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Anonymous 02/22/2023 (Wed) 07:00:51 No.840 [Reply] [Last]
There was a lot of discussion about how physical media will all one day be historical artifacts that will 100% be absolutely useless. While some anons saying "disc rot will eventually make all disc-based media useless", other anons defending cartridges as people knocked down those too saying the actual code within those games will eventually scramble themselves into being unplayable. So that begs the question, will eventually every piece of hardware, from the CRTs to all the original hardware, be 100% useless garbage fodder, or is there a way to utilize the original casings of the games/consoles/etc to have fresh parts within making them work? What will the hobby of retro video games look like 100 years from now, will all of these things we enjoy from the 80s and 90s be cast into the void of obscurity and loss?
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>>9483 One concession was enough.
>>9543 the only concession needed was you are a retard who posts nothing but nigger pills all day and is too much of a nigger to even steal right
>>9547 >One concession was enough
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You will own NOTHING

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Dreamcast Anonymous 09/07/2023 (Thu) 08:26:39 No.5426 [Reply] [Last]
It’s time to admit the Dreamcast is still worth a look today. PS2 killed it because people wanted muh narrative experiences at the time, but now we’re in the age of boring, bloated vidya it’s worth looking back at a console all about the FUN and SOUL of an arcade at home >SOUL Calibur 1, Rival Schools 2/Project Justice, Tech Romancer, Power Stone 1 & 2, Virtua Fighter 3tb all remain home console exclusive >Still has the only perfect, definitive version of Marvel vs Capcom 2 >Original and only good version of Sonic Adventure, all ports fucked it up >Original and best versions of Crazy Taxi 1 & 2 YA YA YA YA YA >Arcade perfect House of the Dead 2 and weird, arguably better sister game Typing of the Dead >Great beat em ups remain exclusive like Sword of the Berserk, Fatlus’s first person Maken X, Sega’s Dynamite Cop and Zombie Revenge, and Capcom’s shmup-hybrid Cannon Spike >DEFINITIVE VERSIONS of Pro Skater 1 & 2, Spider-Man, Dino Crisis and Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver >Horror games Blue Stinger and D2 are still exclusive and still worth checking out >Seaman
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>>9528 >Sonic and other related anime autism Anon please.
>>5938 it was going to happen eventually, just be glad we have a couple decades worth of games to choose from and the occasional indie title not made by a tranny
>>9680 >indie title not made by a tranny Such a thing exists?
>>9682 theres a few, theres a game in the works called brutal fate made by a doom modder called sergeant mark who makes people seethe cause he referenced real life gore for his gore mods and said nigger once apparently its a game made in gzdoom, its practically a doom wad wich makes some people disqualify it as a "real" game but its something theres also some indie dev that put his game on sale in steam 41% off cause some trannies were harrassing him on twitter, dont remember his name and that stardew valley guy who seems pretty normie and isnt a faggot so yea theres a few and i'd rather pay for a literal doom wad at this point than any triple a slop coming out these days
>>9683 i think one thing to look out for that serves as a redflag is any game that has a female protagonist as the playable character, freedom planet comes to mind and the dev is unsurprisingly a troon, and the whole thing looks like deviantart trash, compare that with sparky and its totally different, funny how the latter is actually progressing their franchise while the freedom troon lets his game rot and lives his life on suicide watch needing constant reassurance from discord fags, all i know about the sparky guy is that he's a brazillian and i'd be surprised if he was a troon so yea whenever i see female leads i just assume the dev is a porn addicted faggot other redflags i can think of would be obvious shit like saying trans rights or whatever, also aggressively shilling their discord server plastering links everywhere insisting you join, good devs dont do that shit

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Silent Hill Anonymous 03/05/2023 (Sun) 16:38:00 No.1124 [Reply] [Last]
There is no “Other World” in the original Silent Hill and the fog world is the real world that’s already been over run by monsters and everyone has already been killed while the dark world is Hell merging with reality. All the nurses in Silent Hill have been “impregnated” with demons just like Cybil had. Lisa died because she became fully taken over by the parasitic demon while the parasite in Cybil was killed by the aglaophotis Harry had. Silent Hill 2 takes place in a completely different version of Silent Hill because the series was originally meant to be an anthology before Team Silent was pressured into making a follow up to Silent Hill 1’s story and at that point they just mixed mashed the two different concepts of Silent Hill into the confusing mess it is know for today
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>>9671 >all this slop Poor SH
>>9671 Each subtitle is more retarded and gay then the last. Almost impressive in a way.
>>9671 How many of them star a nigger?
>>9671 Mary, where the fuck are you...

