like everybody else, being a totally-straight, gamer-girl. 😉 >>249383 Jewsh looks no better than the losers that signed this petition. Gaytor should make a video too. He'd fit it well. >>249378 >jcaesar187: I hate whores and sluts. Women have ruined society. Trust no bitch. <Buys prostitutes regularly and married slut Pantsu. Can't keep away from sluts. >>249324 >>249373 >Jewsh: Google search sucks bc they won't show foxdick farms. Lol.
is anyone still watching piggertits? is this his only purpose to stream in front of 200 idiots for 100 dollars a day if that, he has nothing to offer as a streamer, is low energy is not entertaining
>>249388 aduwolf 1 dollar superchats being spent on mexican shit skins
>>249388 >After all, I'm sure she would like to see some Korean ass in fetish clothing like everybody else, being a totally-straight, gamer-girl. Her Laura Croft obsession does seem a little lesbo. >>249389 Until he fights someone interesting or has some Jerry Springer drama, he will be slow going for a while.
>>249389 he stills makes more than rekieta does per stream and streams more than 6 days a month
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>>249393 Only donates $1 every time the jcaesar187amale streams PATHETIC
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Jackson (possible Feaser alt) continues to war with KillAllPedos (creepy Metocare fanboy). KAP has now changed his Jade profile pic from her look 20 years ago, to Feaser's Mom. I guess he's gotten tired of getting flack for trooning out uh I mean, being a creep that wants to become Jade and get fucked by daddy Metocare. So I guess he's now self-inserting as Feaser's Mom? Weird. Also, doxing Feaser's entire family to own him. KAP is even digging up info about Feaser's great grandmother being in a circus in the early 1900's.
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A lot of Kino Casino simps got mad when Elaine said she "would" about Feaser. Doesn't Elaine know Feaser has to be mocked as a lolcow and attacked all day long?
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>>249395 >>249396 >doxing Feaser's entire family UH MEGABASED
>>249396 why is andy still around, makes no money still lives at home, no prospects, no future, lol what a fucking loser
>>249393 disability money is the backbone of the killstream, audience and support ironic since piggertits has never work a job in his fat disgusting life like both his parents and retard brother, its like inter-generational welfare dependency
>>249400 Very good this is a great video! :) Wow who made this? I am totally going to sub.
>>249400 Jaiden Gang, its over
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>>249383 Something tells me Jewshie wouldn't be this cool with censorship if this was related to foxdick farms. He is full of hubris with his warchest of 160K.
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>>249404 >there is no inherent problem with localization. it is very normal Is it just me or is he trying to assert that he has a normal mindset a lot more recently? A normal modern man in a modern world looking for a normal boyfriend-free girl. Onto the point, if you exclude 3rd party licensing for children cartoons, the amount of changes due to differences in customs diminishes substantially. That's when you get to start calling them foreign media as part of promotion. >if you want meaningful change, start a class action suit Say you want some nice swiss cheese. You ask the guy at the shop to order them in stock. The cheese arrives but doesn't have enough holes in it. Your lack of adequate cheese makes your blood boil over. You burn the guy's shop down. You still don't have the cheese you want. Maybe the next shop will comply. >i struggle to think of a meritorious defence for pornography Mana transfers.
>>249405 I tire of wannabe-innanet-lawyers like Moonpie that watch Rekieta Law and think they know what they are talking about bc they read the DnD rulebook of some case law. Or bc they talk to a lawyer they have retained.
>>249400 Nice. I liked the School Days one too. If you play the game and stay true to Christ, you get nice vanilla endings. Sekai's burning either way though. Literally the worst girl and a harlot.
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>>249406 >that watch Rekieta Law Past tense. Jewsh is the captain now.
>>249385 nice >>249388 sup pedo, kys.
