/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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Open file (522.71 KB 1920x1080 gen.png)
Nandroid Generator SoaringMoon 02/29/2024 (Thu) 13:54:14 No.30003
I made a generator to generate nandroid images. You can use it in browser, but a desktop version (that should easier to use), will be available. https://soaringmoon.itch.io/nandroid-generator Not very mobile friendly unfortunately, but it does run. I made a post about this already in another thread, but I wanted to make improvements and add features to the software. >If you have any suggestions or ideas other than custom color selection, which I am working on right now, let me know.
Open file (3.52 MB 1920x1080 2024-02-29 10-37-37.mp4)
>>30003 Adding transparent export.
Open file (1.96 MB 1920x1080 2024-02-29 10-53-28.mp4)
>>30005 Added heterochromia.
>>30003 Any plans for release on Linux?
>>30032 Well the browser version SHOULD work. You would be willing to text a linux port?
>>30005 This is amazing!
>>30053 Thank you, if you have any suggestions let me know.
Conceivably, you could just keep expanding this project out until you had a virtual waifu system, SoaringMoon. Good work! Cheers. :^)
>>30062 I thought about doing an interactive buddy sort of thing, but really don't want to have to deal with API and sentiment analysis stuff in game maker.
>>30065 I see. Well, it's already a fun project by the looks of it. I wish you luck with wherever you go with it, Anon. Cheers. :^)
>>30065 You could use a text file to talk between gamemaker and a python script. I know about this as I threw something like that together so I can start development on a mech simulator using gamemaker as a base (I found a 3d engine for it but that's a little off topic). You have the python write the data to a text file, and gamemaker reads the text file and checks the data to determine what to do, or vice-versa.
>>30077 This. Using specified textfile 'mailboxes' is a very well-established approach in computer science for interprocess-communications (such as with this example). Arguably, it's also the simplest one to implement (though such a system may experience some latencies -- particularly on OSs that have wonky filesystems). >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/03/2024 (Sun) 14:03:30.
>>30077 >>30083 I could, but I'm not going to. Let some other more skilled anon handle that task.

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