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InActive board at anon.cafe/film

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Do you visit any other film-related communities? Anonymous 02/18/2020 (Tue) 07:12:25 No.685
I guess it's kinda off-topic but given the board is slow, I figured out you won't mind my asking.
Yeah how did this board go (extra) dead all the sudden. I got busy and didn't have anything new to say. And meanwhile people are posting on the old board? Crazy. To answer your question I haven't been reading about film as much as usual lately besides torrent sites. I check in with filmboards sometimes.
I got hammered real hard in my work and will not watch any new films in detail for a good while (detail as in sitting down and concentrating) so i thought about just posting stuff about movies i already watched in the webm thread, but because they are unorthodox for the board's theme (aka not really classy stuff, iron flag related) i need to write context, and thus time to not write trashy one liners. So i haven't done anything other than check once in a while, don't have anything interesting to say either, and that carries to all the boards i posted on too. But i haven't abandoned the board, it still is one of my few obligatory visits when i check the browser. No, i don't post in anything other than this place in terms of film, posting in the torrent sites' boards also gives me chills, one slur or misplaced intention and you are gone. I do visit MovieChat to read stuff about films i watched but never write, usually i only post to have some fun because i'm already full of recommendations and college doesn't give me time to read about theory. Thank God i will finally kick it this year. >>686 >And meanwhile people are posting on the old board? Is there still posting in the old place? What's with those fellas, seeing our headline one would think everyone got the memo that 8k's place was a bunker. I can somewhat understand it as the board was always isolated from the site's main politics, which have turned very nasty in the last months.
I can't stand other non-imageboard communities anymore. Too many faggots who act like they're on Reddit. tfw you'll never have a small group of friends who are really into /film/ and regularly have movie nights
>>687 they will learn their lesson the hard way
I tried to mingle around every other site but I ended up on CG and KG forums, which seem like the most "fun", it's nice to have an actual place to discuss and share, specially for me since just moved into southern Italy and film here seems to be dead forgotten. I tried to get a production company based in my town to help my projects but I knocked on their door at their small office and they never opened lol Guess I need to go guerrilla style from now on
>>687 >but because they are unorthodox for the board's theme (aka not really classy stuff, iron flag related) My current tastes (American classics and ultra-low budget trash) don't really seem like appropriate discussion material. And yeah, I don't have much to say. It's fine lurking and just reading other posts every now and then. In terms of other sites, no I don't really visit any except a couple private trackers, IMDB and I still sometimes scroll through Letterboxd lists even though I don't have an account. >>691 You should keep pursuing other companies. The world always needs more archivists. It's a bummer when I watch a great film that hasn't seen any other release other than some shit VHS.

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