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>>249404 He's wasting his donor money on vexatious litigants that spend only basic filing fees to tangle him up in court for months. The money he got will be burned paying his lawyers and his hard in-law. A similar forum onaforums.net has managed to win against a vexatious litigant and actually got them to pay the lawyers fees (plus interest), and the owner of the forum was able to stay anonymous during this. As far as I know, this has not happened in any of the lawsuits Jew has won. He's also is in the process of getting another basic apology letter from a tranny; that doesn't mean shit when financial harm might've been inflicted. His site will most likely never turn profitable, he's way too bitter and would rather live on the fringes than make the money required to operate a forum of his size (lowest user count online in recent memory is large!! okay??). >>249406 His plan when he abandoned foxdick in 2017 for around 2 weeks was to get a law degree and become a lawyer. Very gay
>>249388 lol pigtits who looks like a pig giving woman advice holy shit, are all of this audience disabled liek actually on disability like ppp lol
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>>249412 >His site will most likely never turn profitable It has been highly profitable for a long time. Remember that Jawsh hasn't worked in a decade, and the kiwi paypigs just keep giving him more and more money every year. The amount of money he got from his "muh legal bills" scam was extraordinary. And it was right out front that it was no refunds and that he didn't even have to spend a cent of the money he raised under false pretenses on legal bills. Jawsh is going to be rolling in clover until the day he dies. The piggies will keep him fat forever.
>>249388 That Гунт tweet is so shit its unreal. Based Sargon just did a video on this subject of women and right wing men. jcaesar187 being a sack of shit to everything that moves seems to not be a factor in his mind. https://youtu.be/fDdYBQKHN_U?si=mzG_e-RTA7-3vJds
>>249421 as his native brits would say, soygoy is kharouf, youre so naive
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>>249421 It's like 2018 never ended. Same old boring shit from Sargone. Even checked date of upload and still believe it's a reupload.
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>>249421 >be nice to wahmen >wahmen should vote <feminisms destroyed wahmen brain Same contradictory talking out of both sides of his ass Sargon stuff. Brilliant!
>>249427 >>249425 *smuckles* GYM PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON&apos;T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD a philosophy degree ahahahahahhahhaaaaaa
>>249421 piggertits wants you to think hes fucking ric flair who also pays prostitutes, but in reality doesnt get shit, everybody is repulsed by this fat cunt
>>249428 TheTheGatorGamerGamer literally will never even mention Sargons name anymore how fucking devastated he is by the sheer volume of success, defication and WHITE children Carl has brought to the table. TheTheGatorGamerGamer shiuld just make a public apology and facedox to Carl in shame while westing an Applebee’s suit in hopes God spares him from his unhinged overwhelming failure as a human bein.g. Id refer to TheTheGatorGamerGamer Metokur as a man but everyone knows Jade is getting fucked by a real Bull while TheTheGatorGamerGamer sobs into his underage anime pillow in a seperate room due to him not being able to actually fuck his own wife with the amount of backbreaking suffering he has. SAD! PATHETIC JIM!
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piggertits christian larp round 2 not going so well, it got 4 fucking views hahahaha kill your self pig
>>249430 sargoy doesnt have any children their lucys children to her dead husbands, who carl lusted after for years after he was rejected during high school, he just had to wait long enough for her to be a fat whale to be interested in corl, lol carl got a bullshit degree in night school from a community collage and not even getting a first class degree, also corl super gay made tranny porn sucked dankulas dick and is a quadroon
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>>249432 Only one of carl's kids isn't his, Andrew wilson is raising more stepchildren than him.
