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BD/LD Audio Remuxes Anonymous 02/24/2020 (Mon) 21:28:08 No.710
There's a lot BD released out there with audio that is much inferior to older releases (most notably Laser Discs) but still with better video. Are there any ongoing projects of syncing/remuxing older audio tracks with the newer video? Looking into I see a lot of posts complaining about poor audio but nothing about syncing it with the better existing tracks.
Here's a good resource for cataloging audio quality among different releases. http://blah-ray.blogspot.com/
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Interesting site. Maybe this is a bigger problem than I realized. I remember the DVD audio was synced and muxed as the primary audio track for Heart.of.Stone.1950.720p.BluRay.x264-GABE.mkv >The Bluray audio (2nd track) is denoised and has a metallic sound.

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