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vidya controller thread Anonymous 02/05/2023 (Sun) 06:21:02 No.397 [Reply] [Last]
Which vidya controllers you like and are the best cause you said they are
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>>8197 Damn, Sony really went cheap on the original PS3, huh
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>>8239 Heh. The old euphemism 'Design by Committee' has today become 'Design by Diversity'.
>>8239 lmao that looks like it should be in a sex shop
>>8239 how do you use it?

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Anonymous 02/23/2023 (Thu) 21:49:57 No.895 [Reply] [Last]
Was 5th -> 6th gen transition the greatest paradigm shift that ever happened and will happen in gaming? Some people will point to 2D -> 3D and sure that was a drastic change, however, it was also so drastic that the two are not even comparable in any objective manner, like apples and oranges. Or like comparing film to animation, the two different styles could coexist side by side, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. With 5th -> 6th gen transition it was a different story entirely, the easily observable improvement was so monumental and astounding it was literally jaw dropping. We went, in a span of just few years, from ascetic blocks roughly representing the concepts they were meant to depict, where you still had to mostly use your imagination (often augmented by 2D to help bridge that gap) to fully realized, detailed characters and backgrounds that still look good today and work on every level they were intended. I don't think any leap in technology from now until eternity could ever replicate that experience. Like what can we possible have? Sci-fi level VR, holograms? I don't think those would compare and such things are no more than gimmicks anyway.
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This is why old engines look "comfy": no specular on level geometry. typically, soft, fuzzy materials are diffuse only - carpet, rubber, adobe. So in goldsrc, for example all even metal walls are rendered like carpet.
>>7128 Fuck anything HD
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I want to travel back in time.
>>8455 games looked so lively and fun
>>895 >Was 5th -> 6th gen transition the greatest paradigm shift that ever happened and will happen in gaming? yes

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Handhelds Anonymous 04/05/2023 (Wed) 16:20:27 No.2130 [Reply] [Last]
So Soyny is making a new handheld console that requires constant internet and can only work via remote play off a PS5 - https://archive.is/H63Pt But enough about horrible flops, what is the best handheld system? What are your favorite games?
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>>9578 >xbox it's gotta be gaylo
>>9571 embarrassing. Getting second hand cringe just looking at the picture
>>9571 King.
>>9180 Sorry, don't know what else to tell you. Sounds like you got power to the backlight at least. If it were me, I'd have it open and powered up, poking with a voltmeter and scope probes while looking at the schematic, working from the power supply to the processor. Unfortunately that's about all you can do at this stage, as more often than not parts will fail in ways invisible to the human eye, they're not all packed with liquid chemicals. I'd say your next step is to either git gud with electronics plus buy that BASIC KIT that the other anon said would cost TEN WHOLE RUPLES in his country or, look for one with a broken screen or something to swap parts with, since it seems like you can at least take one apart and put it back together. Good luck.
>>2131 The Vita was a fucking mistake and the PSP could have easily taken on the 3DS. All snoy had to do was hire the cfwspics to slow down piracy so publishers would stop kvetching. Instead we got an absolute abortion of a handheld with TWO bespoke proprietary cables, a new propriety game format and a new, expensive and unreliable proprietary storage format. Keep in mind UMDs were cheap as shit to produce and held more storage than 3DS carts. Double density UMDs held more storage than psvita carts for a fraction of the cost. Before you say I'm wrong, snoy now directly pays haccers to not release exploits. They just paid out 50k to someone a few months ago.

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Anonymous 11/26/2023 (Sun) 17:48:59 No.7488 [Reply]
What is your personal cut off date for retro vidya and what's your reasoning behind that date?
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Retro is when the game doesn't tell you to log in into facebook on the title screen.
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>>9644 Some generational wealth right here. Consider backing those up too - I've had a couple PS1/2 games go unreadable on me already. May need to mod the consoles to play the burned discs though IDK, I'm no expert.
>>9646 >I've had a couple PS1/2 games go unreadable on me already Those must be scratched to shit. I have a whole collection of PS1/2 and it works like it's new.
>>9644 Very nostalgic. I want to go back...

Gaming Magazines Anonymous 03/22/2023 (Wed) 05:47:27 No.1573 [Reply] [Last]
Do you miss them? Or are they antiquated? On the one hand, they couldn't compete with the lightning fast and continuously updating information online, but on the other hand, I think they were more than just a printed slice of latest info and had an entire culture about them.
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>>9582 yes
SLEEPY STATION is taking the mantle of 90's and 2000's vidya magazines Check them out: https://archive.org/details/SleepyStation/Sleepy%20Station%20%231/
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>>9604 Can you blame him?
>>9595 >zzzpedos >taking the mantle of anything but imageboard paedophilia my sides.