>>249428 >backwards letters look at this fucking inept fat loser, he put the tassel on the wrong side so he mirrored the image, pathetic
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>>249431 pigtits is posting the rumble link bickers of the low view count haha no audience but bots and disabled wiggers like adowulf
>>249428 sargn went to night school at 40 omfg
>>249429 levels of pussy, why does this piggermale lie about everything
>>249428 carl graduated with a paper degree in bullshit, hes doing one better that piggertits who has no certificate,diploma,any proof or any single friend who went to college with him to corroborate his college education hmmmmmm
>all these collectivists seething about carl's achievements
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>>249439 Exactly >AUUUGGH DEY DINT GIBS ME MUH DEGREE CUZ AYE DINT PAY MUH STUDENT LOANS If that were the case, no one would get a degree for years after the fact
pigtits is losing the will to live, low energy, no topics, no guests, no superchats, no audience
>>249431 thats a really nice church, its a nice place to kill yourself, isnt it piggertits
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>>249444 (checked) TRIPS CONFIRMED
>>249444 He's too much of a coward to do anything nearly that interesting. I think the two consecutive beatings he got in Portugal just took what little actual fight was left out of the pig. It's why he's an internet tough guy hiding behind his computer screen screaming at people laughing at him. It's why that computer screen is tucked away in a tin shed in Mexico away from all the people that laugh at him. And it's why he's so fucking boring these days. I miss the days when the Гунт had the self-delusion of not being the biggest pussy in the sektur. He'd actually go out and do things usually to disastrous yet hilarious results. Now even if he steps foot out of his cuckshed it's only in very safe conditions where he won't run into any cyberbullies or harassers. Into safe spaces if you will.
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>mention foxdickfarms >I laik
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>>249444 thnc, its judeo-christian
>>249442 >>249439 I believe jcaesar187's excuse for his lack of degree is that he didn't pay some bullshit fee at the end to actually receive the degree, so they never physically sent him his degree. I don't think it was about the student loans. As if anyone would spend 4 years in school, do tons of coursework, and then check out at the tail end bc you won't pay the fee to get the degree. It reeks of lies, like everything he does. Also, he had at least 70K in school loans many years ago, yet never paid it off when he actually made money from idiots like Metocare pumping him up, and making Keelstream financially successful. Now, Keelstream is dead and he cannot pay it. Let alone the baby mamas' child support. The loans have grown and this wigger is still waiting on someone in government to cancel all student loan debt and bail him out. He thinks US taxpayers should have to pay for the enormous fees he racked up, playing around in college. >>249442 Colleges don't have a problem giving you a piece of paper to make you feel special at the end; they want you to have it then go get a job, and pay off those loans. >>249447 >Jewsh: Waaaaa. No one credits the foxdick farms but everyone steals kontent from it. Yes Jewsh. Just like you steal all the kontent of the posters there for your streams, like when someone writes a thread for you and you read it on stream for cheesechats, or upload some clip they rendered and you play it on stream. You take credit for everything on the Farms but wrote <1% of it.
>>249450 I thought the Гунт actually had a bullshit degree in political science from some toilet tier school though
>>249451 I think he goes back and forth between saying he has a college degree and "actually, I never got my degree."
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>>249450 Everything I remember, he claimed "student loans," which is bullshit that indicates he never went to school. But if it was fees, that would explain why they withheld the degree, although it's still stupid not to pay bickers a degree is a degree, however worthless it might be. It would suck if it was a junior college degree
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>>249450 >Yes Jewsh. Just like you steal all the kontent of the posters there for your streams, like when someone writes a thread for you and you read it on stream for cheesechats, or upload some clip they rendered and you play it on stream. You take credit for everything on the Farms but wrote <1% of it. Exactly. Liburty n fweedumb fur mee. Serfdumb fur the paypigs. N abolish awl (other) copyrights. But don't defame the website cuz dats synonymous with meeeeee
>>249362 then his mom is gonna say 'shut up brian, this is my house. Let tyrone smoke he pays for all your anime dolls' and TheGatorGamer stomps back down to the basement and writes a scathing post in his diary.
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>>249454 find the jewsh kill the jewsh
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>>249458 >jewsh seething about coomer blade
>>249458 >coomer game loli anime vtuber pedo BAD AND IT MAKES ME MAD!!!!!! There, I saved you three hours.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yrxi6MxL2yU speaking of coomers ADDRESSING DRAMA?! 1,000+ BODY COUNT?! E-GIRLS! MAKEUP DEBATE?! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | Dating Talk #157
>>249458 >DSP segment
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>>249469 >Lauren and my jewish motherers are back
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Fishtank restreamer is losing his mind after some cop that pulled him over and planted drugs on him dies. Now screaming "Death to America," talking about mass shooters and praising communism for some reason. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9A-kdcW-Us Guy has a screw loose.
