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Animated shorts and features Anonymous 10/27/2019 (Sun) 21:28:20 No.289
I saw this short by chance last night and really enjoyed it. Well-executed concept with a distinctive visual style.

>Dir: Matthias Hoegg / UK / 2010


<An everyday love story set in the not so distant future sees blackbirds battling with technology, automatic palm readers and power cuts.

I looked for more content from Matthias Hoegg, but found that he's chosen a more profitable career as animator for hire. Still he's done interesting work for various corporate and non-profit clients.
Chudesa v reshete AKA A Fantastic Tale (1978)


Russian animated English nursery rhymes, with strange results that diverge from the original text
<Ironically, this Russian cartoon is more English than anything the BBC have produced in 20 years!


Check out this great yt channel for more Russian animation with exclusive English subtitles https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUYmVzJGyzirq_eKlDGBzDA
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Krysar is the most interesting animation I've seen lately. It's based on the Pied Piper story. The images are rough and grotesque, a more horrifying version of German expressionism.

Maybe you don't know this, but the Pied Piper is based on a mysterious event in the German town of Hamelin.
>The earliest written record is from the town chronicles in an entry from 1384 which states: "It is 100 years since our children left."
>Although research has been conducted for centuries, no explanation for the historical event is universally accepted as true.
A winter tale 1945


Comfy Christmas viewing from Ivan Ivanov-Vano with a strong Disney influence
I think the Soviet authorities liked Walt at first, but they later turned against the animators influenced by him for being too cosmopolitan.
Excellent twitter account for Folklore Films, usually animated: https://twitter.com/FolkloreFilmFes
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j800SVeiS5I IN-SHADOW: A Modern Odyssey An unflinching, dead-on representation of the modern world, with very creative and carefully considered imagery. Something I didn't notice at first is that everyone in it has their eyes closed, except for the very last shot.
>>885 >Something I didn't notice at first is that everyone in it has their eyes closed, except for the very last shot. I didn't notice that either. Thanks for posting. This one made a big impact on me when I first saw it, but I forgot the name so I've wanted to find it again.

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