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InActive board at anon.cafe/film

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/film/ on Letterboxd Anonymous 01/06/2020 (Mon) 19:23:38 No.547
https://letterboxd.com/8chanfilm/ /film/ Top 250 https://letterboxd.com/8chanfilm/list/film-top-250/ /film/ Favorite Shorts https://letterboxd.com/8chanfilm/list/film-favorite-shorts/ I'm surprised this account hasn't been shadowbanned or deleted just yet. Will we continue adding films to the top 250?
Why would it be deleted? Because of the 8chan link? Or is gadney/fauxteur posting uncensored Sam Raimi scripts again?
>>547 >I'm surprised this account hasn't been shadowbanned or deleted just yet. Don't believe the smears! We're a model user, bout to get a diploma.
>>547 >Will we continue adding films to the top 250? What should be added?
One of the few sane accounts on Letterboxd. That site is such a shitshow.
>>550 I would add Orozco the Embalmer. It's a documentary about an embalmer in Columbia. Besides being well paced, finely shot, etc. the film is revealing and highly effective. It's easy to get drawn into the story and atmosphere. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iGFbJfpS7Q
>550 I would add 'If....' (1968) and one of the Three Colours films, I reckon 'Three Colours: Blue', but it's a divisive question. Then again, I have no taste.
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>>550 Let me add also Edward Yang's 'Terrorizers', which is probably the first real film to embrace that hyperlink style A.G.I. capitalised on for 'Babel'. 'The lives of a couple, an amateur photographer and an injured girl intertwine.' Frederic Jameson described it as *the* postmodern film, and I do believe it is one of the more successful examples of this style.
Where to start with films? https://boxd.it/2Hlxq
>>715 Great job!

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