>>249481 kek now he's reading the communist manifesto.
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>>249482 eh bourgeoisie/jew same thing al mawt li america
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lol is this true >accidentally admitted that he was still a virgin in his 30's before he met Nora
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One last skibidi toilet meme. Thank God it's over
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>>249488 skibidi boom boom
>>249485 daily constant embarrassment pigtits keeps coming back for more
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didnt pigtits get an underage 13 year old mexican to fuck amanda the troon in his ass and later scream argh nut ahh cuck, nice fake marriage
>>249480 >I wasn't a whiney compliant faggot at Charlottesville
>>249485 lol ahhh like rich flair, gets no action, embarrassing
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pigtits with a dogshit show, killing himself would be better, hes pretending to listen to these random larpers for 10 hours
>>249503 >>249505 hi godwinson, your streams are shit, stop self promoting
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>>249506 hi Elaine, stay mad in your bedsit
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>>249485 Projection from the gaylogs isn't surprising. If he's 38 now and was banging underage Nora 10 years ago, I think you'll find you're factually incorrect.
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>>249503 >he honoured not doing the GGs unless we were both present If a bear shits in the woods and the guy watching memoryholes it. Twice.
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>>249509 Meanwhile, Fatman and Retard are doing their own version of This Week in Cuckada
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Gaytorbro, you're just going to leave >us hanging with the MGS playthrough? You can't just be laying pipes on those v-thots every day. You gotta pace yourself.
>>249508 >he's 38 now Really? I figured he was older. He looks like he's in his 50s.
>>249513 Gaytor took 20 years off him along with the rent money. It's the only way you can look at the disparity and have it make sense.
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>>249516 FACTS
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>>249509 He also gave TWIN away to Rudy Cuckcage Coleman, but that was memoryholed too.
>>249518 >Rudy Cuckcage Coleman Now that is a character I haven't heard about in a while
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>>249503 ADAM EDGE OF WEST LONDON FACTS >Adam Edge still seething about his gayops on Bryan Dunn when he was right about everything >Adam Edge was confirmed cheating on his fiancée with Elaine >Adam Edge was confirmed abandoning his father duties to his unborn child >Adam Edge was confirmed by Elaine and jcaesar187 that he did not even get to fuck elaine while he cheated > Adam Edge was confirmed in Rehab due to his heavy drug habits >Adam Edge blocked the word Elaine Miller in everything he does online and still has not explain why she scared him >Adam Edge was disowned by his own family for larping as a Club Owner >Adam Edge is scared to stream anymore due to his lusting of pissminge cuckoldry >Adam Edge still is not allowed to see his Child > Everything Bryan Dunn and Elaine and jcaesar187 said about Adam Edge was the truth >Adam Edge was in a gay romantic relationship with otter boy Perspic >Adam Edge sucked off jcaesar187 and catboy and Ali Alexander for a spot on Cozy.tv >Adam Edge knew that Elaine Miller was involved in Cheesepizza events of 764 as well as the Ali Alexander grooming scandal yet said NOTHING >Adam Edge is a turbo Degenerate who worked with Platspics to kill the sektur and kill IBS streams out of drug fueled pettiness alone >Adam Edge cried about TheTheGatorGamerGamer and cokeski doxing his job and paypal but openly did it to others without a shred of hypocrisy >Adam Edge ran gayops on Discords while pretending hes “offline” confirmed >Adam Edge stalked Based Sargon around a bar for hours to try to get clout off the Kumite and was promptly PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON&apos;T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD into shame for it >Adam Edge tried to run ops with the Vickers back in the day but was bullied so turned on the Vickers after he interviewed them >Adam Edge falls asleep on homosexual shit streams now bickers he is forced on anti-psychotic medication to deal with his terminal faggotry Kys Adam Edge. For real.
