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Elaine Miller / Failcow / 764 Groomistress Unironic Ralphamale 04/05/2024 (Fri) 06:30:05 ID: b244b6 No.247952
If you're here, she needs no introduction but she certainly needs her own thread since she's gone beyond a sektur gnat to full blown defender of an international child abuse ring. When TheTheGatorGamerGamer said she'd become a sektur focal point, it wasn't a compliment.
First of all Elaine, the people you are for whatever reason shielding with your already abysmal reputation are the exact people who groomed you into harming and humiliating yourself. You've always been a step or two behind what's actually happening, so I expect in six months you'll concoct some insane cope (which no one will believe) about how you were watching them as a protector of children or whatever the fuck. Either way, literally no one believes you. You burned credibility in exchange for attention withing the first week of anyone knowing your name.
Second, attention is not validation. People stare at ballerinas, people stare at dogs shitting. You are an overly aggressive chihuahua in a tutu shitting in the middle of the living room. It's quite the spectacle. But you've turned yourself into an ugly little creature, snarling at your own shadow, wearing a uniform that doesn't belong to you, doing something disgusting where you don't belong, in front of all and sundry. To the extent that anyone outside of LCF has ever been wary of you, you've lost that edge with your 17 year old cat's paw going to the peepeepoopoo rape dungeon for the next 20 years. Right about now would be the appropriate time to heel turn. No one is sure of how you imagine your story will conclude but it's going to assuredly be ugly if you cannot put pride and obstinance aside.
Anyway, someone post her butthole again for the millionth time to wash away the essay posting. Thread will be bumped daily until she goes to rehab for 6 months
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>>247956 >post her butthole :)
cringestorian x thread
>>247952 Write a better OP c'mon dude I could write better in my sleep lmfao
>>247952 >>247954 >>247955 >>247956 Ever think she's just a mean crazy bitch that likes the attention and how everything feeds into her delusions of grandeur? People can be pieces of shit without having been groomed into it. You can't groom someone who jumps head first into it for shits and giggles. You can't change a crazy person with advice or some mean words.They're crazy. All you can do is introduce new information to see what happens. The only way you can really change someone is through shock trauma or constant training and reinforcement. The only way you can change a crazy person is treatment for the craziness. You gonna give this bitch her meds? No? Then stop trying to change her or expect anything different from her than you've already seen. Much like the majority of lolcows, if they could change, they wouldn't be here.
>>247952 She's getting a thread bickers daddy gym is fighting with her? Let the foxdickfarm faggots have her
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>>247963 lol no, i could write better shit than this
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OP is probably some newfag who just found out about Lainey from Daddy Gym
>>247952 She has this aristocratic, English lady look to her. Like she is right out of a Jane Austen novel.
I followed Elaine for a while, it's amazing how she started from an innocent livestream with Lillee Jean, and became... this creature. This is what too much internet does to people.
Elaine > metofag and sprate homo the foxdick writer for daddy jim
>>248484 Son of Tiamat is living rent free in your pedo balding head.
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>>248801 >elainephotofiltered.jpg

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