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J*ker Anonymous 10/09/2019 (Wed) 17:25:00 No.230
Well, did you like it? I know I'm echoing already existing criticism, but it really felt like a Scorsese imitator. Better than what capeshit deserves.
I don't know if anyone else picked up on this, but now that I think about it, there was a clear reference to Network towards the end when the camera zooms out and shows all the other televisions playing the clip of the murder, suggesting that the media is part of the insanity. I don't really think it brought anything new to the table, but it did expose audiences to themes not typically addressed.

I haven't seen it yet. Maybe I'll download and watch by the time everyone has stopped talking about it.
Todd Phillips' early documentaries are kind of interesting: Frat House and especially Hated. But it's not surprising to hear he's imitating a better director for Joker, which is a step up from his bro comedies.
Pretty much this. When the bluray drops I'll maybe download it and that's it.
It's not like it has much value when you don't have any normalfag friends.
It's still a great movie, but it borrows heavily from greater ones. Acting and cinematography are top-notch. The biggest problems it has were made in post-production.
Much like the overrated Heath Ledger performance I don't think it got what Joker is beyond le funny psychopath with clown make-up. Mark Hamil is the only recent actor to get this down properly.
I liked it I thought it was a decent black comedy. Lots of slapstick jokes, absurdism/surrealism and anti-humor nods. Maybe a bit meta though. Didn't like how obvious the message about comedy and social censorship was presented. Like why make him not only tell jokes people get offended at but also fucking laugh at the "wrong" thing.
Well maybe they thought it would be too subtle and judging by the bizarro social media reaction they weren't anywhere near obvious enough.
Fuck me a movie where yuppies sing a Broadway tune then get gunned down in a scene out of Death Wish is a gritty disturbing thriller.
First half - yes Second - no His psychology and psychopathy, condition and body, living condition and melanchoy, his hatred of "cos já a ty" - all me. Lost, sad, desilussioned and deranged bean coping with being "odd": its worth lies strictly in depiction of him which, as >>418 said, lacks depth, or rather never attemped to portray him as person which is good because he can't have depth - throughout the film his mask is his lifelong one, mask of 4O yo clown, mask he wears for the few days depicted, mask he says he doesn't know whether he wears it his entire life or just the last few days - and that's it, his life equaled to nothing hence the short time span it captures is who he is and nothing else: mask called "truth" which he never attempted to take down.
>>490 Wonderin' how would the film be like if he weren't appearing hateful - rage scenes where he kicks into garbage bags - and so on.
>>777 A truly amazing heist
Well to be fair these shenanigans were done in a fairly disposable thread, with all due respect to the OP.
Saw this a couple days ago and it made me wonder just how much those riots in Gotham City have served as an inspiration for present day riots in Western countries. I'm sure its just a coincidence, whatever conditioning potential it had, it must me minuscule.
>>1000 *be
>>1000 It's not riots, just niggers robbing everything.

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