>>249522 truly subhuman
>>249522 earwinson's streams are better bickers they're completely off the cuff and not hastily running through the weekly news, reddit posts, whatever rundown he gets in the mati thread like jewsh does
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>>249522 >Bryan Dunce
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>>249523 ADAM EDGE FACTS PART 2 >Adam Edge tried to bribe P P P to fire Cokeski in order to steal the chair of the Kino Casino >Adam Edge lied about Gaytor in order to produce cocks and help Zoom try to swat him >Adam Edge faked information on Bryan Dunn for not helping him do gay ops >Adam Edge tried to alog Jahans for clout but failed >Adam Edge worked for a hardcore leftist and paint smiles on kids with cancer to win votes >Adam Edge tried to grift off of Kraut and Tea cocks as a secret Leftist but was dismissed immediately by Kraut after his last stream with them watching jcaesar187s sex tape >Adam Edge tried to kill himself on Stream with K bickers he wasnt allowed to see his kid >Adam Edge privately told jcaesar187 he was his hero >Adam Edge owns a Final Fantasy Tifa body pillow to cope about his loneliness > Adam Edge cannot ever pass the Green Line Test >Adam Edge failed out of college 5 times and attempted bribery with his Daddy’s money to Graduate but failed again >Adam Edge tried to be a TheTheGatorGamerGamer walker back in the day but got bullied for it so now seethes at TheTheGatorGamerGamer Walkers > Adam Edge is literally 5 foot 1 inch LOL
>>249529 >DSP won
>>249461 Jewsh is a fucking retard
>>249530 hi dunce, still hiding in pedocord you fag ?
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>>249533 ADAM EDGE FACTS PART 3 >Adam Edge confided to Perspic and Asston that he was bisexual >Adam Edge has no real life friends >Adam Edge one time wet his bed due to being on too many Percocets >Adam Edge tricked Asalerai into attacking Asston fully aware that P P P would try to ruin his life >Adam Edge was arrested for public indecency due to him being wasted in the street with no pants on >Adam Edge told jcaesar187 that he would give the dox of Platespics to him for a chance to be his Cohost >Adam Edge flagged down MisterInternetAristocrat, Gaytor, Toad McKinley, Kino Casino, his own channel and P P P to gaslight the chat into gayops on his behalf >Perspic Bryan Trelane Asston and Adam all socked on foxdickfarms in Both Adam and P P Ps thread in an attempt to derail it > Adam Edge reads his foxdickfarms thread 24/7 and seethes uncontrollably in the Writers Room over it >Adam Edge posts on Cow daily >Adam Edge tried to get CoachRedPill to do an interview but was told to fuck off so Adam offered him $1000 for a chance to have Coach be apart of TWIN > Adam Edge had gay anal sex with P P P during his visit to Canada. It was his entire reason for going >Adam Edge tried to get Elaine Miller to pit a butt plug up his ass but she decided against this Confirmed on the Killstream >Elaine Miller made Adam pay her for visiting every time and would stare at the floor whenever she talked to him >Adam Edge is into poppers hardcore >Adam Edge snaked Leopirate bickers Leo found out he was a himosexual degenerate >Adam Edge has failed at life at everything he has ever done > Adam Edge regularly walks and stands on his tiptoes to seem taller than he is LOL
>>249538 ADAM EDGE FACTS PART 4 >Adam Edge had a drunken night in the discord calls ranting about trying to hook up with underage girls on Tinder by pretending he was 18 >Adam Edge was thrown out of the Hospital when his kid was born due to being high and drunk > Adam Edge still has not signed the birth certificate to his own child >Adam Edge would buy cocaine off of Elaine and try to sell it for higher price to his club crew but was beaten up instead with the drugs stolen > Adam Edge recorded P P P admitting to having gay anal sex with both him and surfer then drunkenly gave it to Squire aka Trelane in chat who offered Grossly Offensive the audio for $10,000 CONFIRMED REAL >Bryan Dunn is allowed around his child unlike Adam Edge and no evidence has ever been presented to suggest Bryan trafficks his child to discord users >Toad McKinley put his baby in a blender and Adam called him a based chad man in voice calls for doing so > Adam Edge is and has always bn a LGTBQ+ Advocate who assisted trannies like Maddiecat into gayops under the promise of clout or gay sexting chats with him and P P P
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>>249536 >>249539 >I give handjobs with my mouth
>>249540 You seem upset Adam. You should take care of your kid!
