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Papercraft waifu Robowaifu Technician 09/16/2019 (Mon) 06:21:35 No.271
Thoughts on making a paper waifu then adding robotics? I want animu grills but, most robots have uncanny 3DPD faces that aren't nearly as cute as a real waifu. With paper/screens, at least the face can keep the purity and beauty of 2D.
>>271 While I cannot help on the robowaifu side, there are moving paper toys from this thread back at /po/. They're cute and templates can be adjusted. They're easy to store, but be careful about paper getting dusty. https://boards.4channel.org/po/thread/574188
One of my favorite topics on /robowaifu/ actually. Not only is paper lightweight as a shell material, it's also easily 'editable' w/ no software required. It can serve as a base substrate to begin doing layup for other resin-based shell techniques. It can even serve as lightweight, easily-manufacture structural supports when rolled as tight tubes glued around collections of other 'tubes' like drinking straws. Combine these tensegrity-based structural frames on the inside, and easily-crafted shell designs on the outside, tie it all together with 3D-printed joints, connectors, bearings, pivots etc., and you have a lightweight robowaifu base from which to begin a design with. On top of all that it's cheap! I hope papercraft-waifu Anon finds us again and starts posting here again tbh.
>related xpost >>9176
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so, i decidated to make a paper torso just because "why not?", and the results are pretty obvious, it weight like a paper leaf, too weak for sex and almost anything. but is a interesting concept has a way to plan designs and has a mold. posting in this thread because is kinda of a shitpost >=== moved here b/c a) it's not at all a shitpost, and b) on-topic ITT
>>14119 You've restored some faith into the papercraft waifu prospect. I recommend you strengthen it by spraying a plastic based paint. Paper makes an excellent substrate for other materials to reinforce.
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>>14124 >why? Because one of the advantages of paper is being very cheap, so even a failed is not so big of a deal. So you can take your time searching for the right design and strategy without worrying too much about cost. >papercraft waifu idea might be useful as a concept to build very simple waifus models You will be surprised by how those things can become complex, but its hard to make it right. employing others materials will add more quality at higher costs and complexity, pics are from japs and what they can do. >>14123 I learned the hard way how important strengthening is, well worth the cost that still keeps the total project under $10
>>14125 >So you can take your time searching for the right design and strategy without worrying too much about cost. That's exceptionally good wisdom Anon, and it's why I also have been using paper to prototype shells (and even structural components) for a few years now. I use card-stock reams, since they are rather more rigid than regular printing paper, yet the inexpensive value of it is still exceptionally high relative to basically almost all other prototyping materials I've managed to come across.
>>14124 I went on and started to try my idea out. Whenever I saw that Madoka chibi doll in OP >>271, I thought, this could be printed or at least be the inspiration for something which can be. So, I made a very early prototype for the face here: >>14168 - It's not really good yet, but it didn't take much time and shows that it can be done. I'll post about future progress in the face design thread >>9. I also started to design a skull which is in the posting following the face prototype linked above.
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Maybe semi-2D is the answer. Our love is 2D, so maybe we should bring 2D to us.

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