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Anonymous 12/16/2019 (Mon) 16:41:48 No.476
Was 2001 A Space Odyssey jewish propaganda? I hate Also sprach Zarathustra. It's fucking loud.
In what way? Arthur C. Clarke was an Englishman. Yes Kubrick was Jewish but I don't see the propaganda in 2001 unless you work backward from that conclusion.
Open file (130.62 KB 632x821 kubrick.jpg)
>>492 Do you consider it propaganda? I don't see a compelling case. 2001 has certain aspects that align with Jewish ideas, and a small number of Jews directly involved, but I don't think the sum total of 2001 is Jewish ... or Jewish propaganda. You have to consider that Forward writes Spot-the-Jew articles for Jews. So, this article makes tenuous connections on things with minimal impact on the essence of the film. For example <While making the movie, Kubrick abandoned his clean-shaven, black suit, tie, and white-shirt New York intellectual fifties look in favor of scruffier one. It was then that he grew his distinctive beard as if obeying Leviticus 19:27 <The lead ape was played by mime artist Dan Richter, whose father was the Jewish painter and cartoonist, Mischa Richter. Appropriately, his character was called Moon-Watcher and what more obsessive moon watchers are there than Jewish calendar experts? <Part three of “2001” is called “Jupiter Mission: 18 Months Later.” Eighteen in Hebrew is equivalent in numeric value to “life” (chai), referring to double the human period of gestation and birth. For the sake of interest, J-Dar rated the film 43.76% Jewish', but the lion's share of that calculation is Kubrick himself - https://web.archive.org/web/20160708215057/http://www.j-dar.ca/#62

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