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>>249528 even gayhole has a better hairline
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0C3S748GR0 I'd fuck the new spic(?) cohost on poop coomer crisis
>>249507 nice gay bar Coyote Ugly Saloon Piccadilly ? https://www.coyoteuglysaloonuk.com/piccadilly
>>249539 well dont stop now, the coom flares are being pulled out
>>249508 pigtits gets no action so seems probable, the cope of this pig of having a 1 inch baby cock
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>>249546 You would know of course, Elaine.
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>>249542 >You should take care of your kid! says the guy who spend 12 hours a day in discord calls with tranny
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House of Misrepresentatives passed this. Apparently telling the truth is against the federal government guidelines
>>249545 Sure, but she wouldn't fuck you, and therein lies the difference.
>>249556 shes already fucking this king
>>249555 (checked) Fucking crazy how it was perfectly fine for all these college kids to support BLM and loot burn cities down over some some nig​ger that overdosed but god forbid they criticize/protest God's Chosen Lunatics, thats it shut down time for us to take away your freedom of speech.
>>249555 deus vult uhuhuh speramus descedit et gentilos nos necabit omnae genua flectunt, iudaei rex est uhuhuhuhuh
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>>249559 The point isn't Christianity itself but allowing the freedom of speech especially in regards to religion and especially the religion of the writers of the Constitution, and not limiting it bickers "Christ is King" bruises Ben Shapiro buttcheeks.
>>249369 >>249370 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gI-EH1l2xzs Cuckstiny and company are shilling for Bidup
>>249564 I wonder why...
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Bad news gaytorbros.
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>>249569 The incarnation of the sektur's death, fucking skeletor with a wig. What in the fuck is this bitch even talking about???
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>>249569 Stop giving this whore attention
>>249494 amanda got fucked in the ass by a 13 year old mexican Juggalo and pigtits watched cuckold confirmed
>>249448 sounds defeated suicide incoming
>>249400 Who is this?
>>249576 RAWDAWGED IN HER ASS and she loved it
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does he beg and cry in front of paid bitches like demi and make them feel sorry for him haha pity
>>249581 jcaesar187 fucked prostitutes and so did the horse
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>>249584 >jcaesar187 fucked prostitutes and so did the horse and what have you ever fucked bish? at least my feet are god tier!
>>249585 the point is gaylogs try to pretend Гунтy is some cuckold when the both of them fucked other people and sometimes together in a threesome. it's disingenuous. people do this to streamer destiny as well. both him and his ex fucked other people but the onus is only on the man bickers everyone likes to larp as a feminist when it's convenient.
>>249587 The onus is on the man bickers the man SHOULD care about other dudes fucking his wife, by the nature of the sexes women can get pregnant, easily catch stds especially from a mexican male prostitute you explicitly made fuck her in the ass without any form of protection and just get all emotionally fucked up by having other men service their assfucking needs. Finding a woman who lets you fuck other women is cool, but when you start letting her fuck other dudes as well you are a certified cuckold who needs paternity tests to prove any of his kids is actually his.
>>249584 >>249585 pigtits does date a number or dykes, amanda, adezero, nora, faith, remeber the texts where pig was fine with faith seeing some other guy and the texts between amanda and faith eating each other out >>249587 >>249589 he definitely watched amanda getting fucked in the ass by a 13 year old
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>>249589 a girl who let's his guy sleep around isn't cool and a girl who sleeps around with others while having a guy should rightly be called a whore or a slut. you'll never hear jewsh berate destiny's ex bickers he's a cringe fake feminist.
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>>249587 >Гунт isn't a cuckold that's about as believable as Гунт not lusting after soph while high on xanax
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>>249592 >men get chided for not acting like men >womens failures are seen as failures on the part of her man not being a man >feminism were back, reset the calendar to year 0
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>>249570 >What in the fuck is this bitch even talking about??? No one knows. No one listens. Turned that shit off 10 seconds in. >>249571 Is it even possibe? I genuinely think listening to her rambling gives you brain cancer.