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Anonymous 04/26/2023 (Wed) 17:54:26 No.2623 [Reply]
Why did the 3d platformer genre lose popularity in the 00's? Afterwards it was mostly licensed games chasing trends and then it all stopped entirely.
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>>5029 Numake incoming.
What was the last good 3D platformer?
>>7697 Gravity Rush?
>>7697 Ratchet and Clank 2.
>>3807 Kino.

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Sweet Baby Inc. CEO Kim Belair Speech Urged Employees To “Terrify” Video Game Companies If they don’t give them what they want Anonymous 03/07/2024 (Thu) 02:34:50 No.9592 [Reply]
Sweet Baby Inc. CEO Kim Belair Speech Urged Employees To “Terrify” Video Game Companies If they don’t give them what they want. https://archive.md/g60ji >Sweet Baby Inc. CEO Kim Belair makes it clear the purpose is to forget about gamers entirely and terrorize video game companies in a statement found on Twitter / X. It highlights their entire philosophy in a way which shows they shouldn’t be involved in any productions. >Sweet Baby Inc. garnered attention due to its involvement with the latest Rocksteady game, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. Much of the game’s content was criticized for its lack of respect towards the source material. The company has been associated with several other controversial games, including Starfield, Forspoken, Gotham Knights, Spiderman 2, and the reboot of Saints Row, which led to the closure of its development studio, Volition. A Steam user, Kabrutus, created a Steam Curator list titled “Sweet Baby Inc detected” which list tracks the games that Sweet Baby Inc is involved in and does not recommend them to followers. >Subsequently, an employee of Sweet Baby Inc, Chris Kindred, made attempts to have Kabrutus and his Steam Curator list, titled “Sweet Baby Inc detected,” removed. Kindred took to X to voice his concerns, stating, “The Steam curator harassment group, Sweet Baby Inc detected, is led by this person, kabrutusrambo. Here’s them trying to be slick so they don’t get reported. Even with the discriminatory language filed off, the group itself still fails the code of conduct.” Kindred then urged others to report the group, saying, “Anyway, report the group,” and concluded with, “And report the creator since he loves his account so much.” >Now people have found video clips of the CEO of Sweet Baby Inc, Kim Belair showing that bullying and terrorising tactics is nothing new to Sweet Baby Inc. Posting a clip from a game developers conference, X user GamesNosh exposed Kim Belair: “The Co-Founder of Sweet Baby Inc Kim Belair proudly explains the method she uses to force bosses at game studios to censor, alter, and “diversify” game projects she feels are problematic – “Terrify them” aka threaten them with the anger of the cancel culture mob.” >In the full video clip, Kim Belair makes clear that the Sweet Baby Inc. game dev philosophy is to forget about the core audience, force diversity into games, sneak it in there if necessary, and use terror tactics and threats if you don’t get your way. >Kim Belair said at the conference: “Create moments that are intentionally targeted and designed to create joy in the marginalized. They are going to appreciate this on a level that your core audience won’t, but it doesn’t mean you’re going to exclude your core audience.” >Kim Belair continued: “Also, don’t fall into this trap that I think a lot of people fall into, which is they think, “Okay, don’t worry.” We can include everyone by making this like a single default universal experience that is universally representative. Because usually, like all that means, as it did in the dating example, is that you’re aiming at your core demographic and you’re probably invisibly leaning towards the dominant societal voice, even if you don’t realize it. Um, and if you’re in development and you are part of that dominant voice, you’re like a cis-hetero white dude or just adjacent to that, do not wait until the end to call your consultants. Bring them in at the beginning.” >She added: “And instead of asking them, “Hey, is this very racist thing we did very racist or is this deeply offensive thing we did deeply offensive? Are you hurt by it?” Ask them what they want to see. Like, ask them what would thrill them, what would bring them joy. And if you have a team lead, put that request to them very, very early. If you’re a creative working in AAA, which I did for many, many years, put this stuff up to your higher-ups. And if they don’t see the value in what you’re asking for when you ask for consultants, when you ask for research, go have a coffee with your marketing team and just terrify them with the possibility of what’s going to happen if they don’t give you what you want.” >The statements by Sweet Baby Inc.’s CEO only make matters worse for the company which is already embattled in so many problems from the core audience who don’t want this nonsense in their entertainment.

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