>>249587 Fuck off Adam Edge. jcaesar187 disavowed you. Just bickers Elaine cucked you doesnt mean you get to larp like cuckoldry is based faggot.
>>249583 for some fat disgusting pig looking retard to try and run a bullying and harrasment channel, i dont know, imagine waking up in the morning and looking like this, no wonder hes a junkie, imagine looking like this pig animal, just end it already pigboy, youve lost, completly lost
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>>249592 >this is the faggot who threw an online shitfit when some teenage girl wouldn't e-date him Alawgfarms remembers
>>249583 >AUUUUUUU I'M NOT NICE TO WOMEN What was the name of the e-whore that he simped for and wanted to buy her everything off her (((amazon))) whish list again?
>>249610 Wasn't it alice?
>>249611 Alice. Although tbf, he had Mai_Mai procure her
>>249610 he pays mexicans to be nice to women and to RAWDAWG THEM IN THEIR ASS and she loved it
>>249611 im sure the fucking pig was really nice to alice, before raping her mouth after getting her pig stinking drunk oink
GYM ON LIFE SUPPORT Гунт ON IRON LUNG ASSTON ON 600 ILB LIFE WARTSKI ON TRANNY DICK just in time for more election year psyops
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>>249611 Rock bottom to that point in time.
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pigtits back again rattling his begging tin cup
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Is this what Muttni thinks she looks like?
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>>249617 Гунт keeps saying the lobby is open, but what does it even mean? He doesn't take callers unless they're screened first, so the only people ever calling in are the same nobody guests and a few cringeworthy paypigs. Maybe it's just an empty slogan to him now, like christianity and most of his espoused beliefs.
>>249592 Jewsh Moonpie is one of those men that is falling into the "sneaky fucker" strategy like a lot of soyboy leftist men. He pretends to be a feminist, pandering to the women in his audience and blaming men for everything on every issue. He hopes women will think, "Ah, he's one of the good ones." And then women will magically fuck him. But the truth is, men doing this strategy end up being bad people trying to camoflage themselves into a female safe space, where their true sex predator nature comes out and they get arrested for rape and other sex crimes. >>249591 Why do you keep saying a 13 year old fucked Amanda Morris in her ass? I've never heard this bit of lore about the age of the male hooker. It's bad enough without having to invent new details into it. >>249596 The funny bit in that video is she revealed she has a habit of ripping wallpaper off the wall to see if there is black mold everywhere she lives. Definitely doesn't sound like a crazy person who's hearing voices in the walls (sarcasm). >>249599 Yeah, what I hate about Earwinson is that he pushed Elaine in all our faces for months. Now he wants to bury her bc they had a fallout. No retard. You were the idiot giving her so much attention and declaring her the queen of the sector just 'cause you wanted to hit it. Anons were telling you it was cringe then and it's still cringe now, not just bc you got your heart broken by the witch. >>249609 Exactly. And he fantasized openly about wanting to go on a rampage killing women until he got gunned down by a swat team. The Jewsh Moon stances come from overcorrecting on past lore about himself. He pretends to hate anime bc of his neko shota stuff in the past and how trannies larp using anime pfps. He larps as a feminist to try to correct the insane misogyny of hating all women and wanting to kill his Mom.
>>249623 Yep. Hence >just in time for more election year psyops
>>249623 Also talk on parts of Twitter have speculated the Antisemitism bill as a way to shut down Twitter or at least control it more, after fucking with TikTok, which might be the case. The amount of "antisemtitism" I've seen on twitter especially in the last view days has been remarkable, but makes you wonder why it is so unchecked on such a big platform as Twitter.
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>>249628 the anti-jew bill is probably unconstitutional and will get shot down but I thought it only applied to public gatherings?
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>>249615 Watch him blocking every hater the second he gets reinstated. Like little faggot he is.
>>249623 >>249627 Sounds like y'all are jealous that Fuentes is the GOAT and is getting his X account back. Return of the king.
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>>249621 >can we bully him into getting x to host foxdick idk dude, why not just sue him? It's your golden bullet.
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>>249628 yeah get a clue thats the whole point of the sudden flood of 'christ, the king of the jews, is king' posting since this is literally the kikes go to strawman to delegitimise any criticism on jews, 'uh see its just pathological antisemitism' who the fuck even takes anything you fucking say about the kikes seriously when you espouse this crap that is exactly what the kikes always pretend antisemitism is , ie. idiotic irrational religious zealotry based on literally nothing more than a jewish fairytale and having nothing to do with anything with actual jews or reality, like holy fucking shit this is the best argument people have against the kikes 'they killed jeesoos' fucking qtard kike pantomime
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Jush is a reetard but comments section is on point.
>>249633 That's probably the mindset, although I think there is a lot of truth to it even it alienates a lot of atheist normalfags >>249634 Yeah no shit. Meanwhile Jewsh is all >mememememememeeeeee
>>249629 Yeah but the language in parts is vague and it mentions "jews killed Jesus" which can be used against Christians
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>>249615 >>249621 >>249623 >>249634 Glowbois Are Back In Town
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X and Elon really want you to believe that Nicholas J. Fuentes is more popular than the the most popular and best-selling video game of all time? Astro-turfed fed.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVaSN4Cqo-I Carl on The Critical Drinker stream now
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GAYTORBROS WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMrVQBiyZ4E
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CORRECTION NEEDED: Let's Talk NEXAS & AniLive. Where People Got it Right or Wrong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMrVQBiyZ4E
>>249642 fuck off idiot im not reading this shit if jesus was not a jew he is not from the tribe of juda and not from the davidic blood line and hence not messiah and did not fullfill the mesianic prophecy you fucking clueless peabrain dont even try
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>>249645 >tribe of Judah= modern Jews Yeah, and Nora is of the same tribe as Geronimo bickers both are called "Indians"
>>249634 >ashley st clair that jewess whore literally sent n iggers her underage nudes a decade ago
>>249647 >we wuz jews cope harder you strange alien, jew literally means people from judea who speak a semetic language that has no relation to any indo-european language, these fucking desert cults were not hwite or black or european or whatever stupid tard cope you have that no one but you believes and only do so bickers you dont know shit
>>249642 >>249645 >>249647 >>249650 y'all john lennon DID NOT die for this 😂😂😂
>>249650 >cope harder you strange alien, Not coping. Just questioning. But apparently I hit a defensive nerve with you >jew literally means people from judea who speak a semetic language that has no relation to any indo-european language, Yeah, and the "jews" are descended from the Pharisees who brought their religion back from Babylon with them. >these fucking desert cults were not hwite or black or european or whatever stupid tard cope you have that no one but you believes and only do so bickers you dont know shit And how do you know what you claim to know? Also white black or european cover a number of different groups themselves. So call these desert cults whatever you want but that doesn't mean all these centuries "exiled" diaspora currently occupying Palestine are Judeans or Judahites
>>249655 jesus was a follower of judaism which is now talmudic judaism after the destruction of their stupid temple and the temple cult, and was ethnically part of a nation that only existed in what is today known as the levant and are desert wanders that had the custom of wiping their ass using three stones/shells hows that
>>249643 >>249644 Fuck off Brian Holloman
[10:44] <~robi> server fees paid for may [10:44] <~robi> canary update on the 5th [10:44] <~robi> bit busy this week as well, moving GET READY /cow/BOYS
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>>249626 >The funny bit in that video is she revealed she has a habit of ripping wallpaper off the wall to see if there is black mold everywhere she lives. Definitely doesn't sound like a crazy person who's hearing voices in the walls (sarcasm). Also confirmed she lives in a shithole if she is worried about black mold. Or she's covering for being a flophouse
>>249644 >30 people watching that garbage Even Persnake gets better numbers than that
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>>249658 2 canaries in a row? What is this, an aviary?
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>>249664 Look at the economic efficiency though. Even daddy gym couldn't monetise near 20% of his audience. Gaytor's making it rain.
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>>249668 File 2 didn't upload.
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Happy Constitution Day Polandbros

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